Presented this evening by Ms. Jenny Mykytenko Salvete Parentes! Hello Parents! Welcome to the Grade VI Latin Open House! Presented this evening by Ms. Jenny Mykytenko
Educational Background and career choice BA in Classics (Latin & Ancient Greek) from College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA MS in Education from Mount St. Mary College, Newburgh, NY MA in Teaching and Foundations, Fairfield U Why teach Latin? Why middle school? - Sharing my passion/knowledge with others; helping young minds grow and develop lifelong skills
Benefits of Latin The stereotype = One has to be smart to take Latin; The reality = Latin helps one become smarter! Improves or enhances numerous academic skills (vocabulary, reading, writing, terminology, etc.) Interdisciplinary aspect/connection-making across subjects 21st century skills. Latin promotes higher order thinking (e.g. critical thinking, problem solving, metacognition) Latin is the basis for the Romance languages Latin not dead/found in everyday use (alphabet, derivatives, expressions, Roman numerals, abbreviations, etc .) Allows us to better understand ourselves as well as appreciate other perspectives, as we compare and contrast our own culture with the Roman culture & customs… The past serves as a link to today
6th grade Curriculum Overview Vocabulary, Grammar, and Culture Grammar: Cumulative approach (progressive and sequential)… Basic expressions to basic sentence structure. This year, students will grasp the grammatical fundamentals of the language and practice using specific linguistic terminology. Culture: Rome to Pompeii More than a language… Making personal and meaningful connections to the learning *Benchmark Assessments 3x a year to demonstrate student growth*
Beginning of Year Content/Themes Basic Latin greetings and phrases (e.g. Quid agis hodie?) Roman naming system Life in ancient Rome/Daily life Maps (Roman Empire, city of Rome, Roman Forum) Famous sites (Colosseum, Circus Maximus, etc.) Famous Romans (Julius Caesar, Augustus, etc.) Classroom terms (wall = murus, window = fenestra) Counting and Roman numerals, related derivatives Calendar (days of the week and months) Mythology/Gods and Goddesses Timeline/major events in Roman history
Cambridge Latin Series, Unit I 5 chapters (stages) covered this year. Set in Pompeii: The Family (Caecilius) Roman Villa (in villa) Daily life/Business (negotium) Pompeiian Forum (in foro) The Theater (in theatro) (User-friendly set-up; stories appeal to this age-group) *Teacher developed units go above and beyond material found in the primary textbook. The unit packets students receive typically include vocabulary lists, derivative practice, grammar explanation and related exercises specific to each unit, story comprehension questions, and a review sheet for the test. Students will receive hand-outs from time to time, in addition to the packets themselves. These papers are to be kept in their binders throughout the year and serve as additional resources and learning guides.
Understanding the structure of the language… Latin is an inflected language. It consists of patterns and endings and does not rely on word order (also, there are no articles): subject DO V DO subject V Canis felem videt. Felem canis videt. The dog sees the cat. The dog sees the cat. In addition to knowing the vocabulary, attention to details, patterns, and endings is key. *Pronunciation is mainly phonetic; “V” sounds like a “W”
- o video = I see/I am seeing - s vides = you (sg.) see Personal pronouns exist, but are not necessary. The endings on verbs are used to identify who is doing the action, and also establish when the action occurs (i.e. tense): Present tense personal endings and full verb examples… - o video = I see/I am seeing - s vides = you (sg.) see - t videt = he/she/it sees - mus videmus = we see - tis videtis = you (pl.) see - nt vident = they see videbam = I was seeing (imperfect tense) videbo = I will see (future tense)
Activities & More Opportunities for group work/cooperative tasks Student ownership of learning and accountability Creative and relevant projects Use of laptops/technology as an educational tool Educational Videos Games Different learning styles recognized… Sing songs, perform skits, illustrate ideas Celebrating accomplishments
Tips for succeeding in Latin Maintain good study habits Pay attention in class, study every day, be willing to learn from mistakes Consistency! Develop a study routine/schedule Make or utilize resources: add post-its to packet pages, Quizlet, study buddy sessions Strategies: flashcards, sing to learn, consider what works well in other classes and apply here Seek extra help if applicable
Grading and Expectations Come to class prepared Be respectful Homework consistency and completion Maintain good study habits/Keep up with vocab… finding the “right” strategies Quizzes/checks for understanding on important concepts leading up to tests at the end of each unit. Tests given approximately every few weeks. Tests must be signed. **Please visit my homework website!** Extra help can be scheduled, if needed Grades: viewable via Powerschool Portal
Contact information E-mail address = I believe strongly in working together to create a positive personal experience and successful academic year for your child
Your child is participating in an exciting, ongoing legacy! The Roman world = an essential piece of the past Your child = an essential piece of the future
Thank you for coming this evening! Multas Gratias et Valete Omnes!