HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HRM) HRM is the set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce The effectiveness of HR function has a substantial impact on a firm’s bottom-line performance Consequently, the chief HR executive is a vice president directly accountable to the CEO
THE HR PLANNING PROCESS Conduct Job Analysis Forecast Demand for Labor Forecast Internal supply of Labor Forecast External supply of Labor Develop Plan To Match Demand With Supply
RECRUITING HR Recruiting is the process of attracting qualified person to apply for the jobs that are open Internal recruiting, considering present employees as candidate for opening External recruiting, involves attracting persons outside the organization to apply for jobs
SELECTING HR Once the recruiting process has attracted a pool of applications, the next step is to select someone to hire. The process of determining the predictive value of information is called validation: Application forms: fill out an application Test: of ability, skill, aptitude, or knowledge relevant to a particular job Interviews: having a conversation Other techniques: physical exams, polygraph tests, drug tests
DEVELOPING THE HR On-the-job training: Training, sometime informal, conducted while an employee is at work Off-the-job training: Training conducted in a controlled environment away from the work site Vestibule training: Off-the-job training conducted in a simulated environment
COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS COMPENSATION SYSTEM is a set of reward that organization provide to individuals in return for their willingness to perform various jobs and tasks within the organization WAGES AND SALARIES Wages are compensation in the form of money paid for time worked, are paid for time worked Salaries are compensation in the form of money paid for discharging the responsibilities of a job, are usually expressed as an amount paid per month or per year
COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Are special compensations designed to motivate high performance Individual Incentives Bonus: individual performance incentive in the form of special payment made over and above the employee’s salary Merit salary system: individual incentive linking compensation to performance in non sales jobs Company Wide Incentives Profit sharing plan: incentive plan for distributing to employees when company profits rise above a certain levels Gainsharing plan: incentive plans that rewards group for productivity improvement
COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS BENEFIT PROGRAMS Are compensations other than wages and salaries Worker’s compensation insurance: legally required insurance for compensating worker injured on the job Retirement Plans: benefit that is available for workers when they retire Cafeteria benefits plan: benefit plan such as health-care
DEALING WITH ORGANIZED LABOR Labor union: Group of individuals working together to achieve shared job related goals, such as a higher pay, shorter working hours, more job security, greater benefits, or better working conditions Labor relation: Process of dealing with employees who are presented by a union
ETHICS IN THE WORKPLACE ETHICS are beliefs about what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, in action that effect others ETHICAL BEHAVIOR, behavior conforming to generally accepted social norms concerning beneficial and harmful action UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR, behavior that does not conform to generally accepted social norms concerning beneficial and harmful actions
ETHICS IN THE WORKPLACE BUSINESS ETHICS, ethical or unethical behavior by employees of commercial organizations MANAGERIAL ETHICS, are the standards of behavior that guide individual managers in their work *Wages and working conditions are areas for controversy. Consider a manager who pays a worker less then he deserves because the managers knows that the employee can not afford to quit. The behavior is unethical
COMPANY PRACTICES AND BUSINESS ETHICS Many firms have taken additional seeps to encourage ethical behavior in the workplace They set up codes of conduct and develop clear ethical positions on how the firm and its employees will conduct business The most effective step that a company can take is to demonstrate top management support of ethical standard This policy contribute to a corporate culture that value ethical standard and announces that the firm is as concerned with good citizenship as with profit
Organizational Objectives CORE PRINCIPLES AND ORGANIZATION VALUES Strategies and Practices Organizational Objectives CORE PRINCIPLES AND ORGANIZATION VALUES Unchanging Changed infrequently Revised frequently
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Social responsibility is related to overall way in which a business attempts to balance its commitments to relevant groups and individuals in the social environment
4 AREAS OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility toward the environment Air pollution Water pollution Land pollution Responsibility toward customers Consumer rights of safety, information, to be heard, to choose, to be educated, courteous services Responsibility toward its employees Legal and social commitments Ethical commitments Responsibility toward its investors Improper Financial Management Insider trading Misrepresentation of Finances
MANAGING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAMS Must start at the top, and be considered as a factor of strategic planning Committee of managers must develop a plan detailing the level of management support One executive must be put in charge of the firms agenda Must conduct social audits, systematic of its success in using funds earmarked for its social
QUESTION FOR DISCUSSION Supposed a manager cheats on an expense account. Into which of the following areas of managerial ethics does this behavior fall? a) organizational behavior toward other economic agents; b) employee behavior toward the organization; c) organizational toward the employee; d) individual behavior toward other economic agents; e) behavior of other economic agents toward the organization. TRUE/FALSE every business is legally required to develop and publish a corporate code of ethics. TRUE/FALSE thought closely related, ethics and social responsibility do not mean the same thing. The stakeholder model of social responsibility generally includes which of the following? a) customers; b) employees; c) suppliers; d) investors; e) all of these. Which of the following is not an area of social responsibility? a) responsibility toward the board of directors; b) responsibility toward the environment; c) responsibility toward the customer; d) responsibility toward employees; e) responsibility toward investors. Distinguish social responsibility from ethics, identify organization stakeholders, and characterize social consciousness today Show how the concept of social responsibility applies both to environmental issues and to a firm’s relationships with customers, employees, and investors Identify four general approach to social responsibility and describe the four steps that a firm must take no implement a social responsibility program
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