National Employment Service responsible for employment affairs, unemployment insurance affairs, exercise of unemployment insurance rights and keeping records in the field of employment Employment affairs: 1. Notification on employment opportunities and conditions; 2. Job matching within the country and internationally; 3. Vocational guidance and career counselling; 4. Implementation of active employment policy measures; 5. Issuing work permits to foreigners and stateless persons. Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 36/09, 88/10, 38/15)
National Employment Service Territorial coverage Organisational structure: - Head Office-Belgrade - Branch Offices in 34 Serbian towns - 140 organisational units – employment offices and local offices in all Serbian towns. Data base of unemployed persons The largest data base of unemployed persons, persons who wish to change their job and other job seekers. Developed and IT-supported system for maintaining employment registries, facilitating efficient selection of candidates and monitoring the implementation and effects of active employment policy measures.
Operational documents NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Documents Legal documents Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance Law on Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities Rulebooks, Statute, bylaws, etc. Strategic documents National Employment Strategy 2012-2020 Strategy for Promoting the Position of Persons with Disabilities Vocational Guidance and Counselling Strategy Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Roma Population in the Republic of Serbia Poverty Reduction Strategy, etc. Operational documents National Employment Action Plan Work Programme of NES
National Employment Action Plan for 2015 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE National Employment Action Plan for 2015 Employment policy priorities improvement of labour market conditions and promotion of labour market institutions, enhancing the employment and social inclusion of hard-to-employ persons and providing support to regional and local employment policies, enhancing the labour force quality and investment in human capital Disadvantaged / priority groups youth up to 30, persons over 50, redundant workers, Roma people, persons with disabilities NES Work Programme 2015 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES Work Programme 2015 Job placement services for job seekers Visits to employers Job placement services Vacancy registration filing in NES Branch Offices Vacancy registration filing via NES web site (Internet job matching) Employment counselling and development of Individual Employment Plan Active job seeking measures Job clubs Active job search training Self-efficiency training 2 Workshop on how to manage stress induced by job loss Vocational guidance and career counselling Providing information on career development opportunities Information and Vocational Counselling Centres, NES web site Counselling on career development opportunities Selection and classification Employment subsidies to employers Subsidies for creation of new jobs Subsidies for employment of financial social assistance beneficiaries
NES Work Programme 2015 Support to self-employment NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES Work Programme 2015 Support to self-employment Educational programme in entrepreneurship Self-employment subsidies Additional education and training On-job training Practical vocational training Training at employer’s request Training in response to labour market needs Recognition of prior learning Public works Projects
National Employment Service Work with persons with disabilities
Persons with disabilities by disability categories NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Persons with disabilities by disability categories Unemployed person with disabilities a person aged 15-65, who is willing to work or accept vocational rehabilitation for the purpose of employment, who actively seeks for job and is registered with NES. The following categories have the status of disabled persons: 1) disabled military servants (1500); 2) categorised persons: persons with vision/hearing impairment, persons with low-grade mental retardation or complex retardation and persons with physical disabilities (4049); 3) persons with work-related disability (2337); 4) persons whose working ability has been assessed (7193);
Total number of unemployed PWDs NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Total number of unemployed persons 735.958 Total number of unemployed PWDs 15.407 (aug/sep.2015) I-II Ed.level III-IV VI-VIII Youth up to 30 30-50 over 50 6370 8128 909 2680 6669 5878
A concept of vocational rehabilitation of PWDs NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE A concept of vocational rehabilitation of PWDs 1. Registering in the unemployment register 2. Individual employment plan and employability assessment 3. Working ability assessment Determination of the status of person with disability Assigning of professional rehabilitation measure 4. Development and implementation of ALMP measures Prioritised and/or targeted inclusion of PWD 5. Employment
Active labour market policy measures for PWDs NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES Work Programme Active labour market policy measures for PWDs Vocational rehabilitation measures and activities Active job search trainings Job clubs Job fair Trainings Internship Employment support programmes Subsidised income for PWDs without previous working experience Self-employment subsidies Subsidies for creation of new jobs Public works Supportive measures Reimbursement of workplace adjustment costs Reimbursement of work assistance costs Working ability assessment Aiming at employment or retaining current employment
NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 1 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 1 PREPARATION DEV.1.1 Identify and analyze the needs of employers provision of information about employers’ needs for hiring PWDs (available vacancies and required applicants’ qualifications) and the needs of employers’ benefiting from the NES financial support programmes DEV.1.3 Benchmarking transition and employment policy exchange of information about the model of PWD employment policy in Serbia, exchange of experience in the implementation of active labour market measures and networking with regional partners in this field
NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 2 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 2 DEVELOPMENT DEV 2.1 Web based tool for employers The responsibility for developing, maintaining and managing the web-based tool will be borne by the project partner University of Kragujevac. NES will contribute to the development of the web-based tool by providing information about its activities related to the work with PWDs and about current programmes for vocational education and employment. As part of this activity, we will also consider the possibility of creating an online content adapted for persons with impaired vision or hearing and the possibility of linking the existing web site of NES with the new web-based tool. DEV 2.2 Web based tool for PWDs
NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 3 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 3 DEVELOPMENT DEV 3.3 Design recruitment guidelines for employers opening positions for students/university graduates with disabilities Based on the experience and practice of NES in developing and implementing active labour market measures, job placement, individual work with PWDs and maintaining contacts with employers recruiting PWDs. The designed guidelines for employers are significant for the work of NES, considering the need to develop standards in the field of vocational rehabilitation of PWDs and introduction of programmes of labour-social integration of adults.
NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 4 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION WP 4 DEVELOPMENT DEV 4.2 Training of employers Training modules will be developed in cooperation with project partners – higher education institutions, taking into account the activities of NES in the field of vocational rehabilitation of PWDs. Persons with disabilities will be provided training in development of their job-seeking skills, aimed at preparing them for the labour market as best as possible. The NES can contribute by providing the Active Job Search Training or Job Club services. . DEV 4.4 Training of PWDs
NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION DISSEMINATION NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES -Trans2Work WP АCТ NES PARTICIPATION DISSEMINATION DISS 7.3 Raising awareness and motivation to employers and families Full NES contribution to this activity, in accordance with the competences and available capacities DISS 7.4 Raising awareness and motivation to HE students with disabilities
NES -Trans2Work WP’ s NES PARTICIPATION QUALITY PLAN NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES -Trans2Work WP’ s NES PARTICIPATION QUALITY PLAN МANAGEMENT ЕXPLOITATION Full NES contribution to this activity in accordance with the competences and available capacities. Establishment of the Project Implementation Team .
ТRANS2WORK NES NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE ТRANS2WORK NES exchange of experience and good practice among institutions in the region; cooperation with higher education institutions and associations of PWDs with a view to preventing long-term unemployment of young highly qualified PWDs; improvement of NES work with PWDs and employers provision of more intense and targeted support to PWDs transitioning from school to work promotion of PWD employment, employers’ sensitisation and awareness raising development of a website that is better tailored to the needs of PWDs and introduction of new contents for PWDs development of an integrated support model, which would be provided to the unemployed PWDs by university career centres and the NES
NES PROJECT TEAM NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE NES PROJECT TEAM Sandra Scumpia, Project Coordinator, NES (social worker), Project Development and Implementation Officer Biljana Todorovic, PT member, NES (surdo educator), PWD Training Counsellor Irena Rakic, PT member, NES (social worker), PWD Employment Counsellor Ilija Knezevic, PT member, NES (economist) Advisor for External Financial Transactions