Integrated Education and Training (IET) NTI Morning Session #3 November 17, 2016 Chris Coro, OCTAE U.S. Department Of Education
Goals and Objectives for IET session During this presentation, participants will: Gain greater understanding of IET under WIOA. Increase understanding of how compliant IET program models can support vision and goals of state and local workforce plans.
Quiz Question #1 What are the three required program components for a WIOA Title II-funded IET? Adult education and literacy activities Workforce preparation activities Workforce training IET includes all of the above activities. The adult education and literacy activities need to be provided concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation and workforce training for a specific occupation (or occupational cluster) and for the purpose of educational and career advancement.
Quiz Question #2 What is not part of how an AEFLA IET program meets the requirement that the 3 program components be integrated? Each of the components are each of sufficient intensity and quality and occurs simultaneously. Program includes a single set of objectives that identifies specific adult education content, workforce preparation activities, and workforce training competencies and is organized to function cooperatively. Use occupationally relevant instructional materials. Each of the components are staggered and sequential based on learner goals and needed competencies. Answer: 4. ED preamble discussion (p. 101) explicitly state that the “IET is part of a career pathways strategy that supports acceleration in accordance with the definition of career pathways….and accordingly the adult education and literacy activities and occupational training should occur simultaneously and not sequentially”
Quiz Question #3 True or false? An IET program meets the “for the purpose of educational and career advancement” requirement (§463.38) by: Ensuring the adult education component of the IET program is aligned with the State’s adult education content standards, as described in the State’s WIOA Plan, and Ensuring IET is part of a Career pathway. True.
IET Must Be a Part of a Career Pathway Career Pathways (Sec. 3(7)) is a combination of rigorous and high-quality education, training and other services that: Aligns with skill needs of the state’s or regional industries, Prepares an individual to be successful in a range of sec. or post-sec. education, Includes counseling to support an individual’s education and career goals, Includes education offered concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation and training in a specific occupation or cluster, Organizes education, training and other services to meet and accelerate an individual’s educational and career advancement, Enables an individual to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and Helps an individual enter or advance within specific occupation or occupational cluster.
Career Pathways Requirements in State Plan State Strategic Vision and Goals (See Required Elements for Submission of the State Plan, OMB 1205-0522, pages 7-8): Describe strategies the state will implement, including industry or sector partnerships related to in-demand industry sectors and occupations and career pathways, as required by WIOA section 101(d)(3)(B) Sec. 101(d)(3)(B): Requires as a State Board function, to assist the Governor in the development of strategies to support the use of career pathways for the purpose of providing individuals, including low-skilled adults, youth, and individuals with barriers to employment, with workforce investment activities, education and supportive services to enter or retain employment Note: Citation is included for reference. Language has been paraphrased from State Plan ICR and WIOA statute for brevity. This applies whether state submitted Combined or Unified Plan.
Career Pathways Requirements: Local Plans and Award Considerations Sec. 231(e)(1)-(13) considerations in awarding grants or contracts to local eligible providers: (1) The degree to which provider would be responsive to regional needs identified in the local plan (sec. 108) and serving individuals in the local plan most in need of adult education (low levels of literacy or those who are English language learners) (10) Whether the eligible provider’s activities coordinate with other available education, training, and social services in the community to establish strong links with elementary schools, postsecondary institutions, local workforce boards…. for the development of career pathways
Data Analysis (State and Local Plans) State Plans (Sec. 102(b)(1)(A)-(C)) Analysis of in-demand industry sectors, labor market trends, and the educational and skill levels of the workforce, including individuals with barriers to employment Description of core program strategy, including an analysis of the capacity of such entities to address the identified education and skill needs of the workforce and employment needs of employers Local Plans (Section 108(b)) Analysis of in-demand industries, employment needs of employers, the knowledge and skills needed to meet employment needs, analysis of the workforce and the educational and skill levels, including those with barriers to employment Description of local vision and goals for preparing an educated and skilled workforce (including individuals with barriers to employment) Note: Citation is included for reference. Language has been paraphrased for brevity. Reminder that local plan content requirement mirrors state plan requirements but at a micro level. All of it based on data analysis.
IET Checklist
Table Top Exercise and Discussion IET? Table Top Exercise and Discussion
Big IET Design Questions How does IET meet the requirements of 34 CFR 463, Subpart D? Which specific existing or emerging in-demand industry sectors or occupation is the IET aligned? Describe entry-level skills required for eligible individuals to enter or succeed in the IET How can eligible individuals who cannot meet entry-level skills requirements be prepared to transition, as appropriate to IET? How does IET enable individuals to progress along a career pathway?
Final Exam Question True or false? Some eligible individuals, depending upon local economic conditions or individual characteristics, may be best served first through other adult education activities prior to, and in preparation for, subsequent enrollment in an IET program. True. Remind participants of the earlier IET design questions to think through.
Questions? Regulations Related: AskAEFLA@ED.GOV IET (as it relates to IELCE TA project):