Scientific tools
Triple beam balance Function: used to precisely measure mass
Graduated cylinder Function: used to measure the volume of a liquid
Safety goggles Function: provide protection for the eyes to prevent any foreign object from entering
Beaker Function: a container used for stirring, mixing, heating, and measuring liquids
Test tube Function: used for mixing as well as holding small amounts of liquid
forceps Function: used for grasping and holding objects
Litmus paper Function: used for determining if a solution is acidic or basic
PH Paper Function: used for measuring how acidic or basic a solution is
Test tube rack Function: used for holding test tubes while stirring or mixing liquids
thermometer Function: used for measuring the temperature of a liquid
Magnifying glass Function: used for viewing materials up close and with more detail
pipettes Function: used for adding small amounts of a liquid to another liquid
Test tube brushes Function: used to clean a test tube after the completion of an experiment
Petri dishes Function: used to grow cultures of bacteria or any other substance
Compound light microscope Function: used to magnify very small objects, such as a cell, many times in order to view more easily
slide Function: used to hold a specimen in order to view it under the microscope
Cover slip Function: used to cover and protect a specimen on a microscope slide
Erlenmeyer flask Function: used for swirling and mixing of liquids without the fear of the liquids splashing out
funnel Function: used for guiding the pouring of liquid into a container with a small opening
Dissection pan Function: used for holding material while preforming a dissection
scalpels Function: a small, very, sharp knife used for cutting
Dissecting pins Function: used to pin down a specimen during a dissection
tweezers Function: small tools used for picking up small objects that the hands cannot grasp
Meter stick Function: used for measuring materials in the unit meter
Lab coat Function: used to protect clothing from any harsh chemicals or spills that may occur in the lab