“To let all things flow” Exploring a Spirituality for Justice OPENING PRAYER
Let us gather…breath …allowing the presence of love that gives life to all things to be with us. One by Birdtalker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odlw8WdsZS8
Welcome to Country – Aunty Elsie
Mary’s Song of Praise – The Magnificat: A reading from the Holy Gospel According to Luke
A Ritual of bringing into presence… In her article Mary of the Magnificat: A Heart on Fire, Elizabeth Johnson recalls the prayerful practice amongst the people of El Salvador who in an act of remembrance would call to mind those who had gone before them as martyrs. We too bring into our presence through remembrance, the First Nation’s people of this place and all places represented here this morning. We remember the life and spirit of Blessed Edmund Rice, who in responding to the presence of Christ, created the path we follow. We remember the communities we come from and all life held within it. We remember our own light and brokenness and that of the world we call home.
Our Prayer of Hope We pray that our time together will gather us more deeply into the liberating presence of God’s mysterious love. We ask that the encounters we share grace us with the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the arms to bear the beams of this love. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.