Third Grade Happenings Week of 9/12/16 Third Grade Happenings Mrs. Dibble Grade 3 It’s been a great start to a new year! The students are already starting to learn the routines and expectations of third grade! This week we will continue place value. We will be starting to work on reading a story and using a story map to explain it. In Social Studies we are starting our unit on government. We will be talking about the three levels of government and the community this week. Notes will come home that will help your child study this information! Please hold on to them! Book orders came home last week!l You may order online or by check written to Scholastic Book Clubs. The online code for our class is attached to the top of the book orders It is GW3DV. They will be due on September 23rd. Please send in a water bottle and snack with your child everyday. Thank you for signing the agendas nightly! Also, I have been sending out notices through the app Remind and your child’s behavior points through Class Dojo. If you are not signed up for one of these apps and you would like to be, please let me know and I will send home more information! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: PARENT NIGHT IS SEPTEMBER 15th! Third grade will be meeting in the library! Specials Schedule: Day 1: Music Day 2: Gym Day 3: Art Day 4: Technology Day 5: CUBS IMPORTANT INFO
This week we will be learning a lot of new things! Week of 12/2 2nd Grade News Mrs. Dibble Grade 2 361-7424 x3741 This week we will be learning a lot of new things! Math: This week we will finish up our study on geometry. We will compare two and three digit shapes and apply what we know to math tasks. ELA: This week we will be working on the strategy of visualizing. The skill will be compare and contrast. We will be reading the story Henry and Mudge Go Camping. Social Studies: We will be learning about different countries and their cultures and celebrations. Writing: This week we will be working on staying on topic and writing our own stories based on the book If Dogs Were Dinosaurs. Dates to remember: 1/31: Word Study test 2/14: Valentine’s Day IMPORTANT INFO
This week we will be learning a lot of new things! February 23rd, 2015 Second Grade News Second Grade This week we will be learning a lot of new things! Math: We will start learning about money. The students will need to be able to count coins, make change, and compare coins. They will need to know the monetary amount for coins as well as for a dollar bill. ELA: This week we will be reading The Great Ball Game and working on the strategy of visualizing and the skill of cause and effect. Science: We will continue to learn about weather. This week we will learn about the water cycle and different types of clouds. Writing: We will be writing about what it would be like to be a meteorologist. PTO is collecting plastic lids! Please continue to send in plastic lids with your child! The goal is 400 pounds of lids! Thank you for sending in box tops for the “Build a Snowman” competition…we have earned an extra recess when the weather gets warmer! You can continue to send in Box Tops as you collect them to help raise money for PTO! Dates to Remember: 2/20: PTO Bingo Night 2/23: Parent Conference Sign up opens 3/5: Half day for students 3/6: No School IMPORTANT INFO
This week we will be learning a lot of new things! February 23rd, 2015 Second Grade News Second Grade This week we will be learning a lot of new things! Math: We will start learning about money. The students will need to be able to count coins, make change, and compare coins. They will need to know the monetary amount for coins as well as for a dollar bill. ELA: This week we will be reading The Great Ball Game and working on the strategy of visualizing and the skill of cause and effect. Science: We will continue to learn about weather. This week we will learn about the water cycle and different types of clouds. Writing: We will be writing about what it would be like to be a meteorologist. PTO is collecting plastic lids! Please continue to send in plastic lids with your child! The goal is 400 pounds of lids! Thank you for sending in box tops for the “Build a Snowman” competition…we have earned an extra recess when the weather gets warmer! You can continue to send in Box Tops as you collect them to help raise money for PTO! Dates to Remember: 2/20: PTO Bingo Night 2/23: Parent Conference Sign up opens 3/5: Half day for students 3/6: No School IMPORTANT INFO
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