HSA Review: Foreign Policy
Answer in a complete sentence Success Criteria 4/24/2017 1.We can identify the meaning of Foreign Policy. 2.We can compare and contrast different goals of foreign policy. 3.We can analyze scenarios to determine which goal of foreign policy is effected. 4.We can evaluate our understanding of foreign policy by completing an exit ticket. Answer in a complete sentence If you were the president do you think you would like to use military force to solve international problems or try to work them out peacefully? What would the American public think of your actions?
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News to Watch For France is holding their Presidential elections and they have their own version of Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen. She is very anti- immigration and wants France to leave the European Union and NATO.
HSA Review Unit 5 – Public Policy Today we begin with Foreign Policy Who name the: Goals Tools Organizations
HSA Review Foreign Policy strategies that a country uses to achieve its national goals around the world
Goals of Foreign Policy National Security Making sure that America is safe from attack as well as the borders are secure. Economic Prosperity Ensuring that America’s economic interests are protected. Promotes free trade
Goals of Foreign Policy World Peace The United States tries to prevent other nations from going to war as well as stopping terrorists Spread Democracy We want other nations to have similar gov’ts to ours, so we help them establish democracies
Goals of Foreign Policy Promote Human Rights We believe everyone deserves human rights so we provide aid to those who need it and punish nations who do not protect citizens’ rights
Tools of Foreign Policy Sanction Common penalty for violating international law or human rights of citizens Tariffs increased tax placed on imported goods in order to protect domestic industry
Tools of Foreign Policy Military Alliance Nations come together to protect one another and help them fight bad guys Humanitarian Aid US supplies food, medicine and other aid to nations in need and convince them to be on our side
International Organizations NATO Military alliance between North America and many European nations Red Cross Provides aid for places struck by disasters and war (including prisoners of war)
International Organizations World Health Org Works to help people around the world stay healthy and stop epidemics IMF Provides loans to poor countries from wealthy ones to help them develop
International Organizations United Nations Made up of most of the world and promotes international cooperation
Foreign Policy Gallery Walk! Read the scenario with your partner Determine what GOAL of foreign policy is demonstrated Next, decide which TOOL is being used Finally, decide which INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION would best help in this situation
Foreign Policy Exit Ticket