Sun Shiner A solar energy based affordable water heater. Nikila C. 12 U.S.A
Build an affordable clean energy device The global problem we face today is energy crisis and clean energy. Due to the population growth and industrial development, the demand for energy is enormous and the use of nonrenewable energy leads to the shortage of energy. Also, the use of energy sources like coal and oil leads to air pollution. Hence, there is a need to find and use the renewable energy that is clean. The use of solar energy is very expensive. Solar energy is a source that is renewable and clean. There are several solutions available in the market today to use the solar energy for various purposes by using the solar panels. The cost of manufacturing the solar panels are high. This problem impacts people who cannot afford to buy solar panels. The reason for choosing to solve this problem is the challenge that this problem poses, and the ability to help the people who cannot afford to buy the solar panels. Invent an affordable solar energy based device. Sun shiner is the solar energy based water heater that is affordable. This device uses solar energy and produces the heat, so that the water can be heated. This device is built using inexpensive materials. This invention will be most useful in places where solar energy is available in plenty throughout the day and where people cannot afford to use alternative and clean energy.
Heat absorption, reflection and conduction In order to make a solar energy based water heater, three different kind of materials are required as listed below. Gaining the heat using absorption and Reflection. First, solar energy needs to be absorbed by a material. A black object can be used as a heat absorbing material, since it absorbs all wavelengths of the light and converts them to heat. Heat gain can also be increased by reflecting the sunlight energy on to the device. Storing the heat by trapping it. Next, absorbed energy needs to be stored as the heat energy. A glass lid can pass the sunlight inside the device. Once the device inside heats up, the glass lid can trap the heat inside the device. Also, the use of heavy materials will help to store the heat and they release it to the air inside the device slowly. Avoiding the heat loss due to conduction. Lastly, the heat that will be lost to the surrounding environment needs to be prevented. To avoid the heat loss an insulating material needs to be used to limit the heat conductivity and loss. The above scientific principles will help build the device.
Design of the invention Inside of a smaller cardboard box is covered with black paint or black material to absorb the heat. Additional boards are made with reflective material for reflecting light energy on to the device. A Glass lid is used to close the smaller box. It passes light energy inside the device and traps the heat inside the box. Inside of a bigger cardboard box is covered with the tin foil as a reflective material for heat gain. Tin foil inside box The smaller black box is placed inside the big box
Steps and Pictures of the creation Cardboard box--> Tinfoil covered inside (Light Reflection) Black material ---> smaller box to absorb the heat light Additional reflectors with tin foil Finished Product
Results of the Invention The results of the experiment is graphed as, the time the device is in the sunlight Versus the temperature of the water. The independent variable is the amount of time the device is out in the sunlight. The control levels are 0.5hr.,1.0hr.,1.5hr.,2.0hr.,2.5hr., and 3.0hr. The dependent variable is the amount of heat, the temperature that water reaches, which I is measured using a thermometer. The constants in this test is the amount of water and the location of the device. Expected result is plotted below. More testing will be carried out during the summer. Testing in progress The effect of time the heater in the sunlight on water temperature Water temperature in Fahrenheit Time in hours the heater is in the sunlight
Improvements to the Device 1. Parabolic Reflectors In order to help the device to heat the water quickly, one of the main improvements that were made is the use of reflectors along with absorbing and insulating material. The idea is to reflect more sunlight on the solar water heating device, so that it can heat the water faster. The research indicated that use of a reflector shaped like a parabola will focus the solar light energy that it receives in to a one focal point. Hence, the parabolic reflector can be placed such that it can focus the scattered light rays into one point in the heating device. The dish antenna that is used to received the Television signal from the satellite work the same way. 2. Cross cut shaped Device In order to receive maximum direct sunlight on the device, the shape of the device can be altered. Instead of having the box shape, the box needs to be cut diagonally to get a cross cut shaped device. This way the maximum sunlight can fall on the device, from all directions, so that maximum heat can be produced. The box is cross cut diagonally and parts marked with X removed to allow maximum sunlight from all directions Parabolic shaped material is wrapped in tin foil to act as a reflector to focus the light on to the device
Works Great…It’s Free…Save Money…Live Healthy… Sun Shiner works great and It’s free. If you believe science, then you can be sure that it works! It is simple scientific principles that helps to build this device. Ask your children, they will really like to buy it. That’s right. It’s free. You can use the principles explained in this presentation and make your own version of the device. Heat can be used not to just heat water, but you can use it for cooking. You can use any type of material that you have to customize the device to your needs. You do not have to worry about power going out or expenses related to using cooking gas. You can make this under $5.00 or you can customize it to make it look as you like. Save Money If you are not comfortable making it, you can contact us, we will help you make it. We will charge $5.00 for making it. It is still very inexpensive, but it saves your energy costs and costs associated with buying solar panels. Now, without the solar panels you can use the solar energy for your house hold needs. As a special promotion, Buy 2 and get one Free! This is only for first 50 customers! Hurry it won’t last long. Live Healthy This is the most important part. Are you aware of air pollution and global warming? Are you worried about energy crisis and air pollution for your future generations and how the world would turn in to in 100 years? The Sun shiner device uses solar energy and it is clean energy. Our Goal is to keep the earth clean and green. Buy the device, live healthy, help generations to come.