To write a recount why worms are wonderful for Christian Aid Week Wonderful Worms To write a recount why worms are wonderful for Christian Aid Week Why are worms wonderful? Your challenge is to write a recount from the worms point view explaining why worms are wonderful and important for people of Bangladesh and Christian Aid. Success Criteria My recount includes an introduction I included time connectives I included illustrations (if helpful) I included essential words I used the past tense I used appropriate style and tone for the reader I made the right choice of vocabulary and sentences I showed chronological order I wrote in the 1st or 3rd person I included a closing statement This Christian Aid Week (15 - 21 May), we’ve been digging into the world of worms, and finding out how these wonderful wrigglers are transforming life for people living on islands in Bangladesh. Watching Wonderful Worms film istian-aid-week-2016-wonderful-worms.aspx