When is Nothing Something?
How Vast is the Universe? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAVjF_7ensg Hubble’s Telescope
Unit 4: Space Exploration Space Topics: Sky watching and the Solar System The nature of the Universe The history of the Universe Space research and exploration
What 5 planets are most visible from Earth?
One main difference between planets and stars Stars emit their own light Planets are visible because their surface produces reflective light from the sun
Mercury Closest to the sun Smallest planet in the solar system Similar to our moon; cratered
Venus Has no moon Is a little bit smaller than Earth Is the brightness in the sky after the sun and the moon Is named after the roman goddess of love and beauty
Earth Our planet The only planet known to have life Has one moon Has salt water oceans, continents, and islands
Mars Has 2 moons Often referred as the “Red Planet” Is named after the roman goddess of War Has volcanoes, valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps
Jupiter The largest in our solar system 2 ½ times all planets combined Is a Gas Giant planet
Saturn Is the 2nd largest in our solar system Is a Gas Giant planet Has 61 moons! Is a ringed planet (ring is mostly ice particles, rocky debris, and dust) Saturday is named after Saturn
Uranus 3rd largest planet in our solar system Is a Giant Gas planet Has 27 moons Has a ring
Neptune Has 8 moons Has a ring Is a Gas Giant planet (often called Blue Giant)
Pluto Is a dwarf planet