Mrs. Keser’s 6th Grade GATE Math and Science
Teaching Background This is my 21st year of teaching. I started out teaching in Colorado in 1st and 4th grade. In Redlands I started as a 7th/8th grade English teacher at Moore Middle School. Halfway through the year I moved to 6th grade math and science. I taught 4th and 5th grade at Cram Elementary for several years. This is my eighth year at Beattie Middle School.
Organization is one key to a successful year Binder Students will participate in a weekly binder shake worth 10 points . Students should have all required supplies (ex. red pen, pencils, highliter, paper, agenda, etc.) Students should be able to open their binders upside down and shake it without any papers falling out. Assignments and handouts related to the units being studied should be in the math and science section of the binder. No papers should be in folders or front and back pockets. Agenda Students should have homework written in the correct subject area. Homework is posted on the weekly assignment board. Students should check their agenda daily. Don’t rely on memory. There are too many teachers, assignments, due dates, and extra curricular activities. Class and homework is posted on the Beattie website.
Late Assignments Students will receive full credit for assignments turned in on time. Assignments turned in one day late or after the assignment has been collected will receive 10% off the grade earned. Assignments turned in two days late will receive 20% off the grade earned. No assignments will be accepted more than two days late. Assignments turned in without a name will receive 10% off the grade earned and be placed in the “No Name Basket.”
Make-Up Work Attendance is the key to success in school. If your child is absent they are expected to make-up the work they missed. Here are the steps to follow for make-up work: Check the classroom website for assignments- Check your agenda and the weekly assignment board or notebook. Ask the teacher for any needed assignments at an appropriate time frame (students are given the number of days absent plus two more to complete and turn in all make-up work.) Students who are absent on the day a long term assignment is given or during the duration of a long term assignment should see the teacher regarding the due date.
Grading Categories and Scale Science Opener This will be a table group or class review of content discussed the previous day or in the chapter. Lesson This will be reading from the textbook, an investigation, or activity. Reflection This will be a self reflection in the form of an exit ticket, doodle, cartoon, tweet, question, etc. Homework discussion Science Website Grading Categories and Scale Projects Assessments Assignments Semester Exam Binders 97-100= A+ 93-96= A 90-92= A- 87-89= B+ 83-86= B 80-82= B- 77-79= C+ 73-76= C 70-72= C- 67-69= D+ 63-66= D 60-62= D- 0-59= F
Next Generation Science Standards To help with the transition to the Next Generation Science Standards the school district has written a three year Middle School Integrated Science Course Phase-In Plan to ensure that no gaps or overlap of content for any classes of students. Full implementation of the integrated course module using the Next Generation Science Standards will not occur until 2019-2020. The 2017-2018 school year brings no shift in content. It only eliminated in our current standards/curriculum content that is not part of NGSS. This will allow teachers time to go in- depth with inquiry based instruction for the remaining concepts. In 2018-2019 there are some shifts in content with the remainder of the content shifting in the 2019-2020 school year. The integrated module means all grade levels will be teaching life science, Earth & space science, and physical science.
The primary goal of the Carnegie Learning Math Series is to get students to think! Textbook Students build on prior knowledge and obtain new knowledge by solving real-world problems. Students work in collaborative groups using consumable textbooks to make connections among different mathematical concepts and understand relationships. They will think critically, reason mathematically, and learn from each other. Table Group Jobs Facilitator Recorder Presenter Connector We typically work out of the textbook on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. MATHia MATHia is individual learning to practice the mathematical concepts of each topic using technology. Real time dashboards give students specific insight into where they are and where they are heading. Mondays and Fridays students typically work on MATHia
Math Math Reflection Grading Categories Students are expected to complete one math reflection each week for homework. The reflection should be very detailed and written in complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Math Website Grading Categories Assignments Assessments Semester Exams Binders 97-100= A+ 93-96= A 90-92= A- 87-89= B+ 83-86= B 80-82= B- 77-79= C+ 73-76= C 70-72= C- 67-69= D+ 63-66= D 60-62= D- 0-59= F
GATE GATE is… Accelerated pacing Depth and Complexity Taught using icons Depths icons- learning more about a topic Complexity icons- connections, patterns, relationships Math icons Thinking maps Creativity and Ambiguity
Staying Informed Beattie Website Teacher website Log on to the Beattie website Click on “Teacher Pages” Click on “Kristi Keser” Grades are available online Log on the Beattie website Click on “Quick Links” Click on Contact the Teacher Phone: 307-2400 ext. 40632 Email: