Introduction and Agenda Overview 3 Year Old Public Preschool Summer Institute July 18-19, 2017
Welcome! Purpose: To provide NYSED-funded 3 year old preschool administrators and teachers an opportunity to learn about child development and learning, explore the benefits of purposeful play, strengthen early learning and classroom instruction, consider next steps, and network with peers. Increase understanding of key ideas that support quality programming for very young preschoolers and increase awareness of key resources and practical approaches to facilitate effective implementation.
Program Overview Agenda and workshops Information about our keynote and presenters **Note-taking Pages** Big Ideas and Approaches to Try/Next Steps Back at Home Team Planning Worksheet Evaluation Forms – Day 1 and Day 2 Participant List – see who your potential partners are Receive Certificates for each day attended
National Perspective on State-funded Preschool for 3 Year Olds A Look at the NIEER 2015-2016 Yearbook
State of Preschool Yearbook Source: The State of Preschool 2016, The National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER) State-funded preschool is funded, controlled, and directed by the state; not primarily designed to serve children with special needs; distinct from subsidized child care; may include some HS if state significantly supplements and assumes some administrative responsibility
National Picture: How many states serve 3 year olds? 44 states (including DC) have state-funded preschool 29 states (including DC) enrolled 3 year olds during the 2015-16 school year Almost 5% of 3 year olds were served in state-funded preschool Only 7 states served at least 10% of 3 year olds (DC, Vermont, Illinois, New Jersey, Arkansas, Nebraska, West Virginia)
3 Year Old State-funded Preschool Over Time *In 2015-16, New York served 1% of 3 year olds; 50% of 4 year olds
What about quality? Quality defined: ELD Standards, curriculum supports, teacher qualification, teacher training, assistant teacher qualification, staff professional development, class size, staff/child ratios, screening and referral, meals, monitoring Only 5 states (Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, Rhode Island, West Virginia, plus one specific program in Louisiana) met all 10 preschool quality benchmarks New York met 7
NY Met 7 Quality Benchmarks
Thank you. Sarah Hughes Early Learning Lead Northeast Comprehensive Center | RMC Research 315-655-4463