Title Type here Presentation Overview Proposed Draft Training Regulations Summary of comments Reflections – Next Steps proposed ( Consultations 2016 Sep) Establishment of sub-committees – Different classes and categories Basis of reviewing the Draft Regulations- Role Players Critical stakeholder engagements – Updates and Recommendations Key Definitions Professional Body – PSiRA Informing the review of the regulations Professional Body Responsibilities RPL Provisioning Type here
Title Type here Presentation Overview 11. RPL model Proposed Draft Training Regulations 12. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – PSiRA 13. Status update- PSiRA application as the Professional Body 14. Sub-committee meeting held.. and forthcoming 15. Progress on the review the review of proposed regulations 16. Overview of Occupational Qualifications Vs Unit Standards 17. Outcomes of sub-committee meetings 18. Expected Outcomes – PSiRA sub-committee engagements 19. Compliance to PSiRA Training Requirements 20. Common Challenges - Grades Programme 21. Way-forward Title Type here
Title Type here 1. Proposed Draft Regulations Published Proposed Draft Regulations, dated 24 June 2016 Industry circular, dated 28 June ( Notice on published). Extension on comments period, circular dated 15 November 2016. Type here
Title Type here 2. Summary of Comments Can PSiRA Recognise US that are from other ETQAs Exclusions with P.T.F.C Different views in defining competency with specific Sectors Impact of Change, Request for Training Type here What about SASSETA? Where do they fit Current Challenges PSiRA go back and engage critical stakeholders Time and cost on proposed skills programme Recognition of Prior Learning Role of Assessors Vs Instructor Keep the grades and implement skills Rural areas needs grades PSiRA to consider other SETA material
Title Type here 3. Reflections Proposed Next Steps Industry Circular dated; 15 November 2016 Establishment of sector based advisory committees inclusive of industry role players. Thorough review of the training material, cost and time . Review of grades to be aligned to the current changing landscape and growth of the industry. Capacity building workshops for the industry to enable a smooth and successful transitions. PSiRA to consider uplifting the current moratorium placed on accreditation of training providers. The development of a joint quality assurance processes aimed at eliminating the current accreditation delays experienced by the industry. Type here
Title Type here 4. Establishment of Sub-Committees Six number of the sub-committees representing various classes and categories of private security industry: Private Investigator Close Protection Locksmith Dog Handler Electronic security Guarding Engagements were as from November 2015. Skills programmes proposed to determine industry training standards. Type here
5. Basis of reviewing the proposed Draft Regulations – Role Players Title Industry Training Standards Legislation Regulations Professional Standards Qualifications PSiRA Mandate Type here SASSETA Quality Assurance Partner Quality Council (QCTO) SAQA Professional Body Recognition Professional Designation CPD Activities
Title Type here SASSETA QCTO SAQA 6. Critical Stakeholder Engagements Updates and Recommendation Title SASSETA Status on qualifications prioritized for review Status of the qualifications in terms of learner uptakes Review of the current MoU QCTO Realignment of qualifications / Model in use ( Recommended) Time-lines for alignment process (90 days) Organized Framework on Occupations SAQA Application as professional body Finalization of the application through finalization of proposed qualifications the award of designations Type here
Title Type here 7. Key Definitions Occupational Qualification: Means a qualification associated with the trade, occupation or profession resulting in learning in and for the workplace. Professional Body : Means any body of expert practitioners in an occupational field, and includes an occupational body. Professional Designation : means a tittle or status conferred by a professional body in recognition of a person expertise and or right to practice in a occupational field. Progression pathway: Means hierarchy of two or more related qualifications and or professional designations that allow for vertical progression within a profession. Qualification: Means a qualification or part qualification registered on the NQF. Recognition of Prior Learning: means the principles and processes through which the prior knowledge and skills of a person are made visible, mediated and assessed for the purposes of alternative access and admission, recognition and certification, or further learning and development. Title Type here
Title Type here QCTO QAP (SASSETA) SAQA 8. PSiRA as the Professional Body Informing the review of the regulations QCTO Qualifications on the Occupational qualification sub framework Quality Council to quality assure the OQSF qualification Replacing the unit standards based . Inform the qualifications for designation QAP (SASSETA) Perform delegated function by QCTO for the development/re-alignment. ( DQP/AQP) Ideal funder of the processes Provide QCTO with updates in terms of the existing qualifications SAQA Monitoring of Professional Body for the implementation of : CPD Policy RPL Members record keeping etc. Title Type here PSiRA Role and responsibilities on Proposed regulations
Title Type here 9. Responsibilities for Recognized Professional Bodies 2 Key points RPL and CPD In terms of SAQA National Policy for the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Leaning, Professional Bodies recognized must: (Clause 53 a-d) Comply with the SAQA Policy and Criteria of Professional Bodies and Registration of Professional Designations (2012) Include RPL route as an for attainments of its professional designations as stipulated in SAQA policy Collaborate with SAQA, Quality Councils and the relevant providers to incentivize and advance quality RPL provisioning in the sector Progressively develop and enhance and its capacity to initiate and support RPL provision in accordance to this policy Type here
Title Type here 10. RPL Provisioning In terms of SAQA National Policy for the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Leaning, Professional Bodies recognized must: (Clause 53 a-d) Comply with the SAQA Policy and Criteria of Professional Bodies and Registration of Professional Designations (2015). Include RPL route as an for attainments of its professional designations as stipulated in SAQA policy. Collaborate with SAQA, Quality Councils and the relevant providers to incentivize and advance quality RPL provisioning in the sector Progressively develop and enhance its capacity to initiate and support RPL provision in accordance to this policy. Type here
Professional Designation Award 11. Context for RPL Provisioning PSiRA Professional Body Title Key to note : RPL Model Qualifications Type here Professional Designation Award Draft Policy in place for inputs by recommended industry experts. Final Draft to be in the public domain for the approval by the industry Presentation to Council for final approval and implementation
Title Type here 12. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – Why? In terms of SAQA criteria and requirements for Professional Body Registration CPD activities are critical for the following reasons: Improvement of members knowledge, skills and experience Type here Work Based Learning Professional Development How PSiRA CPD Policy Formal Education & Learning Self Directed Learning Any other
13. Status Update – PSiRA Application as a Professional Body Title Application to SAQA September 2016 Twenty seven Designation listed on the application as proposed on the Draft Training Regulations, dated 24 June 2016 SAQA evaluation and preliminary report issued SAQA site visit conducted 22 December 2016 PSiRA to finalize the standards proposed for the purpose of professional award designation Type here
Title Type here 14. Meeting Held – Forthcoming... Sub-Committees for the following sector held on : 13/03/2017 : Close Protection 16/03/2017: Dog Handlers Forthcoming sub-committees scheduled as below : 10/04/2017: Electronic Security Industry 18/04/2017: Locksmith Electronic 24/04/2017 : Guarding Sector To be confirmed: Private Investigation Type here
Title Type here 15. Progress on the review of Draft Regulations QCTO involvement and SASSETA in the discussions / recommendations on 13/03/2017 and 16 March 2017 sub-committees Existing skills programme/ qualification to be realigned to the Occupational qualifications. Industry to consider the re-alignment to rationalize the basis of the qualification to still exists Re-alignment process considered as seamless and cost effective Turn-around time ( 90 days process) QCTO provided an overview to the Occupational Qualification model Type here
16. Comparison of US based VS Occupational aligned qualification Unit Standards (US) Occupational Qualification Qualifications = 120 Credits Qualification = Minimum 25 Credits US; rules incl. Core, fundamental and Elective Components with Credits allocated to each. Modules to cover components of curriculum to address: Knowledge/Theory Components 20% Practical 20% Workplace 20% Remaining 40% spread towards the complex component Level Descriptor thought of at the beginning of qualification development. Later after the curriculum being developed . Standard Generating bodies set for the development. Organized Framework for Occupations to exists to inform the curriculum code. Competency of a learner awarded through the formative and summative assessment by the Training Provider. Competency of a learner awarded only awarded following the assessment by TP and subject to External Integrated Summative Assessment. Title Type here
Title Type here 17. Outcomes of Sub-Committee meetings Close Protection Sector – Re-alignment of the existing qualification FETC: Close Protection recommended Minimum credits proposed 131 credits The qualification envisaged should allow progression in light of the Designations to be awarded Key competencies proposed to be addressed by the curriculum Static Guarding Advance Driving Close protection No half trained close protection officer for the sector. No lower standards for the close protection sector. The application for realignment submitted to the QCTO . In the process of signing service level agreement. ( QCTO-SASSETA) . Type here
Title Type here 17. Outcomes of Sub-Committee meetings: Continuations… Dog Handler Sector – Proposed standards for the skills programme as proposed were debated. 230 Credits for DH1 –DH2 , not well accepted by the sectors. Outcomes of the unit standards ( Care for the Dog) found irrelevant for DH1 and DH2. Recommendation/ suggestion to exclude Unit standard “ Care for the Dog” Seconded the realignment of the existing qualification to close the existing gaps that might exists. Recognition to prior learning critical for the sector given the current grades Type here
18. Expected Outcomes – PSiRA Sub Committee Engagements Title Committee Inputs Amendments/review to the draft regulations – Parallel Approach. Requirements for the short course- Course content Approval Entry/admission requirements Assessment and certification Alignment of the curriculum following the comments on publications. Prioritisation of qualifications for review/redevelopment –fit for purpose. Recommendations To be considered by the Authority in compiling a discussion document to the broader industry consultation. Type here
Title Type here 19. Compliance Requirements PSiRA Grades Courses In terms of the PSiRA-Act the following are still enforced : Grades courses Processing of Course Reports Re-accreditation current training providers Accreditation of Instructors First Application Upgrades Exemption(RPL) - Individuals for training attended and qualifications obtained Type here
Title Type here 20. Common Challenges Continues… Process Encounters Delivery of Grades Training Irregularity PSiRA relies on Integrity accredited instructors/managers/owners /members /directors Non-Compliance due alleged fraudulent training ( In cases No training at all) No attendance Manufactured course reports No compliance to training equipment Full time courses presented as self-studies No adequate administration Exceed class capacity and number of classroom Movements of classroom to unknown premises Distance learning ( Mispresentation) Course Reports Authenticity of the Course Report submitted Unsigned course reports /covering letters not attached, student name list/copies of IDs Duplication of course report. Fraudulent signatures Instructors signing course reports while not longer employed at the training Centre Credibility of training False declaration of competency Title Type here
Title Type here 20. Common Challenges Process Encounters Re-accreditation Irregularities Incomplete application forms Non-compliance to application requirements Insufficient evidence in support of application False disclosure of information in relation to the process (new address/occupying and operating on the same side) Instructor /Exemptions(RPL) Accreditation requirements Linked to the security company False disclosure of information related to the application (testimonial letters) Non-compliance to the application requirements Title Type here
Title Type here 13. New Developments – PSiRA Grades Training Industry circular to effect the additional module “ Human Rights” Internal process with SCM underway for the development of the learning material. Implementation Approach Integral part Grade E current grade Online assessments and centralised assessments Type here
Title Type here 8. Way Forward Scheduled sub-committee meeting will proceed. (30 April 2017) Further engagements with the critical role players for the finalisation proposed standards: Re-alignment of Qualifications (90 Days) PSiRA position to the re-alignment processes Provide SAQA with update in terms of current standards proposed-for the gazetting – Professional Body Approval of the Draft Policy in terms of RPL- Engagements with experts Review of the Grades sector specific Curb the common challenges – through new developments Planning of CPD programmes Prioritisation of the re-alignment ( QCTO time line) Establishment of Advisory Committees Consolidations of inputs from sub-committees( 30 April 2017) Discussions document for broader consultations discussions Title Type here
Title Type here