To the Moon and Back Charles Duke
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Why does the same side of the moon always face the earth? The earth’s rotation on its axis and the moon’s rotation on its axis take the same amount of time.
Why does the moon seem to shine? The moon’s surface reflects sunlight.
Video Card Which president began the Apollo Lunar program and set as the lofty goal to reach the moon by the end of the 1960s? John F. Kennedy
Picture Card Both the earth and the moon revolve around a common center of mass found in the earth. The gravitational pull of the moon and the earth causes the earth’s oceans to bulge on either side of the earth creating the tides. When the moons gravity pulls harder on the parts of the earth closer to the moon which tide will occur? High Tide
In which phase of the moon do you see more of the moon’s illuminated surface each night? waxing
This is the name of the system of nine planets, including Earth, and other objects that revolve around the Sun. solar system
In which phase does all of the moon’s surface face earth and reflect earth’s light? full moon
Picture Card The heating of the lunar module when it reenters the earth’s atmosphere would be an example of what? friction
In which phase do you see less of the moon’s illuminated half? waning
What do you call a meteoroid that strikes the surface of a moon or planet? meteorite
Video Card What year did man land on the moon. http://www. youtube 1969
In which phase is the moon between the earth and sun, and the moon cannot be seen because its lighted half is facing the sun and its dark side faces earth? new moon
Picture Card What do you call depressions on the moon’s surface? craters
Video – Jump Back Two Spaces Charles Duke drops his hammer and must return to the lunar module – bounce back two spaces!
The length of time it takes the moon to complete a cycle of phases Which takes longer, the moon’s orbit around the earth, or the length of time it takes the moon to complete a cycle of phases? The length of time it takes the moon to complete a cycle of phases
What is the force that acts to oppose sliding between two surfaces that are touching? friction
Picture Card In which Apollo mission was Charles Duke “Capcom”, meaning he was the only individual at mission control allowed to speak to the astronauts? Apollo 11
Video Card In 1969 Charles Duke gave this quote as he was speaking to the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission. Of what was he and others at mission control fearful? (HOF Video) “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed. Roger, Tranquility. We copy you on the ground. We’ve got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We’re breathing again.” Mission control was fearful they may have to abort the mission.
In the waxing phase of the moon the illuminated portion of the moon grows larger or smaller?
What type of eclipse occurs when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon? lunar eclipse
Picture Card Which South Carolinian was the 10th and youngest man to walk on the moon? Charles Duke
Video Card Apollo 13 experienced a catastrophic accident Video Card Apollo 13 experienced a catastrophic accident. How did Charles Duke respond to this event? HOF – We’ve Got a Problem Video He manned the lunar modular simulator to find ways to bring the Apollo 13 crew back to earth
Video – Jump Back Two Spaces How much would you weigh on the moon? Check it out, then bounce back two spaces!
Which Apollo mission was Charles Duke the back-up lunar module pilot and in which he unknowingly exposed the primary crew to German measles? Apollo 13
Which Apollo mission was the first to land on the moon?
In the waning phase of the moon the illuminated portion of the moon grows larger or smaller?
What type of eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun? solar eclipse
Picture Card Why did Charles Duke say the Saturn V rocket was the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century? It was built for one purpose, to send men and machines to the moon.
How many people have actually walked on the moon? 12
What nickname was Charles Duke given because he exposed the Apollo 13 crew to German measles? Typhoid Mary
Picture Card It took five days for the journey from earth before the lunar module finally touched the moon’s surface on April 21st. What year did the Apollo 16 lunar module touch down on the moon’s surface? 1972
What do you call the flat dark regions found within craters on the moon’s surface? maria
Picture Card The Apollo 16 mission explored the Descartes Highland region collecting rocks and performing experiments. Which branch of the natural sciences studies rocks? geology
On which Apollo mission did Charles Duke serve as lunar module pilot?
What is the third planet from the Sun; has an atmosphere that protects life and surface temperatures that allow water to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas? Earth
Picture Card Why would this picture, left by Charles Duke, still be on the moon’s surface a thousand years from now? The moon has no atmosphere, therefore no weather or wind
Which theory states that about 13 Which theory states that about 13.7 billion years ago, the universe began with a huge, fiery explosion? Big bang theory
Picture Card In the picture taken by Charles Duke of John Young jumping and giving a naval salute, why does John Young appear so light, and find it so easy to jump? There is no atmosphere on the moon and the surface gravity is 1/6 of the gravity on earth, making people and objects weigh less on the moon.
What is the imaginary vertical line that cuts through the center of Earth and around which Earth spins? axis
What year was Charles Duke selected by NASA for the space program? 1966
He loved exploration and adventure What two reasons did Charles Duke give for volunteering for the space program? He loved exploration and adventure
The Apollo 16 space mission helped to verify a long held theory about how the moon was formed. In simple terms, explain the “collision theory” on how it is believed the moon was formed. The moon may have formed as a result of a collision between earth and a mars-sized object.