Federal and State Issues: Updates and Insights John Aguirre California Association of Winegrape Growers May 24, 2017
America Divided – Red and Blue
America Divided – Red and Blue
Congress Divided Andris C, Lee D, Hamilton MJ, Martino M, Gunning CE, Selden JA (2015), PLoS ONE 10
One Party Control in Washington, DC President Obama 2009–10 President Trump 2017–18 Affordable Care Act American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Wall Street Reform -- Dodd-Frank Iran Sanctions Supreme Court Nominees Supreme Court: Neil Gorsuch Health Care? Tax Reform? Trade? Border Wall? Infrastructure? Veterans and Military? One party control of Congress and White House doesn’t often occur -- Pres Bill Clinton – 2 years Pres Obama – 2 years Pres George W. Bush – 4 years Pres Trump – 2 years In President Obama’s first two years in office, Democrats controlled the Senate and House of Representatives. ACA 2010 Economic turmoil dominated that session Passed
US Debt Challenges Trump Agenda
Trump Agenda is Faltering
Key Issues Immigration Trade: NAFTA Tax Reform Farm Bill Regulatory Relief (WOTUS) FSMA Produce Safety Rule
Trump Agenda: Immigration Two Executive Orders Border Security More ICE Agents Comprehensive Reform – NO! Ag Guest Worker Program – Unlikely
Trump Agenda: Trade Trump Administration to Renegotiate NAFTA Agriculture Has a ‘Do No Harm’ Position US Wine Industry Canada’s Provincial Rules Discriminatory WI Proposes Expansion of Substitution Drawback
Trump Agenda: Tax Reform Agreement on Need for Reform, Disagreement on What House Speaker Ryan Wants Border Adjustment Tax Trump Administration Wants -- Three Personal Income Tax Brackets – 10%, 25% & 35% Eliminate Estate Tax Eliminate 3.8% ACA Tax Lower Corporate Tax Rate to 15%
FSMA Produce Safety Rule Two Exemptions Rarely Consumed Raw (RCR) – Asparagus, Figs & Potatoes Processing Exemption Notice (2018) and Assurance (2020) Recordkeeping (2 years) CAWG Wants RCR Exemption
California State Legislature Political Priority X
Sacramento: Policy Threats Labor, Labor, Labor ICE Enforcement – AB 450 ABC License Suspension & Revocation FLCs Sexual Harassment Training – SB 295 New Hires – AB 5
Sacramento: Opportunities New Funding for PD/GWSS Univ of CA Research, Indirect Costs FLC License Renewal – AB 815
What Can You Do? Stay Engaged! Support Your Association Support Political Candidates Call and Email Your Elected Officials To Do Nothing Invites Bad Policy
John Aguirre California Association of Winegrape Growers Tel 916. 379 John Aguirre California Association of Winegrape Growers Tel 916.379.8995 Email john@cawg.org Web www.cawg.org May 24, 2017