Leadership Net3 Session January 18, 2017
Reminders & Tools for Implementation R3 initiative: Reminders & Tools for Implementation
T-TESS, T-PESS, Student growth *T-TESS December/January tips *2017 T-TESS Appraiser Trainings dates? *Late-hire T-TESS teacher orientation? T-PESS *T-PESS December/January tips Student Growth Waivers!
We need your input! 2017 LATE hire teacher T-TESS Orientation ? 2017 Appraisal Training Dates? T-TESS
T-Pess Mid-Year Updates MOY Conferences Call Mitzi if you need any support!
Accountability Information
Accountability 2017 & 2018
Region 3 program updates
ETHICS: SPRING/SUMMER 2017 Training Modules to include: 1. Teacher/student personal boundaries 2. Teacher/student interaction including use of social media 3. Student discipline/teacher anger management 4. Teacher as a role model/conduct out of classroom 5. Role of the administrator in prevention of an intervention in instances of inappropriate behavior 6. Confronting and reporting borderline behavior
District of innovation
Principal networking session February 23rd from 9 to 2 Lunch included! $20 registration fee
REGISTER at Walsh Gallegos under “Events” HR Symposium February 15th from 8:30 to 12-30 REGISTER at Walsh Gallegos under “Events”
Curriculum and Instruction Academies ELAR Assessment CTE
New and exciting things ahead! ESSA includes Career & Technical Education in the definition of “a Well-rounded Education” Texas adding NEW courses and revised TEKS for 2017-2018 Going from 191 to 277 CTE courses available CTE
New and exciting things ahead! Courses have been removed; Title of courses have changed; credit hours have been revised CTE data included in Index 4 College and Career Readiness CTE certifications provide Performance Acknowledgements for students as well as impact CTE
To Do Now . . . Use the Course Crosswalk and New TEKS to plan for next school year Update Course Selection Guide Review Programs of Study/Coherent Sequences Present new courses to school board if needed Review new pre-requisites with counselors and teachers Go over new TEKS/Courses with CTE teachers so they understand what’s changing
Detailed information and resources available at the next Curriculum Focus Meeting Monday, Jan. 23 at Region 3 ESC
Student support
121 attendees TechCon2017 Thank you!
ESC back to school conference August 23, 2017 Victoria College Emerging Technology Center
Stay in touch with us! R3 Website Admin Listserv Facebook Twitter R3 App