Elementary Scheduling w/Excel: Admin Choice for Specials Bob Cornacchioli DERO Technical Services CEO
Agenda/Participants will be engaged in: Courses – Sections Teacher Numbers Rooms Days – EXPRESSIONS - Periods Dependent Sections EOY – Mass Enroll www.derotechnical.com for more resources
CEO - DERO Technical Services Contractor - PowerDataSolutions - ANCGroup Trainer - Pearson Systems Evangelist/Process Assistant- Level Data Marketing - ParkBench Software Director of Technology and Media Services – Shrewsbury Public Schools (16 yrs) PowerSchool Administrator ( 6 yrs) Bob Cornacchioli
What do you have now? DRAW A LINE IN THE SAND What format?
Or this?
Convert it to this! Course Name Course Number Term Length Expression- When does it meet? HR(1-6) would place a √ for each day Teacher Room – Where does it meet? Grade Level – N/A Section Number- VIP!!! Plenty of ideas here!! Max Enrollment Dependent Sections- If enrolled in this class students would also get these courses
Dependent Sections Gray means w/HR Teacher 8(B), 7(D)
Scheduling Spreadsheet
Term ID Term ID = Scheduling Year 2006= 1600, 2009=1900, 2010=2000 What if a course last less than a full year, what would the term ID be?
Term ID’s for Less than Full Year Courses! T1 =1901, T2=1902, T3=1903 C1=1904, C2=1905, C3=1905, C4=1906, C5=1907, C6=1908
If you are importing – double √√√ Your numbers have to match Full Year Course = 2100 T1 =2101, T2=2102, T3=2103 C1=2104, C2=2105, C3=2105, C4=2106, C5=2107, C6=2108
Importing Schedule into PowerSchool Special Functions Importing and Exporting Quick Import Table- Sections (Master Schedule) Find TXT file ( converted XLS file ) Match column names to those in PS
Import into the Sections (Master Schedule) Never REMOVE √
Suggested Field Map Name is not used in PS, but I use it as a visual clue. Do you know your teacher numbers? √ Removes Column Headers that were used in Excel
After Import – RED is BAD! After importing PowerSchool displays a page with your results. RED is an error and it “clearly” tells you ( HA!) what these mean. Go slow it’s doable Typical Errors: Bad teacher numbers Expression is wrong Term ID is wrong/not set
Mass Enroll: Power of Depend_Sec 95701.1 gets 98701.1,65701.1,70701.1,92701.1,60701.1 NAME - Sometimes I title that column DNU- Do Not Use
Does your state require reporting elementary subject matter teachers? Sample Scheduling of Core Subjects
GOT LISTS! 1. Before EOY, with lists in hand, select current grade level. 2. From the function options choose Select Students by Hand
WITH LISTS… Hold the Command Key down on a Mac Select each student in Mrs. Jones Grade 1 HR for next year Select Function Options at the bottom
Mrs. Jones Grade 1 HR for 2011
Accessing Your Stored Selections Check √ in your selections Go Functions to Mass Enroll AFTER EOY AFTER EOY AFTER EOY
Mass Enroll Function AFTER EOY AFTER EOY AFTER EOY Course.Section this identifies your teachers/rooms and periods Enrollment Date – NORMALLY first day of school . This date is always the date of your action, you must change it!
Mass Drop PowerSchool Version 7.03 Select a sections class size Class List shows Check and UnCheck the ones you want to drop Very Simple Screen Very Complex on the Back End
BREADCRUMBS Teacher Schedules Teacher Name Enrollment Total <<THIS PAGE PS 7.03
Q & A Bob Cornacchioli DERO Technical Services bcornacchioli@gmail.com http://www.derotechnical.com