Mcp QUOTE ‘The most important thing for us was to never lose sight of what our customers want, sustain our ogx legacy, and most of all, focus.
Growth in OGV Re Over the last 3 years
Growth in OGT+OGE Re Over the last 3 years ( 1st Jan-31Dec)
2016 Focus and Direction OGV Key Strategies for growth Investment in IR *Working with different HE on pocket recruitment, customized promotional material that helped us develop more accurate promotional materials Also, regular checkpoints and touch points for the co-delivery. *Improving communication between LCs from different entities (48hours) to boost our operations *Providing enough information about the selection requirements (from their side) and VISA requirements from our side (IL and such) Capitalizing on IXP !! : Focusing on re-integrated experience in exchange departments, to work as ambassadors in campuses. BD for exchange :investing in BD to improve university relations especially with private universities through agreements and events. Open platform CF implementation encouraged students to register more and apply right away, since they will pay after being accepted, which made them trust us more.
OGV 2016 Focus and Direction Challenges and how we overcome them . We struggled to align timeline with the HE , when it comes to approval phase , we overcame it through checkpoints with partners and re-adjusting our plans We had different problems managing S & D (specific backgrounds, availability..) we’re working on solving it through pocket recruitment One of the biggest arising issues were, managing the number of sign ups and accepted EPs on EXPA .So far, the Entity Support Team are tracking EPs at the moment, while we’re working on downscaling a standard process to LCs. .
Timeline OGV What’s next ? Downscaling a standard process for tracking Winter peak : January-February Summer peak : July august September October - november : we had an increase in approvals & Re since some LCs worked on graduates at that moment (GV not GT) . What’s next ? Implementing LEAD for EPs in LCs operations Downscaling a standard process for tracking .
2016 Focus and Direction OGT Key Strategies for growth supply and demand alignment :the key to success and the biggest factor to grow, knowing that the most important thing is peaks alignment. Demystify the supply & demand according to sub-segment not sub-products Combine attraction and consideration phases. Challenges faced so far Lack of demand regarding last term number of ops => drop of GT OPs Adapting to customer flow and improving lead nurturing. What is next ? Enhancing our IR through pocket recruitment : HE will raise OP according to the profiles we have, so we can ensure a fast approval and delivery. Investing more in digital campaigns for brand advocacy along with the attraction phase that should be capitalized even through physical campaigns.