Today we are going to: Outline the term “communication”. Identify briefly the differing communication techniques. Focus specifically on aspects of Non-verbal communication and their influences on everyday life. Brief sentences to introduce what we will be discussing.
What is communication? Communication is the term used to describe the giving and/or receiving of information, through any medium. Here we could get them to write a sentence on what they think communication means, or what they think of when they hear the word.
Pictures showing communication types. We can talk around the pictures.
Non-verbal communication Most of us will have listed speaking to people as a form of communication but the importance of non-verbal forms of communication cannot be underestimated. Non-verbal = Not involving audible, spoken language. We all use non-verbal communication everyday, even without being aware of it. Brief definition of non-verbal to lead into the forms we have identified. Found this funny peter Kay clip to show, bout 2 mins of to show people talk with their hands. Anyone who can get this to open on here please do !! Otherwise we will have to open it on the computer seperately and just go to it at this point.
Other types of Non-verbal communication
Clothing Again we can talk around the pictures and explain the significance. Clothing can show affiliation to groups within society and tell others something about us, without us having to speak.
Signs and symbols Signs and symbols can give information, without even using any written words. Some signs have a global meaning and understanding like the traffic lights.
Photos, pictures and imagery. Sometimes a visual effect can say more than any spoken words and, more efficiently in the case of maps.
Body language Body language and hand gestures can convey feelings and emotions without the need for speech.
Lets try it out! Taking inspiration from you are going to pass a message using body gestures and lip reading. NO MAKING SOUNDS OR SPEAKING TO EACH OTHER! Each group will have to pass a message and the group with the most accurate recount will be the winners! We will split them into a couple of groups and get them to pass the messages NO Speaking! We can work out a few messages next week.
That’s all folks! Hopefully you have had a thorough overview of communication and how it has evolved over the years, from smoke signals and posters to tattoos and texting! Maybe we have even given you some food for thought when it comes to your own non-verbal signals!
Today we have: Talked about the term communication and what it means to us. Looked at different ways that can be used to communicate, different forms of communication. Talked about non-verbal communication and the ways in which it is used in our everyday lives. Get the class to name and remember some of the ways to communicate.
Further reading… All images taken from Google images Argyle, M. (1988) Bodily communication. London : Routledge. Beattie, G. (2003) Visible Thought: The new psychology of body language. London: Routledge. Hartley, P. (1999) Interpersonal communication. London: Routledge. Matsumo, D.R. Etal (2012) Nonverbal communication: Science and Applications. London: Sage. Mehrabian, A. (2007) Nonverbal Communication. Piscataway: Aldine Transaction. All images taken from Google images