The award process Thanks and introductions
Agenda What is in ISA for schools? Accreditation + Reaccreditation, Application procedure and deadlines Design your international activity – how to write the application, best practice examples What are the assessors looking for ? Accreditation/Reaccreditation time framework What support is available?
What is in ISA for schools Printed certificate School Award Mark (Accreditation and Reaccreditation only, valid for 3 years) Media pack including press release template International activity expert feedback + on-going support and advice ISA Award Ceremony (Autumn 2017)
OFSTED ‘During the last week of the Summer term, we were visited by Ofsted! We received an outstanding grade, in all areas. ‘Global Citizenship’ including International links, was graded as ‘exceptional’ and ‘outstanding.' Ladybarn PS
The point of this slide is to explain the transition from Intermediate level (retrospective award) to Accreditation level (two-step application process, a whole year approach) It is good to demonstrate visually where the Accreditation/Reaccreditation level fits – it helps in understanding individual criteria. It is worth to mention that Accreditation schools aims to embed international work while Reaccreditation schools should focus on the dissemination of the best practice (ISA Best Practice Initiative) – see next slide
Accreditation Reaccreditation Embedded international learning and fostered a culture of global citizenship - at least 7 International activities - at least 3 activities with a partner/s overseas - at least 1 language learning activity - a whole school approach Reaccreditation Disseminated the international learning to other schools All Accreditation criteria + Ambassadorial role – to support other schools with international work Here, it is worth to mention that Accreditation schools aim to embed international work while Reaccreditation schools should focus on the dissemination of the best practice (criteria: ambassadorial role) Ambassadorial role: Once a school is ready to be reaccredited they will learn how to become part of the ISA framework that helps and guides others. This can be through mentoring, sharing the expertise, training, becoming Global Learning Programme Expert Centre, getting involved in the eTwinning network or becoming an International School Award best practice school. ISA Best Practice Schools: A network of International School Award best practice schools in the UK is bringing together like-minded schools with a common goal - to share their international work and International School Award experience with schools in their local area and in doing so are: actively contributing to dissemination of the best practice beyond their school building, raising the school’s international profile fulfilling one of the criteria for the Reaccreditation levelof the International School Award (‘Ambassadorial role’) enriching their own international curriculum by developing a mutually beneficial mentor/mentee relationship.
Application procedure and deadlines A school applying for Accreditation / Reaccreditation level of the International School Award follows the two step application procedure in order to: 1. online Action Plan or the online Statement of Intent Action Plan (deadline 13 November 2016) Statement of Intent (no deadline, however, it must be submitted before the Impact Evaluation) 2. online Impact Evaluation (deadline: 16 July 2017) Mention that the Action plan has passed already, however, schools can still can go for Statement of Intent option (online Statement of Intent is available from the online application list as well as the other application forms).
Accreditation/Reaccreditation Impact Evaluation Step One: General information about the school + International Activity summary Step Two: Partner schools Step Three: Activities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step Four: Impact Evaluation Impact on students, teachers and community Other programmes Plans on sustaining the international ethos Support for other schools (Reaccreditation) Long-term Impact on Pupils, Teachers and the Community (Reaccredit.) Statement of Intent schools Ambassador will introduce the International Framework document which includes the offline application form that schools might start using for their drafting purposes. (Schools that did not submit their Statement of Intent yet will be able to download the electronic copy when filling in the Statement of Intent Online). By the end of the academic year, all schools regardless what way they chose for their initial application (Action plan or Statement of Intent) must submit the Impact evaluation which is due on 3rd July 2016. Main point of this slide is to demonstrate individual sections available in the online Impact Evaluation form and distinguish in between: what needs to be filled in by action plan schools and statement of intent schools: Action plan schools – to revise first three sections and amend if required + 4. Evaluation Statement of Intent schools – fill in sections 1. General information about school 2. Partner schools 3. Activities 4. Evaluation (a school did not any actual data yet and it needs to be done via Impact Evaluation form) Action plan schools
Tips on writing the application form Character limit: 1500 characters incl. spaces /field - be concrete, precise and to the point Language on the form: be aware you will be writing at the point when some activities have run already and some of the activities will only run in the upcoming months – do not get confused – the activities must be from the time frame September 2016 – July 2017 Work in progress: you are able to start the online Impact Evaluation immediately after your Statement of Intent/Action plan is submitted and signed off (a school receives notification about that). Feel free to keep the form in progress since then until the end of the academic year if necessary Draft your content offline: copy/paste information from your offline word form and keep back up copy in word file in case of technical issue should have an international focus (eTwinning, Erasmus Plus, etc.) - ! Please note, newly, global themes are not part of the application form and schools are not asked to demonstrate linkage of their activities and individual themes! must be part of genuine classroom activity that relates to a national or local curriculum and should take place during normal lesson time and activities should be spread throughout the whole academic year must encourage young people to show awareness of other cultures and countries must include a broad range of subjects and should encourage overall involvement by the majority of young people in the school over the time of accreditation (3 years). should be based on a collaboration between your pupils and teachers with overseas partner/s showing exchange of information between both parties (Intermediate, Accreditation levels only)
How to design the international activity international focus (eTwinning, Erasmus+, etc.) genuine classroom activities spread throughout the whole academic year show awareness of other cultures and countries broad range of subjects majority of young people involved a collaboration between your pupils and teachers with overseas partner/s showing exchange of information between both parties Best practice example available on the website International School Award in the UK – the Award levels – Accreditation and Reaccreditation – How to design your international work should have an international focus (eTwinning, Erasmus Plus, etc.) - ! Please note, newly, global themes are not part of the application form and schools are not asked to demonstrate linkage of their activities and individual themes! must be part of genuine classroom activity that relates to a national or local curriculum and should take place during normal lesson time and activities should be spread throughout the whole academic year must encourage young people to show awareness of other cultures and countries must include a broad range of subjects and should encourage overall involvement by the majority of young people in the school over the time of accreditation (3 years). should be based on a collaboration between your pupils and teachers with overseas partner/s showing exchange of information between both parties (Intermediate, Accreditation levels only) - Best practice activities – ambassadors, please, use the best practice activities in the best practice form or you might have your own examples from local school which makes it even more relevant to the audience
Ineligible international activity The following activities are not considered as eligible activities if seen as a stand-alone activities: Fundraising and sponsoring International visits/exchanges After school clubs Language lessons Tip. However, if you manage to incorporate them into and cross your curriculum in a relevant and meaningful way you can involve them in your application
ISA Best Practice Schools All schools who reached either Accreditation or Reaccreditation level are eligible to become ISA Best Practice schools and give advice on: • Forming international partnerships • Sharing examples of international activities that can be used in the classroom • Being a school’s International Coordinator • The International School Award application Benefits: fulfil one of the criteria for the Reaccreditation level of the International School Award (‘Ambassadorial role’) raise the school’s international profile and network locally enrich your school’s international curriculum by developing a mutually beneficial mentor/mentee relationship ISA Best Practice Schools
Educational outcomes of ISA Encouraging global citizenship in young people (Impact on Pupils) i.e. Developing skills and outlooks which encourage positive engagement with others and the environment Enriching education (Impact on Teachers/Community) i.e. Teachers identify and describe success and good educational practice outside their own classroom, school or community+ Encouraging global citizenship in young people As you already know working towards the International School Award develops outcomes in two key areas. We live in a globalised world. How can students be more acquainted and accustomed to the world in which they now live. Global Citizenship – Globalisation, Internet, Media, YouTube, Immigration, Ease of Travel – You can touch or be immersed in other at your finger tips. Gives the skills and outlooks how to interact in today’s world where global citizenship or Enriching education Learning from contemporaries. – new knowledge from other cultures. Teachers from different countries work collaboratively to adapt successful practices, implementing them in their own educational contexts. This exchange of successful teaching approaches and revised practices to aid them and others in the community
What are the assessors looking for ? IMPACT It’s NOT about checking up on you ! IT IS ABOUT SHARING / CELEBRATING YOUR ISA WORK ! the impact that all international activities (as oppose to impact per each activity) have had on the school, educators, young people and the local or international community, including any relevant learning outcomes How you will sustain / embed this International work across your school (encouraging other schools and promoting the importance of International work) Bullet point 2: It is important to stress that section 4. Evaluation does not ask teachers to assess the impact per each activity but rather the impact that all international work had on PUPILS/TEACHERS/COMMUNITY
Accreditation/Reaccreditation time framework now - Support up to Impact Evaluation submission 13 November 2016 – Action Plan submission deadline Statement of intent can be completed at any time 16 July 2017 – Impact evaluation deadline Results communicated at start of new academic year Autumn 2017 – Award ceremonies (TBC), Certificates
Support and Resources ISA team with any queries 020 7389 4620 or Brian Stobie 03000 268500