Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening
Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Guy Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Wakefield, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Guy & Mrs Oakley
Weekly Timetable What are the themes in Year 5? Term 1 - The Truth is Out There Term 2 – World War 1 Term 3/4 – Mexico Term 5 – Extreme Weather & Natural Disasters Term 6 – London
How do we judge how well your children are progressing? The children will be working on the Year 5 standards in the new National Curriculum. How do we judge how well your children are progressing? Sharing learning objectives and success criteria together. Questioning Partners/Small group work Self evaluation TASC/ Using and Applying Guided groups Recorded work Summative assessment
Maths: Term 1 Block 1 Large numbers Block 2 Multiplication and division Block 3 Fractions Block 4 Addition and subtraction Block 5 Geometry Block 6 Multiplication and division School website –> Our Learning -> Maths support
English: Term 1 Block 1 Classic Fiction Block 2 Recounts Active English Block 1 Classic Fiction The Jungle Book Just So Stories Diary entries/Story writing/Playscripts Sentence variety/Speech Block 2 Recounts UFOs and Aliens Recounts/Formal reports Fronted adverbials/Parenthesis Block 3 Slam Poetry
Writing expectations for Year 5 Use paragraphs to organise ideas Use a range of sentence types (simple, compound, complex) Use adverbs, prepositional phrases and expanded noun phrases Use relative clauses Punctuation capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contractions inverted commas for speech brackets, dashes or commas to indicate additional information Plan, draft and re-draft
Ok, now we are able to start the mummification process Ok, now we are able to start the mummification process. First you must put on a mask, one resembling the Jackal God, Anubis, wold be ideal, but a plastic one from your Nativity school play will also do well. Next you must wash the body, very thoroughly but if it has been dead for a while, make sure no body bits fall of. After it is most definitely clean you must remove the inner organs and place them in 4 canopic jars. Or any jars that come to hand. In the first, place the stomach, in the second, place the lungs, in the third, put the liver. And in the fourth, place the intestines. Now for the gross bit! Take a long rod, then poke it though the nose. Gradually the brain will turn to mush, and pour through the nose holes. Leave the heart, you will need it to get you to the afterlife. Stuff with sawdust, but make sure you don’t confuse it with the chocolate candyfloss you keep by your sewing basket. Finally place a mask on him or her to show they are of special status Now you know your dears are safely in the underworld you can finally wash your hands, and attend to all of the jobs you left to get worse over these 70 days. Then sleep.
Spelling expectations for Year 5: use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them spell some words with ‘silent’ letters (ex. knight, psalm, solemn) continue to distinguish between homophones (new & knew) and other words which are often confused use knowledge of morphology (how words are formed) & etymology (origin of the word) in spelling; understand that the spelling of some words needs to be learnt specifically use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words use the first three or four letters of a word to check spelling, meaning or both of these in a dictionary use a thesaurus
Year 5 spelling patterns: -tious, -cious, -cial Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy, –ent, –ence/–ency Words ending in –ible and –able including –ably and –ibly Words with the /i:/ sound spelt ei after c Words containing the letter-string ough
Reading expectations for Year 5 - read age-appropriate books with confidence and fluency (including whole novels) - read aloud with intonation that shows understanding - work out the meaning of words from the context - explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, drawing inferences and justifying these with evidence - predict what might happen from details stated and implied - retrieve information from non-fiction - summarise main ideas, identifying key details and using quotations for illustration - evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact on the reader - make comparisons within and across books.
How can you help your child with their reading at home? Encourage your child to read for at least 20 mins a day where possible (min 20 mins 4x per week) – use the bookmark Share books together – you reading to your child and them reading to you Discuss the books that your children are reading Encourage your children to read longer, more age appropriate books
Science Earth and Space Changing State and Gases Evolution and Inheritance Forces Electricity
Homework Mr Fell will give homework out on a Thursday which will consist of Spellings (12-15 in Year 5), Maths and English. This will be returned on the following Tuesday. Mrs Wakefield will give homework out on a Thursday which will consist of a research activity based on the termly theme. This needs to be returned on Tuesday. The amount of time that we ask pupils to spend on their homework in Year 5 equates to approximately 30 min a day.
What’s happening? 3/10/17 – Harvest Festival 4/10/17 &11/10/17 Parents’ Evenings 12/10/17 Individual Photos 20/10/17 Disco 1/12/17 Christmas Fair 8/12/17 Grandparents Morning 12/12/17 Carol Service 18/12/17 Whole School Christmas Service
What can you do to help your child? Listening to your child read and questioning them about what they have read. Times tables need to be learned – part of the SATs next year Use numbers (large ones) where possible. Use Maths in everyday situations, ask your child to tell you the time, what will it be in …? Encourage your child to be involved with money when shopping, using the right amount of coins etc.
Useful Information PE – This is on Friday with Mr Fell and Games on a Wednesday with Mrs Oakley. Children will need trainers and track suit bottoms on Wednesday. Please ensure that hair is tied back and earrings removed on these days. Forest schools will continue. This is a valuable learning experience for children. Further information will be sent out in due course. Children need to bring their water bottles containing water every day. Please keep big bags to a minimum as we do not have room to store things that do not fit in their lockers.
Ilam 2018 Provisionally booked for week commencing 4th June 2017. Activities will include: Bug hunt and habitat investigation Egg Rocket competitions River exploration and otter experience Art in the Park A day in Dovedale Village trails and photo hunt Further information to follow
Remember the school website for additional information.
We look forward to an exciting term ahead! Thank you for your time.