Transcripts, Grades, and PSEO, oh my!


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Transcripts, Grades, and PSEO, oh my!

Topics covered today: PSEO IB Graduation Requirements GPA review Transcripts review March 15th ACT Practice test notification

Preparation for college Recognition by college admissions office Earning College Credit & High School Credit at The Same Time (Dual Credit) Preparation for college Recognition by college admissions office Potential savings on tuition Depends on receiving institution Question to ask: “Does the credit count toward graduation or just used for placement in higher level classes?”

Dual Credit Opportunities AP Exams IB Assessments PLTW Courses College Courses at Washburn CLEP Exams Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

Articulation Examples University of Minnesota Accepts IB Higher Level scores of 5 or above for credits (8 cr) Accepts AP scores of 3 or above for credit (3-4 cr) Accepts some CLEP scores of 60 or above for credit ( 3-4 cr) Accepts PSEO credits MNSCU schools (i.e. St. Cloud, Mankato, Winona) Accept IB Higher Level scores of 4 or above for 3 credits. Accept IB Standard Level scores of 4 or above for 2 credits. Accept AP scores of 3 or above for credit (3 cr) Accept all CLEP scores of 50 or above for credit (3 cr) Accept PSEO credits

POST SECONDARY ENROLLMENT OPTIONS The Minnesota Legislature created Post-Secondary Enrollment Options programs in 1985 to promote rigorous course taking and improve student transitions to postsecondary education. Postsecondary Enrollment Options allows high school juniors, seniors and some sophomores to take college courses at an actual college.

Local PSEO Programs University of Minnesota (25) Minneapolis Community and Technical College (21) Normandale (4) North Central University (1) Concordia (1) St. Kate's’ Hamline Macalester Bethel McNally Smith St. Paul College Northwestern MCAD Dunwoody

University of Minnesota Application deadline April 1st (One enrollment period for year); May 30th notification; 500 admitted students out of 1200 applicants GPA, course rigor, PSAT (considered, not expected) Typical Enrollee: Average GPA 3.89 with rigorous courses Basic form must be completed on-line but additional paperwork must be picked up in counseling office and turned in to the U of M: Instructions Balance Sheet PSEO notice Test scores Requires counselor sign-off Placement testing for Math and World Language after admission Science classes usually have a high school pre-requisite Info sessions: 2/22, 2/24, 3/8 5:30 Bell Auditorium

Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) June 1st / December 1st deadlines Juniors: 3.0 GPA Seniors: 2.5 GPA Pass the Accuplacer Test Application is on-line only: pick-up instructions and other materials in counseling office. Courses in Nursing, Air Traffic Control, Audio Production, Cinema, Video Arts, Photography are not available to PSEO students.

Normandale Community College Application deadline: July 1st and Dec. 1st Juniors: Top 1/3 of class or 70th percentile on PSAT Seniors: Top 1/2 of class or 50th percentile on PSAT Pick-up application in counseling office and mail in with transcript and counselor signed form. Informational Sessions: 2/2, 3/1 5:00pm

PSEO: High School versus College Teachers often remind you of due dates and assignments. Teachers check your completed work Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material. Teachers often arrange tests so as not to conflict with school events. “Good faith” is often rewarded with a higher grade. Classes meet every day. Access to student information. COLLEGE Professors expect you to read, save , and consult syllabus for due date Homework is not often given and rarely checked or used for grading. Expecting you can do a similar task on an exam. Testing is infrequent, cumulative, and encompasses a large part of your grade. Tests are scheduled without regard for other classes or activities. Reading load is much heavier than high school. “Good faith” effort is appreciate but typically doesn’t change the grade you earned. Classes meet two or three times a week. No parent access to student information.

Final Considerations for PSEO Maintain close contact with WHS counselor for course approval, other important information. Limited to full-time status. All grades added to WHS transcript. Any C- or less likely will result in probation. Transfer of credits subject to discretion of receiving institution. Part-time students must be wary of and responsible for change of classes to start 2nd semester. Success rate

PSEO Application Steps Pick up application materials in WHS Counseling Office or download/apply directly through college website. 2.Be sure to submit all required materials (transcript, Notice of Registration, and when required, exams/balance sheets) 3.After notification of acceptance, attend orientation 4. Meet with WHS counselor to approve credits and set-up schedule (August)

International baccalaureate (IB) Created in Switzerland in 1968 for students in international schools. Know for setting high standards and emphasizing creative and critical thinking. Students are responsible for their own learning, choosing topics and devising their own projects, while teachers act more as supervisors or mentors than sources of facts. Emphasizes research and encourages students to learn from their peers.

* Indicates a new class at Washburn for the 2016-2017 school year IB Courses at Washburn Group 1 (English) Language and Literature HL Group 2 (World Languages) Spanish SL and HL French SL and HL Group 3 (History) History HL History SL Group 4 (Science) Physics SL* or HL Chemistry SL Biology SL or HL Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) SL Sports, Exercise, and Health Science SL* Group 5 (Mathematics) Math Studies SL Math SL Math HL Group 6 (Arts) Visual Arts SL or HL Music SL* * Indicates a new class at Washburn for the 2016-2017 school year

IB options at Washburn IB Certificate Washburn IB Medallion IB Diploma

IB Certificate One or more SL or HL Courses Earn a passing grade in each course Complete all internal assessments for each course May exams Participation in the May 2016 or 2017 examination session

IB WHS Medallion 2 HL and/or 2 SL Courses Earn a passing grade in each course Complete all internal assessments for each course TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Earn a passing grade in the course Complete the TOK Essay Complete the TOK Presentation CAS (Creative, Action & Service) Enter Goals online Enter completed hours online with supervisors name, email, and phone number Enter a reflection for each activity May exams Participation in the May examination sessions

IB Diploma 3 HL and 3 SL Courses (Max 4 HL) Earn a passing grade in each course Complete all internal assessments for each course EE (Extended Essay) Choose a Teacher Advisor in January of your Junior year Read the Guide Research! Draft due: August your senior year Final due: January your Senior year TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Earn a passing grade in the course Complete the TOK Essay Complete the TOK Presentation CAS (Creative, Action & Service) Enter Goals online Enter completed hours online with supervisors name, email, and phone number Enter a reflection for each activity May exams Participation in the May 2016 and 2017 examination sessions Email the IB office to request scores to be sent to the college of your choice

Questions about ib? Room 133 612-668-3435

Graduation Requirements Minimum 21.5 total credits needed from the Following subject areas: English 4 credits (16 quarters) Social Studies 4 credits (16 quarters) Math 3 credits (12 quarters) Science 3 credits (12 quarters) Physical Ed 1 credit (4 quarters) Health 1 credit (4 quarters) Fine Arts 1 credit (4 quarters) Electives 4.5 credits (18 quarters) Complete ALL My Life Plan (MLP) requirements Complete any necessary exams (ACT or Accuplacer)

Reality of Remedial College Work Huh, I only need three years of science and math?... Yes, BUT: You may need to take remedial college courses if you’re skills are not college level ready TAKE FOUR YEARS OF MATH AND SCIENCE! Take more than two years of World Language if your prospective college requires you take a World Language

GPA Calculation Reminder A 4.00 points C 2.00 points A- 3.67 points C- 1.67 points B+ 3.33 points D+ 1.33 points B 3.00 points D 1.00 points B- 2.67 points D- 0.67 points C+ 2.33 points F 0.00 points To calculate GPA, simply add the number of points you earned and divide by the number of classes you had. Your GPA is cumulative. This means that you add and divide to the total from each preceding quarter.

GPA: What Does It Mean? > 2.0 GPA* 2.50 - 3.00 GPA* 3.00 – 3.25 GPA

Who Cares about GPA? College Admissions Committees Scholarship Committees Post Secondary Options Auto Insurance Companies Washburn Athletic Department NCAA

Transcripts – Your official school document Record of all your high school courses, grades, GPA, and class rank Necessary for almost all postsecondary education Organized by semester and year

Current 9th grade transcript

Current 12th grade transcript

ACT Practice Test – March 15th You will be taking a retired ACT practice test in under two months Take this test seriously, it will be an indicator of your real ACT score It will also show you areas of strength and areas of improvement SEE YOUR COUNSELOR OR CCC STAFF FOR HELP AND INFORMATION ABOUT STUDYING!