UXBRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADE 8 PARENTS’ NIGHT THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9TH, 2017 6:00 p.m. – Cafeteria Welcome & Opening Remarks M. Crawford-Eade Grade 9 Course Selection K. Gillespie Course Information Fair Department Heads (Front Foyer)
Question 1 How many credits do you need to graduate from high school? 20 24 28 30
Diploma Requirements Students Need 30 credits to Graduate from High School
Question 2 How many of the 30 are compulsory? 30 20 18 15
18 Compulsory Credits 4 credits English [1 credit per Grade] 1 credit French as a second language 3 credits Math [1 in Grade 11 or 12] 2 credits Science 1 credit Canadian Geography 1 credit Canadian History 1 credit Arts 1 credit Physical & Health Ed ½ credit Civics ½ credit Career Education
Plus 1 additional credit selected from: English French as a second language A Native Language, or a classical or an international language Social Science and the Humanities Canadian & World Studies Guidance and Career Education, or Co-operative Education** The Arts [Visual Art, Dance, Drama, Music] Business Studies Health & Physical Education Co-operative Education** Science [Grade 11 or 12] Technological Education [Grades 9 - 12] Computer Studies ** only two of these three compulsory credits can be co-op and only two can be French as a second language
Plus 12 Elective Credits allows students to build an educational program that suits their individual interests and meets university, college, apprenticeship or work requirements.
Question 3 When can I start my mandatory 40 hours of Community Involvement? July 1st in the summer after Gr. 8 September 1st of Gr. 9 year First day of school in Gr. 9 year Last day of Gr. 8
Community Involvement OSSD requirement 40 hours – can start on 1st day of July 2017 Activities for which students do not receive remuneration, or high school credit Outside of normal instructional hours Cannot be for a “profit” business See Community Involvement Tab under Guidance on our website The purpose of this is to promote Community values. TYPE IN ALL THE EXAMPLES ON SSR UPDATE SHEET
Question 4 Which of the following is an eligible community involvement activity? Helping re-organize my uncle’s store. Shovelling my own driveway. Filing for my neighbour’s accounting practice. Working with children through the local library program. All of the above.
Grade 10 Literacy Test Administered in Grade 10 Based on Grade 9 language expectations Required to pass …. However, students who have been unsuccessful at least once are eligible to take the Grade 12 Ontario Literacy Course. Passing this course satisfies the Literacy requirement. ADMINISTERED BY EDUCATION QUALITY ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE (EQHO) and fits into cycle of EQAO testing. Remediation for the students who are initially unsuccessful will be developed at the District School Board and School Level.
Question 5 What course types are available to Grade 9 students? Basic, Advanced, General Essential, Applied, Academic, Open Workplace, College, University, Open Workplace, Applied, Advanced, Open
Course Types Grades 9 and 10 Essential “L” Applied “P” Academic “D” Open “O”
COMPARING COURSE TYPES Essential APPLIED ACADEMIC max class size is 16 max class size is 22 max class size is 28 more hands on, concrete (practical) more abstract (theoretical) ■ content geared to understanding basics & to filling learning gaps more community and personal examples more complex and global examples ■ pacing geared to individual learners; teacher directed and supported learning more directed, like a recipe; a step by step, teacher-directed approach to learning more independent, student-initiated, student-directed learning ■ shorter, more familiar examples shorter, more familiar examples longer, more unfamiliar examples ■ typically leads to workplace destinations typically leads to college destinations typically leads to university destinations
Question 6 In order to receive a French Immersion Certificate, how many French immersion credits do I have to successfully complete? 12 10 8 6
French Immersion Certificate: Need 10 French Immersion credits including FIF 4UF Grade 9: FIF1DF – French Language SNC1DF – Science CGC1DF – Geography ADA1OF – Drama Grade 10: FIF2DF – French Language CHC2DF – History GLC/CHV2OF – Careers/Civics Grade 11: FIF3UF – French Language Grade 12: FIF4UF – French Language Additional Choices: GPP3OF – Leadership and Peer Support IDC4UF – Interdisciplinary Studies CWE2OF/4OF – 2 or 4 Period Co-op
WHERE DO GRADE 9 COURSES LEAD…. English Compulsory Courses English Grade 9, Academic Grade 10, Academic Grade 11, University Grade 12, University Grade 11, College Grade 12, College Grade 9, Applied Grade 10, Applied Grade 11, Workplace Grade 12, Workplace English Grade 10, Essential English Grade 12, Workplace English Grade 9, Essential English Grade 11, Workplace
WHERE DO GRADE 9 COURSES LEAD…. MATHEMATICS MEL 4E1 Mathematics for Everyday Life Grade 12, Workplace MEL 3E1 Grade 11, Workplace MAT 1L1 Mathematics (Essentials), Grade 9 MAP 4C1 Foundations for College Math Grade 12, College MBF 3C1 Grade 11, College MCT 4C1 for College Technology MFM 1P1 Foundations of Mathematics Grade 9, Applied MDM 4U1 Data Management Grade 12, University MCF 3M1 Functions and Applications Grade 11, University/College MPM 1D1 Principles of Mathematics Grade 9, Academic MHF 4U1 Advanced Functions MPM 2D1 Grade 10, Academic MCV 4U1 Calculus & Vectors * MCR 3U1 Functions Grade 11, University MFM 2P1 Grade 10, Applied GLS1O1 Learning Strategies Math Skills Grade 9, Open MAT 2L1 Mathematics (Essentials), Grade 10 * Advanced Functions course can be taken concurrently with or can precede Calculus & Vectors.
WHERE DO THE COURSES LEAD…. Science Science Science WHERE DO THE COURSES LEAD…. Earth and Space GRADE 12, UNIVERSITY SCIENCE Biology GRADE 11, UNIVERSITY Biology GRADE 12, UNIVERSITY Chemistry GRADE 11, UNIVERSITY Science GRADE 10, ACADEMIC Chemistry GRADE 12, UNIVERSITY Physics GRADE 11, UNIVERSITY Science GRADE 9, ACADEMIC Physics GRADE 12, UNIVERSITY Science GRADE 12, UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE Science GRADE 9, APPLIED Any Grade 11 U, M, or C level Science Course Environmental Science Grade 11, UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE Science GRADE 10, APPLIED Chemistry GRADE 12, COLLEGE Biology GRADE 11, COLLEGE Physics GRADE 12, COLLEGE Science GRADE 9, ESSENTIAL Environmental Science GRADE 11, WORKPLACE
Promotion Policy Students who are unsuccessful in one or more subjects will be recommended to select one of the following options A) attend summer school B) repeat the course at the Grade 9 level in the Applied or Academic stream
Question 7 Once you have clicked on “submit”, what else do you have to do with your son or daughter’s option sheet? Nothing. Print it and hand it in to Gr 8 teacher. Print it, sign it, and hand it in to Gr 8 teacher. Print it, sign it, and put it in the mail.
On-line registration must be done, and signed course request sheet handed in to your Gr. 8 Teacher by: Friday, FEBRUARY 17, 2017
For Non-DDSB Registrations Any non-DDSB Grade 8’s who reside or will be residing within USS school boundaries, must submit entire registration package (including paper Grade 9 Option Sheet) directly to USS Guidance by February 21st for equal consideration
ONLY Grade 9’s at the school!! BEWARE: If on-line registration is not done, and signed course request sheet not handed in, your student is NOT registered at Uxbridge Secondary School ORIENTATION DAY Tuesday, September 5, 2017 First Day of Grade 9 ONLY Grade 9’s at the school!! Parents are welcome!
Specialist High Skills Major Allows students to focus on knowledge and skills in certain economic sectors in Grades 11 and 12 Students obtain additional certification in these sectors Students will graduate with the SHSM designation on their diploma Currently, USS offers a Specialist High Skills Majors in Construction, Environment and Outdoor Education, Health and Wellness, and Hospitality and Tourism.
SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL (SCC) Facilitates communication between parents, administration, and teachers Approximately six meetings per school year, held at the school in the evening Involvement in the council is an opportunity to strengthen the partnership between parents, students, teachers, administration, and be part of a dedicated team working to ensure a high quality of education. Your participation can make a difference! Contact Lisa Edwards (SCC Chairperson) for more details or plan to attend the first meeting next September!
“GETTING READY FOR HIGH SCHOOL” Program offered to all students entering Grade 9 in September, 2017 Looks briefly at English and Math curriculum, developing organizational and note taking skills, study skills, time management and strategies for success Time and Location: to be announced Register in June at your elementary school or through www.dce.ca – it’s free!
Being Mentally Prepared Durham Region Health Department Resources on teen resilience, screen use, safety concerns, etc. Heather Glen is here tonight! Cam’s Kids – anxiety awareness and resources www.CamsKids.com Mindyourmind.ca – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Please note: Tonight’s presentation is available on the school’s website: www. uxbridgetigers.com Thank You!
Virtual Tour…Hospitality (TFJ 1O1)
Virtual Tour…Transportation Technology (TIJ 1O1)
Virtual Tour…Construction (TIJ 1O1)
Virtual Tour…Weight room/ Dance Studio ( PPL 1O3 / PPL 1O4 )
Virtual Tour…Music- Instrumental AMI 1O1
Virtual Tour…Physical Education (PPL 1O3 / PPL 1O4)
Virtual Tour… Science (SNC 1D1 / SNC 1P1/SNC1L1)
Virtual Tour…Canadian and World Studies (CGC 1D1 / CGC 1P1)
Virtual Tour…Drama ( ADA 1O1)
Virtual Tour… Art
Virtual Tour…Visual Arts (AVI 1O1)
Virtual Tour…The Courtyard
Virtual Tour…Special Education / Academic Resource
Virtual Tour…Communications Tech (TIJ 1O1)
Virtual Tour…Guidance Office