The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
The 67th Triennium 2015-2018
What to expect
We operate on Long Range Plans that we believe are sound 67th Triennium Continuity We operate on Long Range Plans that we believe are sound We communicate these plans to our members and report progress
Continuity 67th Triennium Continuity is powerful. Non-continuity is disruptive, inefficient and unproductive. We will not have the my year syndrome. WE serve for the good of OUR fraternity's future.
We have a VISION Continuity 67th Triennium We will strive to make Templary the most prestigious Concordant Body for which one may petition membership
Continuity 67th Triennium Maintain leadership development program Improve ritual portrayal Improve Public and Masonic awareness Develop pride within our Order
Maintain effective communications 67th Triennium Continuity Maintain effective communications Knight Templar Magazine Department Conferences Visit to Annual Conclaves
Continuity Masonic Unity 67th Triennium We are a sovereign organization not under control of anyone else. That is not the same as being uncooperative We will cooperate with all Freemasonry for the good of all Freemasonry.
Bicentennial 2016
Bicentennial 2016 67th Triennium Will be discussed more later today Let’s not miss out on a once in a lifetime chance Still time to plan an event
Bicentennial memorabilia Black ribbon Malta Jewels Leather Briefcases Fabric Bags
York Rite Information System 67th Triennium York Rite Information System Available to other bodies Continue to educate users New enhancements Windows 10 etc
International 67th Triennium New additions to Europe - Austria Support development of Southern Americas – Brazil, El Salvador, Peru, Paraguay Reorganize Mexico Progress in Asia
All our members are equal and important 67th Triennium International We do not have second class members All our members are equal and important
Educational Foundation 67th Triennium Educational Foundation Divisions with small funds can’t effectively invest Extensive difficulty with tax reporting Loan program ineffective
Educational Foundation 67th Triennium Educational Foundation We have $10,000,000 Managed by the states and GEKT
Educational Foundation Rules of the program being rewritten GEKT can manage funds and allow states control of use. Improved income, less expense, less work and more charitable results
Educational Foundation It is voluntary program open to the States / Divisions Several States have already asked how to sign up
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Knights Templar Eye Foundation Continue support for starter grants
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Knights Templar Eye Foundation Continue support to EyeCare America
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Knights Templar Eye Foundation KTEF Pediatric Site on AAO ONE Network Site
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Knights Templar Eye Foundation Travel Grants to ARVO Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
ARVO 2016 We allocated $60,600 (the equivalent of one starter grant) This funded 58 researchers They had about 300 grants total
ARVO The Company we keep
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Future developments Knights Templar Eye Foundation Travel Grants to ISER International Society for Eye Research New for next year
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Knights Templar Eye Foundation 2015 Our second Endowed Professor Wilmer Eye Institute Johns Hopkins University Thomas M. Bosley MD
Knights Templar Eye Foundation 67th Triennium Knights Templar Eye Foundation April 2016
Holy Land Pilgrimage Mission Statement 67th Triennium To send Ordained Christian Ministers, who would not have the opportunity to go to the Holy Land otherwise. 2017 will be the 34th Annual Pilgrimage
67th Triennium For the last three Trienniums, and now into the fourth, no withdrawals from Permanent Fund, allowing it to grow from 3.4 to 8 million dollars Encourage Grand Commanderies to practice fiscal responsibility and for them to encourage Commanderies to do the same
34 Coordinators submitted 1st year annual reports 67th Triennium Coordinators 34 Coordinators submitted 1st year annual reports
Coordinators 67th Triennium 1) Promote Grand Encampment programs – Example Easter 2) Assist Department Commanders 3) Keep Department Commander informed 4) Annual written report 5) Leadership training nominations
The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar New Plans for the future
Order of DeMolay
Sword similar to Sword of merit awarded by Eye Foundation Order of DeMolay Sword similar to Sword of merit awarded by Eye Foundation
Order of DeMolay Grand Encampment / Commandery each pays ½ the cost of Sword Grand Commanderies work with State DeMolay to write award criteria Grand Commanderies handle annual presentations (DeMolay Conclave)
Publish law Grand Encampment law online is current through September 1, 2016 Revised law is on Website Printed copies will be available through Grand Encampment office
Charity Jewel Knights Templar Eye Foundation Knights Templar Educational Foundation Holy Land Pilgrimage Grand Encampment permanent fund
The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar Time to start the next 200 years
67th Triennium Charities are great, effective management is helpful, and the Bicentennial will be fun. But is not why people join or remain.
We must care for our members and provide good programs 67th Triennium We must care for our members and provide good programs Locally Templary has the highest name recognition among new members
We need to live up to the hopes of new members so they will stay. 67th Triennium We need to live up to the hopes of new members so they will stay. If you are having fun they will too
The future is ours! We must seize the moment!