Mandava Institute of Engineering and Technology Department of ECE Online Door Accessing Control System by using Raspberry Pi Submitted by Under the guidance of Ranjitha Sahu (13FF1A0417) Mrs.Y.V.Bhaskaralakshmi G.Kalyani (14FF5A0408) T.Saraswathi (13FF1A0421) R.Vasanthi (13FF1A0418) B.Yogeswara rao (13FF1A0407)
CONTENT: Abstract Introduction Raspberry pi Operating system Circuit diagram of raspberry pi Hardware component Programming language Block diagram Working principle Advantages Disadvantages Applications conclusion
Abstract: In the present age Internet of things (IOT) has enterned a golden era of rapid growth. In this paper work a system is being developed to connect any door with the internet, so that the access control system can be controlled from any where in the world. It intimates us the presence of any person in front of door.
Introduction Nowadays, automatic personal identification in Door access control has become popular by using biometrics data. The main advantages of this system is does not touch the physical action by accessing the door by using face detection technique. The first step of the face detection techniques is face recognition system. By using face detection, it can identify only the facial part of an image regardless of the background of this image.
Raspberry pi ?: Raspberry pi goal was to create a low-cost device. A Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer originally designed for education. Raspberry pi goal was to create a low-cost device. It was quickly adapted by thinkers,makers and electronics enthusietes for project that require more then a basic controller.
What kind of operating system does the Raspberry Pi run? The Raspberry Pi was designed for the Linux operating system. There are two of the most popular options are 1.Raspbian, which is based on the Debian operating system 2.Pidora ,which is based on the Fedora operating system.
Raspberry Pi Board:
Circuit place:
Hardware component: Raspberry Pi board Prepared Operating System SD Card USB keyboard Display (with HDMI) Power Supply Cables USB Hub USB mouse Internet connectivity - a USB Wi-Fi adaptor (Model A/B) or a LAN cable (Model B)
Programming languages: The Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends Python Installed by default on the Raspberry Pi: C C++ Java
Block diagram: Wifi dongle POWER SUPPLYP L293D driver ICdriver IC (Raspberry Pi) POWER SUPPLYP USB CAMERA MICRO SD CARD L293D driver ICdriver IC MOTOR Wifi dongle
Block diagram for power supply:
Working principle: Heart of this project is raspberry pi its also called as minicomputer. Wifi dongle is connected through USB port. The wifi module scans for the available network and connects to the network with password.PIR sensor is also connected to GPIO. In the algorithm it is defined that if any visitor comes in and the camera is scaned and to take a snap shot of that person Raspberry pi transmits the snapshot through gmail. And also generates a tweet that someone has arrived. It takes several snapshots and generates several tweets to the user as alert.
Advantages: Raspberry pi is a small in size,like credit card sized. More security purpose. Rapidly growth in the internet of things. Time saving .
Disadvantages: It needs a more internet for wifi purpose. To take more snapshot due to face recognization.
Further applications: Internet of households where we can attach other devices of house with internet. Industrial automation and control through internet. checking colour image. Improvement in the security issues in highly restricted areas
Conclusion: This paper presents the design and the implementation of an interactive home security system with the Wifi communication and Web-enabled measurement and control systems. The Web based monitor and automatic control of equipment is forming a trend in automation field. Replacing PC with low-cost single chip processor which can make administrators to get parameters of different remote devices and send control information to field equipments at any time through Internet.
Referance: Jae Hoon Lee ; Yong-Shik Kim ; Bong Keun Kim ; Ohba,K. ;Kawata,H. ; Ohya,A. ; Yuta,S. “Security Door System Using Human Tracking Method with Laser Range Finders” , IEEE- International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation 2007. ICMA 2007. [2] YanboZhao ; ZhaohuiYe “A low cost GSM/GPRS based wireless home security system” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, (Volume:54 , Issue: 2 )
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