BELLWORK: September 22nd “Effects of the Second World War in Europe” – pages 190-195 WWII was more economically devastating than WWI….WHY??? Summarize the Allied plan for European recovery. How was the cultural heritage of Europe damaged by WWII? List three political effects of WWII (could include population, governments, international relations, geographical changes, colonies, etc.) THINKER: How were politics different post-WWI vs. post- WWII?
Effects of WWII in Europe
Effects in post-WWII Germany Germany was totally defeated, and the Nazi regime brought down. Its leaders were tried for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg. German cities were in ruins from a massive bombing campaign. Germany was divided into 4 zones of occupation by the victorious powers
Effects in post-WWII England England was devastated by the war, having experienced extensive bombing during the 1940 blitz by the Germans. The economy depended on recovery & aid from the United States. England rapidly phased out most of its remaining colonies in the years immediately following the war.
Effects in post-WWII France Recover from the impact of Nazi occupation Like England, France would dismantle its colonial empire in the years following the war. This was a particularly traumatic and drawn out process for the French, in Algeria and in Vietnam where they fought prolonged and bitter wars in an attempt to maintain their colonial control. England and France no longer held a status of power comparable to the United States or the Soviet Union.
Effects in post-WWII USSR The Western USSR was destroyed from land warfare But, in the process of defeating the Germans, the Russians had built a large and powerful army, which occupied most of Eastern Europe at the end of the war. WWII was seen as a triumph of communism over fascism The great resources and population of USSR assured that the Soviet Union would be, along with the United States, one of two super- powers.
Effects in post-WWII U.S. The United States economy was greatly stimulated by the war, even more so than in World War I. By avoiding the physical destruction of war, the U.S. economy dominated the world economy. After 4 years of military buildup, the U.S. had also become the leading military power. US could no longer be isolationist since all of Western Europe depended on strength of democracy. The position of the United States as world leader was now more obvious than ever.
Economic Cost #1) WWII was much more economically devastating than WWI……. WHY??? Fighting all over Europe Aerial bombing left millions dead, destroyed transportation, communication, industry and farmland Victors emerged from the conflict almost as devastated as the losers (Britain & USSR)
Economic Cost Country Cost ($ in 2010) United States $288 billion Great Britain $117 billion France $111 billion USSR $93 billion Germany $212 billion Japan $41 billion Manila, Philippines
#2) Plan for recovery???
#3) Cultural centers of Europe: 1945 Dresden & Cologne (Germany) London Warsaw
Before (left) and after (right) the Luftwaffe Bombing of Frampol, Poland. It was a practice run for future missions & almost totally destroyed the city. 90% of the town's infrastructure was destroyed; only two streets remained untouched.
Allied Bombing After the introduction of the P51B Mustang in 1944, the bombing campaign intensified and they were able to take on Luftwaffe fighters. By June 1944, the Germans were not able to recover and the Allies had total air superiority.
A B-24 bombing raid over oil refineries in Romania
German Cities Destroyed by bombing Hagen 67 / 100 Hamburg* 75 / 100 Hanover 60 / 100 Kassel 69 / 100 Kiel 50 / 100 Leipzig* 20 / 100 Magdeburg 41 / 100 Mainz 80 / 100 Mannheim 64 / 100 Munich* 42 / 100 Nuremberg 51 / 100 Stettin 53 / 100 Berlin* 33 / 100 Bochum 83 / 100 Bremen 60 / 100 Chemnitz 41 / 100 Cologne* 61 / 100 Dessau Dortmund* 54 / 100 Dresden* 59 / 100 Duisburg 48 / 100 Düsseldorf* 64 / 100 Essen* 50 / 100 Frankfurt* 52 / 100 * Indicates cities with a population over 500,000
Bombing Casualties 60,595 British civilians 160,000 airmen (Europe) More than 500,000 Soviet civilians 67,078 French civilians 305,000–600,000 civilians in Germany 50,000 Italians killed by Allied bombing
Political Consequences #4) List three political effects of WWII (could include governments, geographical changes, colonies, etc.) Massive migration, forced relocation, refugees, etc. All the countries the Red Army liberated – Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania – became one-party regimes under Stalin’s control The end of WWII (atomic bomb, Yalta, reparations) increased US-USSR hostilities = Cold War Growing hostility between the Western Allies and USSR, led to a permanent division of Germany in 1949 European countries could not maintain control of oversea empires
By the end of wwii, 20 million people were displaced
#5) THINKER: How were politics different post-WWI vs. post-WWII?
Homework: due Monday Second World War in the Pacific: Allies vs. Japan Read the “combatants” and “strategy” sections: pages 205-211 Complete the front of the green worksheet