English Week 8 Term 2 - Recounts Learning Objective: I can identify verbs.
Learning Objective: I can identify verbs. Lesson 1 Let’s reflect upon some of our learning last week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ineCCpqpZ rM Can we sort these words into verbs and non verbs? How can you tell these words are verbs?
Learning Objective: I can identify verbs. Verbs Non Verbs spread turn jump play cat bag swim beach cut walk walk
Learning Objective: I can read a recount and discuss the difference between recounts and stories. I can read a recount and discuss the features of a recount. My Weekend On Friday, I went shopping at Al Wahda Mall for a new outfit. I was looking for a pretty dress to wear to the Rose of Tralee Ball. Later on Friday, I went to the ball with my friends. We had some lovely and yummy food. On Saturday, I had lunch with my friends and went to the park. I had a fantastic weekend. This is what we call a recount. You will be writing a recount later in the week.
A recount tells us about something that has happened. Learning Objective: I can read a recount and discuss the difference between recounts and stories. I can read a recount and discuss the features of a recount. A recount tells us about something that has happened.
The features of a recount: Learning Objective: I can read a recount and discuss the difference between recounts and stories. I can read a recount and discuss the features of a recount. past tense – has already happened Title – what is the recount called The features of a recount: interesting paragraphs – lots of sentences in order written in first person or third person – I, we, me, us, he, she, it time conjunctions – tells us when
Learning Objective: I can read a recount and discuss the difference between recounts and stories. I can read a recount and discuss the features of a recount. Let’s have a look at a recount as a team and highlight all the features
Plenary Why do people write recounts? Is this type of writing fiction or non-fiction?
Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Lesson 2 Today we are going to practice using the past tense. What is a verb? A verb is a doing word/an action word. Can we think of some verbs?
Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Verbs play
Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Let’s change them to past tense by adding –ed played
Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Some of these words may sound as if they end with id, d and t but it is -ed. The suffix -ed is added to the end of verbs when something happened in the past.
Here is an easy way to help you to remember this... Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Here is an easy way to help you to remember this... Uncle Ed is very old. He likes to remember things he did in the past. With most verbs we add Uncle Ed's name to change the verb to past tense.
Lets practice using the suffix -ed. Jump Play Climb Fold Finish open Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Lets practice using the suffix -ed. Jump Play Climb Fold Finish open
Success Criteria: I can identify verbs. I can use the suffix –ed. Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix Success Criteria: I can identify verbs. I can use the suffix –ed. I can use past tense.
Learning Objective: I can use past tense – ed suffix *** Change verbs to past tense, adding -ed. Write at least one sentence using one of these verbs. ** Change sentences into the past tense. * Add missing verbs into sentences.
Plenary Let’s share our words.
What are powerful verbs? They are exciting words. Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 What are powerful verbs? They are exciting words. Which sentence is better? The cat ran across the road. OR The cat darted across the road.
Powerful verbs To run – dashed, sprint, hurry, To walk – march, wander Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 Powerful verbs To run – dashed, sprint, hurry, To walk – march, wander To jump – spring, shoot up, jump over To chase – hunt, follow, run after
Success Criteria: I can identify verbs Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 Success Criteria: I can identify verbs I can match other words to verbs I can use powerful verbs I can write in sentences
Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 We are going to watch a clip from Madagascar. Remember we are going to use powerful words. http://youtu.be/zpHLNPsUY9c
The Chase! Using powerful verbs to describe Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 The Chase! Using powerful verbs to describe
The Chase! Using powerful verbs to describe Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 The Chase! Using powerful verbs to describe
Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 *** Rewrite 2 sentences of your own using powerful verbs. ** Match the powerful verbs with the boring ones. Can you write a sentence with the new powerful verbs? * Match the powerful verbs with the boring ones.
Plenary Challenge - Make this sentence more exciting. The man looked at the giant turnip. The car went down the street. I walked to the park
Learning Objective: I can write lowercase letters Lesson 4 Jolly phonics book
Learning Objective: To write a recount using a sequence of events. You are going to write a recount about Madagascar. Remember we need: Order (first, then, after) Past tense (-ed) Powerful verbs http://youtu.be/zpHLNPsUY9c
Success Criteria: I can sequence events I can recount events Learning Objective: To write a recount using a sequence of events. Success Criteria: I can sequence events I can recount events I can use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in my writing I can use past tense I can use powerful verbs
The Chase! Shared writing before in their books Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 The Chase! Shared writing before in their books First, the animals were in the black van racing down the road. After, police were speeding behind them, hunting after them.
Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Learning Objective: To describe incidents using powerful verbs Lesson 3 The Chase! The car
Learning Objective: To write a recount using a sequence of events. *** Put the recount in order. Write a short recount for each sequence - using capital letters, full stops, verbs. ** Put the recount in order. Write some powerful verbs that describe what happens. * Put recount in order.
Plenary Let’s share our writing! How exciting!