Welcome to first grade Open House Ms. Bengston room 106 Mrs. Deshaies/Mrs. McMeekin room 109 Mrs. Wolfe room 110 Ms. Walker room 111 Mrs. Fudger room 104
Our Brader Morning As a Brader terrific tiger I pledge to give my best R.O.A.R. each day by showing my Respect, Outstanding Attitude, Achievement and Responsibility. ROAR!
RTI (Response to Intervention) RTI is the practice of providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to student needs. This instruction is data driven. We will be progress monitoring each student (testing learning rate over time and level of performance) to make educational decisions.
RTI (Response to Intervention) In reading and mathematics, students are assessed using the iReady assessment to determine performance levels and are grouped accordingly. Groups may change over time.
ELA mornings Text Talk Vocabulary program This program provides trade books with selected vocabulary to introduce to the students. Students will be expected to use this rich vocabulary in their speaking and writing. New vocabulary words will come home weekly. Please post the vocabulary words at home and see how often your child uses and sees them in their reading.
ELA mornings Guided Reading/Phonics Houghton Mifflin Reading Series We will be using the Houghton Mifflin Reading Series to teach phonemic awareness (blending, segmenting phonemes), phonics (word structures and word families), vocabulary, reading strategies and to develop comprehension skills. Guided reading may begin with a teacher read aloud, or your child will be reading on-grade level stories from an anthology. Your child may have to retell a story read in class for homework or do another comprehension activity based on a story we read together.
ELA continued Intervention Block/Centers Additional reading instruction is provided for children needing reading intervention Children will work in independent Learning Centers Small Group Instruction Children will receive instruction in a small group setting. These groups are formed based on data from iReady testing. Centers may include: Listening, Phonics Games, Reading Response, Writing, Math, Computers, Drama and Book Buddies. Intensive Group Work on phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition and fluency Strategic Group plus Benchmark at risk Word recognition, phonics, comprehension and fluency Benchmark Group Vocabulary and comprehension
ELA Writing Writing Workshop Children write daily during the Writer’s Workshop block. Children will begin to apply spelling strategies to their writing. Children will be using editing skills later in the year. They will learn to circle temporary spelling in their writing. We will be sharing writing with our class and with other classrooms. The children are encouraged to sound words out independently. We call this temporary spelling. We ask them to put down the sounds they can hear. Please allow your child the opportunity to become successful at writing independently. We know it can be hard to accept misspelled words, but we assure you, at this point in the year it is the best way to encourage children to write freely. We do not expect them to spell all words correctly.
Our writing goal
Lunch is 11:15-11:45
Recess 11:45-12:15
Mathematics First grade will be working on: Problem solving Time Bridges in Mathematics, published by The Math Learning Center, Salem, Oregon First grade will be working on: Problem solving Time Measurement Fractions Computation (See the Common Core State Standards) This program includes: Investigating concepts and building conceptual understanding Developing, reinforcing and mastering computational and procedural skills Applying mathematics to problem solving situations... Emphasis is on problem solving using multiple strategies and a four-step plan.
Math intervention Students will meet for small group intervention based on needs or participate in math learning centers.
Science organisms solids & liquids astronomy Science investigation topics: organisms solids & liquids astronomy Science instruction is comprehensive, standards based and hands on. The children love to get involved in science projects and labs. There will also be family involvement projects based on science standards.
Social Studies The four Social Studies strands are: Civics - Going to school (Citizenship), Good Citizens (Citizenship and Government) Geography - Land Around Us (Resources and Environment), All About People (Culture) Economics - Jobs People Do (Resources and Interdependence). History - Looking Back (Patterns and Changes) We have a social studies text to supplement our curriculum. We will also be going on field trips to Hagley Museum and Herr’s Potato Chip Factory to supplement our units of study.
Classroom management We will be utilizing 5 rules to track daily classroom behavior. The 5 rules are: . All students will begin each school day at the “Ready to ROAR” level. If students choose not to follow their ROAR, students will be reminded about making good choices. If a student needs to be redirected 3 times, the child will be moved to the “Stop and Think” level. When a student is moved to “Stop and Think”, (s)he will need to go to the “Take a Break” area in the classroom. If the child improves behavior after going to the “Take a Break” area, the child will move back to the “Ready to Roar” level. If a student visits the take a break area 3 times or more in a school day, the student will have a consequence.
Classroom management We will be utilizing 5 rules to track daily classroom behavior. The 5 rules are: . All students will begin each school day at the “Ready to ROAR” level. If students choose not to follow their ROAR, students will be reminded about making good choices. If a student needs to be redirected 3 times, the child will be moved to the “Stop and Think” level. When a student is moved to “Stop and Think”, (s)he will need to go to the “Take a Break” area in the classroom. If the child improves behavior after going to the “Take a Break” area, the child will move back to the “Ready to Roar” level. If a student visits the take a break area 3 times or more in a school day, the student will have a consequence.
Classroom management We will be utilizing 5 rules to track daily classroom behavior. The 5 rules are: . All students will begin each school day at the “Ready to ROAR” level. If students choose not to follow their ROAR, students will be reminded about making good choices. If a student needs to be redirected 3 times, the child will be moved to the “Stop and Think” level. When a student is moved to “Stop and Think”, (s)he will need to go to the “Take a Break” area in the classroom. If the child improves behavior after going to the “Take a Break” area, the child will move back to the “Ready to Roar” level. If a student visits the take a break area 3 times or more in a school day, the student will have a consequence.
Classroom management We will be utilizing 5 rules to track daily classroom behavior. The 5 rules are: . All students will begin each school day at the “Ready to ROAR” level. If students choose not to follow their ROAR, students will be reminded about making good choices. If a student needs to be redirected 3 times, the child will be moved to the “Stop and Think” level. When a student is moved to “Stop and Think”, (s)he will need to go to the “Take a Break” area in the classroom. If the child improves behavior after going to the “Take a Break” area, the child will move back to the “Ready to Roar” level. If a student visits the take a break area 3 times or more in a school day, the student will have a consequence.
Classroom management We will be utilizing 5 rules to track daily classroom behavior. The 5 rules are: . All students will begin each school day at the “Ready to ROAR” level. If students choose not to follow their ROAR, students will be reminded about making good choices. If a student needs to be redirected 3 times, the child will be moved to the “Stop and Think” level. When a student is moved to “Stop and Think”, (s)he will need to go to the “Take a Break” area in the classroom. If the child improves behavior after going to the “Take a Break” area, the child will move back to the “Ready to Roar” level. If a student visits the take a break area 3 times or more in a school day, the student will have a consequence.
FYI Our school spirit color this year is RED. Please encourage your child to participate in school spirit days! Students are permitted to have a small water bottle in the classroom. Please send bottles with a pull spout rather than a twist off cap, to help prevent spills. Also please no frozen water bottles because the condensation leaks onto their desk. We appreciate you talking with your child about his/her school day.
FYI Homework packets will go home the first school day of each week with a cover sheet explaining the academic skills taught that week. Please have your child write his/her first and last name on each page. Please check your child’s work to make sure it is neat and complete before it is turned into the teacher. Homework packets should be completed and returned by the last school day of the week. Homework packets will include a variety of reading, writing, word work, and math. Family projects will be assigned each trimester.
Reading Log Students will be required to read 15-20 minutes each night as part of their daily homework. They will receive a Reading Log in October to record the books they read to you. Please return the Reading Log each day to be checked by the classroom teacher.
FYI continued If your child is absent from school, please send a note to explain the absence when he/she returns to school. If no note is sent, this will be marked as an unexcused absence. If your child is absent for 5 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required to excuse the absence. If a child is absent for more than 18 days, his/her promotion to first grade may be in danger. CSD’s attendance policy is further explained on pages 14 – 16 in the Student Manual.
FYI continued Birthday celebrations: If you would like to recognize your child’s birthday at school you may send in one of the following for the class: pencils, stickers, erasers. We will recognize your child by singing “Happy Birthday” and he or she will receive a birthday book and pencil from the office.
FYI continued Conferences are: Thursday November 2nd and Friday, November 3nd Please sign up today! Your involvement in your child’s education is important to us and it is an essential element to helping your child succeed in school. Thank you for all your support and follow through at home. We are off to a great school year!
Volunteers We would like to have parent volunteers for field trips. All volunteers must have been approved with the district volunteer packet.
Attendance & Early Dismissal Procedures If your child needs an early dismissal, please write a note stating the day and time you would like your child to be dismissed. You must sign your child out in the office before leaving school. You may request an early dismissal up until 3:15. After that time, you will have to wait until 3:35 for walkers and car riders to be dismissed and still sign your child out at the office. If your child does not have a note requesting an early dismissal, his/her teacher will follow the regular dismissal procedures. We cannot keep your child off a bus without a written note from the parent.
First Grade Trimester Incentives!! Students who display their R.O.A.R , and students who correct behaviors when reminded, will earn a first grade incentive each semester. These incentives will be fun, active relay events with activities based on a seasonal theme. First Incentive The Pilgrim Games Second Incentive Movie and Popcorn Third Incentive First Grade Field Day!
Academic Field Trips and more
Blue First Day Student Folder Packet #1 (Left Hand Side) – Labeled “READ CAREFULLY” Packet #2 (Right Hand Side) – Labeled “Please Sign & Return” Principal Welcome Letter Title I documents Right To Know What it Title I? Arrival/Dismissal Letter Student Handbook Parent Calendar CR-PBIS Pamphlet CR-PBIS Student Handbook Nutrition Policy Letter Child Nutrition Newsletter from CSD Paper Recycling Letter Teachers may have inserted the following on this side: Curriculum Assessment Letters Team Welcome Letter Team Activity/Field Trip Fee Letter Personal Classroom Welcome Letter Office Information Form Student Manual – return page Acceptable Use Policy Permission Form Permission To Photograph Form Anti-Bullying Pledge Movie Policy & Permission Slip Counselor Introduction Letter Free/Reduced Lunch Form Teachers inserted the following on this side: Title I Compact (signed by teacher first and then copied) Team Activity/Field Trip Fee Letter
Please feel free to contact us via email or phone (302) 454-5959 Ms. Bengston room 106 deborah.bengston@christina.k12.de.us or phone ext. 102 Mrs. McMeekin room 109 mary.mcmeekin@christina.k12.de.us or phone ext. 105 Mrs. Deshaies room 109 lorajean.deshaies@christina.k12.de.us or phone ext. 105 Mrs. Wolfe room 110 gretchen.wolfe@christina.k12.de.us or phone ext. 106 Ms. Walker room 111 stephanie.walker@christina.k12.de.us or phone ext. 107 Mrs. Fudger room 104 krysta.fudger@christina.k12.de.us or phone ext. 504