Creating a new Central Data Exchange (CDX) Account (to access NetDMR) Welcome to the module on creating a new Central Data Exchange (CDX) Account for purposes of electronic reporting Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data.
Access & Authentication In order to access NetDMR, you must first create an account in CDX CDX Access & Authentication NeT LEAD NetDMR SSTS CDX login URL: As soon as you type in the URL, you will be redirected to this NetDMR CDX log in page. As soon as you type in the url to NetDMR , you will be redirected to this NetDMR CDX log in page.
Create a New Account Click on create a new account. The url will take you to NetDMR’s Support web page. Click on the Login to NetDMR button to launch the NetDMR application. A login screen will appear. Click on Create a New Account.
Selecting Program Service and Role All * fields are required Select State Agency or EPA Region (aka Instance Name) and User Type Regulatory Agency where your DMRs are sent Choose from the pull down menu All fields are required. The first field is your Program Services Name. It is important to know if you are sending your reports to a State Agency or to EPA. You will make the selection of the agency from the pull down menu. Also you will need to select your user type from the pull down menu. We will discuss these fields in the next couple of slides.
Select Programs Service (Formerly know as Instance) Select your Regulatory Authority For example: Hawaii – DMRs are sent to state agency Choose Hawaii Dept. of Health Instance New Mexico facilities submit DMRs to EPA Choose EPA Region 6 Instance To select your Instance, click on the arrow to view the pull down list. Make your selection. For instance if you send your DMRs to the state agency in Hawaii, you would select the Hawaii Department of Health. New Mexico facilities submit their DMRs to the EPA office, so they would choose the EPA Region 6 instance. 6
Select User Type Select User Type Permittee (signature) Permittee (no signature) Data Provider Press NEXT to continue This screen shows the choices for the User Type. Select the user type and click next to continue. In CDX this will be referred to as your role 7
CDX Roles 8 Focus on just the 2 colums. The User Types are Data Provider, which are labs, contractors, or 3rd party affiliates which normally edit or view DMRs; The Permittee (signature) which is the person authorized to Sign the DMRs, and the Permittee (no signature) which a person that works for the company, edits or views the DMRs and is not able to sign the forms. Other terms are the Internal User which is State or EPA Agency personnel It is important to choose the appropriate role in CDX based on the tasks that you want to perform in NetDMR. NetDMR allows you to electronically sign the Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). If you will be signing the DMRs, you need to be sure to request the “permittee Signature” role in CDX. If you work for the company and plan to be a Permit Administrator, Edit or View DMRs, you will need to request the Permittee (no signature) role in CDX. If you are a data provider, you will need to select the data provider role. 8
Personal Information Fill out required information All boxes with asterisks * For Permittee (signature), ensure First & Last Names are your legal names (e.g. Robert, not Bob) Click NEXT when done. You will be required to enter all fields with an asterisks. Title, first name, and last name. Ensure that your First Name and Last Name are your legal name because this will be used to authenticate Signatories later in the process. Click Next to continue. 9
Create a User ID and Password Create User id & Password Choose 3 Security questions, and enter an answer Case Sensitive Agree to the Terms and Conditions These questions will be used in case you forget your password or user ID. Be sure to jot down your answers and store them in a secure location. The answers are case sensitive. You will need to Agree to the Terms and Conditions. 10
Signatory Accounts If requesting the CDX role of Permittee (signature) Required to answer 5 additional questions for digitally signing documents Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) or Paper Signature Agreement is required Users that are requesting the “Permittee Signature” CDX role will be asked to answer 5 additional questions for digitally signing documents. An electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) or a Paper Signature Agreement is required. 11
Electronic Signature Setup – Permittee (signature) Only Select 5 security questions from the drop down list. Enter an answer for each question selected. Remember your answers! These additional question are ONLY for Permittees with the Signature CDX account. This questions will appear when digitally signing the electronic DMRs. 12
Organizational Information Search for your organization. Organization name and State are required, other search fields are optional This is the organization you work for (your employer) You will be required to choose an Organization. The first step is to enter some search criteria, such as the Organization Name and the State. Click Find. 13
Select Organization Click on the Organization Id link to choose your facility A list of similar name organization may appear like this, select your correct organization by looking at the address and city. Click the Select button if this is your organization. 14
Organization Confirm your Organization 15 If the organization is not correct, click on back to search results. 15
Add Organization Organization unavailable “Request that we add your organization” If a search of the organization resulted in no data was found, you will need to click on the link to request that we add your organization. 16
Add Organization – Continued Fill out the required information for your organization Noted with * Click “Submit Request for Access” Fill in the required information for your organization. Note all asterisk fields are required. Click Submit Request for Access 17
Add Organization - Continued Select your Organization Enter your phone number You will need to Review Account information. If this is accurate, enter your phone number. 18
Contact Information Enter required fields. Click SEND VERIFICATION CODE. A green pop-up note will appear on screen informing an email was sent to this email. You will receive an email from CDX support with a Verification Code within a few minutes. Adding Organization: You will be required to enter your phone number and email. Click on Send Verification Code. Leave this screen open while you search for the email with your Verification Code. 19
Email Verification Highlight the email verification hyperlink and right click to copy the link. 20
Contact Information/ Registration After clicking SEND VERIFICATION CODE a verification box will appear Enter Verification Code You can COPY & PASTE code from email directly into box. Click Register Go back to the CDX registration, enter the verification code (right click to paste) and click on Register. 21
Organization Registration Completed A message will appear that you have successfully completed your CDX registration. Click “Continue”. After clicking on REGISTER, this pop-up will appear confirming completion. Click CONTINUE 22
Registration Process At this stage, Permittee (no signature) and Data Providers are finished and now have access to NetDMR The CDX roles Permittee (no signature) and Data providers will NOW have access to NetDMR. No further action is required. 23
“Permittee (signature)” Additional Requirements Permittee (signature) will need to continue as additional information is required Identify Proofing Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) Paper ESA option If you have the role of a permittee (sign), you will need to continue as additional information is required. You will be required to sign an Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) or can choose the Paper ESA option. 24
Identity Proofing Enter required fields with an asterisk Click on white tab for paper option of Identity Proofing Enter required fields with an asterisk Agree Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) Verify and Sign Paper option available Click on white tab for paper The 3rd party Lexis Nexis is used for Identify Proofing. EPA does not copy or maintain the information required thru Lexis Nexis. Fill in all the required fields with an asterisk. Agree to the terms in the Electronic Signature Agreement, verify and sign. You also have the paper option. Click on the white tab for the paper option. Print out the Agreement, Sign and mail to your Regulatory Authority. 25
Identify Proofing If Lexis Nexis is unable to verify your identity – Must Submit Paper Signature Agreement In some cases, Lexis Nexis may not be able to verify your identity. If that is the case, you will need to fill out the paper Signature Agreement. Print, sign, and mail to your Regulatory Authority. You must wait for your RA to approve you before you can access NetDMR
Paper ESA: RA address You must click on print to continue
RA Name Email Phone #
MyCDX This is the landing page when logging into NetDMR Clicking on your ROLE will take you to NetDMR This link will be inactive (not clickable) if you have not been approved Once you have logged into CDX, you will be able to click on the hyperlink under the Role column. 29
NetDMR Click on ‘Continue to NetDMR’ to continue. Will need to continue by Requesting Access to specific NPDES ID(s) within NetDMR. The next screen will show the NetDMR welcome page, Access to NetDMR, and any news items. Once in the NetDMR application, you will need to continue by Requesting Access for specific NPDES ID(s). Please visit the NetDMR Support webpage at for further instructions on how to Request Access for NPDES ID(s). 30
2 Ways to Access NetDMR Go to NetDMR directly url: Go to NetDMR Zendesk website url: Includes User Guides and on-line training Users will able to log into NetDMR in several ways. Our recommended way is to go to the NetDMR Zendesk support website. We recommend this access approach because the NetDMR Zendesk also contains a knowledgebase of NetDMR material available to assist NetDMR users. A second approach is to go to CDX directly. And a third approach is to go to the NetDMR application directly.