Department of Electro-Optics & Photonics University of Dayton, Dayton, OH Short Courses Summer 2017 EOP 595 61/ECE 595 61 Ultrafast Optics - May 22 - 26 Course description: The course is to address issues of ultrafast optics. Topics to be covered: Linear and nonlinear ultrafast pulse propagation; Generation of ultrafast pulses via mode-locking; Ultrafast pulse characterization; Ultrafast pulse applications in research and industry. Instructor: Andy Chong EOP 595 62/ECE 595 62 Quantum Photonics - June 5 - 9 Course description: Review of quantum mechanics and density matrix methods, qubits and qubit operations, quantum logic gates and quantum circuits, quantum states of light, quantum theory of measurement, introduction to measurement based linear optics quantum computing, quantum communications and cryptography. Instructor: Dr. Imad Agha, EOP 595 63/ECE 595 63 Practical Guide to Construction of Optical Systems - June 12 - 16 Course description: Students will learn the basic and advanced experimental skills on the construction of research-level optical system. This course will help students build experimental systems for their own research project. Instructor: Chenglong Zhao, Class Schedule: M 1:30-5; T 9-12:30; W 9-12:30, 1:30-5; Th 9-12:30; F 9-12:30 These short courses are 1 credit hour or can be taken for CEUs. For more information contact: Meghan Brophy at