HCS Learner Profiles How do I get to my HCS Learner Profile? www.henry.k12.ga.us/lp There is a link on the LHS website on the right hand side. What is my login information? User ID: StudentNumber Password: First Name Initial + Last Name Initial + 6 Digit Birthday + Hashtag (#) Why are we using a Learner Profile? Personalized Learning gives you more control of your education. This tool allows you to enter information that will help your teachers, advisor, and counselor to see improve your learning experiences.
Logging into HCS Learner Profile User ID: StudentNumber Password: First Name Initial + Last Name Initial + 6 Digit Birthday + Hashtag (#)
Learner Profile Tabs The following slides show each tab on your Learner Profile, along with a description of the type of information on the tab. During Advisory, you’ll receive specific items that you should update in the Learner Profile. You can access your profile at any time, and we want you to use this tool as much as possible. Teachers and counselors (and eventually parents) also have access to the Learner Profile. You can complete the following tasks at any time: Surveys and Pulse Checks (on your Home Page) Strengths and Interests (on your Attributes tab)
Tab 1 - Student Overview demographic data, parent information (updated from Infinite Campus) support team (includes all teachers on class schedule with ability to add coaches, mentors, etc.) summary of goals (academic in 2016, expanding to academic, college/career and personal in 2017)
Tab 2 – Personalized Learning Plan using data (MAP test, formative/summative assessments feedback, mid-year assessment feedback) from courses to set academic goals with measurable action steps working with advisers and counselors to set college/career goals with measurable action steps self-reflecting to set personal goals with measurable action steps
Tab 3 – Attributes (strengths and instructional considerations) teachers and students collaborate to report student strengths teachers and students collaborate to report instructional considerations (learning styles, multiple intelligences, etc.) summary of habits and dispositions (next slide)
Tab 3, continued – Attributes (habits/dispositions and interests) students complete quizzes/pulse checks in Learner Profile to generate measures of habits/dispositions students self-report personal interests; teachers consider these interest in planning
Tab 4 – Electronic Portfolio students upload documents which demonstrate proficiency plan to use this space as a component of our senior capstone
Tab 4, continued – Electronic Portfolio select the ‘Change’ button to choose the 21st century skill folder for the artifact select the ‘Browse’ button to find the document to upload
Tab 5 – Schedule course schedule teachers (including advisers/coaches)
Tab 6 – Assessments specific state testing data teachers use these (plus other data) to plan instruction
Tab 7 – Notes teachers and students can add notes in this section
Student Academic Goals Your teachers will have a conference with you in January to discuss your progress towards mastery in class. For each of your classes: Determine at least one academic goal with your teacher. Determine the action steps you need to complete to achieve this goal. Determine an appropriate deadline for completing your goal. You are responsible for entering all six (6) academic goals into your Learner Profile. You can do this during Rotational or Choice IF, or during Advisory.
Creating Goals in the Learner Profile Click on “Add Goal” to create a new academic goal.
Creating Goals in the Learner Profile Choose the type of goal to create. Choose the appropriate length of time to achieve your goal. Set a deadline to meet your goal. Add some details about your goal. Be as specific as possible. For instance, instead of writing “I want to pass Science,” write “I want to pass Science with an 80% or higher, and earn A’s on all of my projects.”
Adding Action Steps to a Goal
Adding Action Steps to a Goal Add a start date, due date, and title of the specific task/action step. Add some details about specific steps you’ll take to achieve your goal. Be as specific as possible. For instance, instead of writing “I will complete my first project,” write all of the specific steps you will take to complete your first project. Choose a topic. Research my topic during Rotational IF. Write my first draft of the research paper. Collaborate with other students to create a visual. Revise the draft of research paper. Revise visual presentation. Present findings to the class. Reflect on the process of creating the project. What did I do well and what do I need to improve? Add attachments as action steps. This could be a project sheet, rubric, etc.
Other Features in the Learner Profile Throughout the semester, you’ll fill in other parts of your Learner Profile. Feel free to explore and edit the information in your Learner Profile, but keep in mind that all of your teachers, administrators, and counselors will see the information you put here. (Parents will also have access later in the semester.)