The Holy Book of Genesis


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Presentation transcript:

The Holy Book of Genesis The Outline of the Book of Genesis The first division, chapters 1-11 The creation (chapters 1-2) The fall (chapters 3-5) The flood (chapters 6-9) The confusion of languages of the tower of Babel The last division, chapters 12-50 Can be remembered by its four main characters Abraham (12:1-25:18) Isaac (25:19-26:35) Jacob (27-36) Joseph (37-50).

God’s Creation The Creation of Heavens and Earth (Genesis 1:1-2:3) Many interpretations exist for the first three verses of the Bible, we will briefly mention the two most popular theories: View 1: The Initial Chaos (Initial state of the universe) Theory Verse 1 would be an independent introductory statement Verse 2 would describe the state of the initial creation as unformed and unfilled Verses 3 and following begin to describe God’s working and fashioning of the mass, transforming it from chaos to cosmos The orthodox scholars hold this position

God’s Creation The Creation of Heavens and Earth (Genesis 1:1-2:3) View 2: The Re-creation (or Gap) Theory This view maintains that Genesis 1:1 describes the original creation of the earth, prior to the fall of Satan. As a result of Satan’s fall the earth lost its original state of beauty and is found in a state of chaos in Genesis 1:2 Our Church does not agree to view 2

God’s Creation The Six Days of Creation (1:1-31) Formlessness changed to Form: v 3-5 - Day 1 Light v 6-8 - Day 2 Air and water v 9-13 - Day 3 Dry land and plants; emptiness changed to habitation v 14-19 - Day 4 Luminaries (sun, moon, stars) v 20-23 - Day 5 Fish, Birds v 24-31 - Day 6 Animals, Man

God’s Creation: Day 1

God’s Creation: Day 2

God’s Creation: Day 3

God’s Creation: Day 4

God’s Creation: Day 5

God’s Creation: Day 6

God’s Creation: Day 6

God’s Creation: Day 6

God’s Creation: Day 6

God’s Creation: Day 6

God’s Creation The Meaning of Creation The creation describes the character and attributes of God God is sovereign and all-powerful: God creates with a mere command, “Let there be ... ” There is order and progress. God does not experiment, but rather skilfully fashions the creation of His design God is no mere force, but a Person God is no distant cosmic force, but a personal ever-present God. This is reflected in the fact that He creates man in His image. Man is a reflection of God. In chapter two God provided Adam with a meaningful task and with a counterpart as a helper. In the third chapter we learn that God communed with man in the garden daily

God’s Creation The Meaning of Creation: God is eternal While other creations are vague or erroneous concerning the origin of their gods, the God of Genesis is eternal. The creation describes His activity at the beginning of time (from a human standpoint). God is good Morality was woven into the fabric of creation. Repeatedly, the expression is found “it was good.” Good implies not only usefulness and completion, but also moral value. God’s goodness is reflected in His creation, which, in its original state, was good. Even today, the graciousness and goodness of God is evident.

God’s Creation The Meaning of Man: His Duty and His Delight (Genesis 1:26-31; 2:4-25) Man’s Dignity (1:26-31) Man is the crown of God’s creation. This is evident in several particulars. First, man is the last of God’s creatures. Second, man alone is created in the image of God “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27)”. Man’s ability to reason, to communicate, and to make moral decisions must be a part of his distinction. Further, man reflects God in the fact that he rules over creation. God is the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. He has delegated a small portion of His authority to man in the rule of creation.

God’s Creation The Meaning of Man: His Duty and His Delight (Genesis 1:26-31; 2:4-25) Man’s Dignity (1:26-31) Any view of man’s origin which does not view man as the product of divine design and purpose, cannot attribute to man the worth which God has given him. Our evaluation of man is directly proportionate to our estimation of God. Man’s Duty (2:4-17) Into the paradise of Eden, man was placed. While he was surely to enjoy this wonderland, he was also to cultivate it. “Then the Lord God took the man and put him into

God’s Creation Man’s Duty (2:4-17) Every part of the description of this paradise indicates that it was a real garden in a particular geographical location. Specific points of reference are given. Four rivers are named; we know two of which today. We should not be surprised, especially after the event of the flood, that changes may have occurred, which would make it impossible to locate this spot precisely. Man’s Delight (2:18-25) The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him’ (Genesis 2:18). She was to be a ‘helper,’ not a slave, and not an inferior. God is helping man through women. Just as Eve was fashioned so as to correspond to Adam in a physical way, so she complimented him socially, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally.

God’s Creation Man’s Delight (2:18-25) God put Adam in a deep sleep, and from his rib and attached flesh fashioned the woman. He then presented the woman to the man. In this expression there is a mixture of relief, ecstasy, and delighted surprise. “This (for Adam has not yet named her) is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (verse 23). For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Man is to leave his parents, not in the sense of avoiding his responsibility to them but in the sense of being dependent upon them. He must cease to live under their headship and begin to function alone as the head of a new home. The woman is not commanded similarly because she simply transfers from one head to another. While she once was subject to her father, now she is joined to her husband.