Lecture 4 Absorption Emission Equilibrium & SEASONS
Learning Goals for Part 2 of Chapter 2 Know the difference between ABSORPTION, EMISSION, and REFLECTION (ALBEDO) and what they have to do with the atmosphere and weather (e.g. clouds). Be able to describe what is meant by EQUILIBRIUM with regard to the Earth and why we care. Have an understanding of why the Earth has SEASONS. You can just read this slide.
Blackbodies Sun and Earth are blackbodies. Earth’s radiative equilibrium temperature is about 255 K This is equal to -18°C or 0°F Why isn’t this this average surface temperature? The atmosphere is NOT a black body!!! Atmospheric Gases are selective absorbers and absorb and emit IR Radiation.
Heating the Atmosphere Gases are the most effective absorbers of radiation and play the primary role in heating the atmosphere: Water vapor, oxygen and ozone absorb most of the energy in the atmosphere CO2 is important at long wavelengths (like IR) “Openings” are Atmospheric windows
Atmosphere Absorbs Radiation The Atmosphere is nearly transparent for shortwave but absorbs strongly longwave radiation. % absorbed FIGURE 2.9 Absorption of radiation by gases in the atmosphere. The shaded area represents the percent of radiation absorbed. The strongest absorbers of infrared radiation are water vapor and carbon dioxide.
Greenhouse Effect FACT: The atmosphere warms the planet Water Vapor, CO2 and other trace gases absorb the outgoing IR radiation The absorbed energy heats the air. The average temperature of the earth is 59°F (33°C)
Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) are the “villain” in the Global Warming Debate. The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming are NOT the same thing Without the Greenhouse Effect Earth would be uninhabitable!!!!! Human activity IS making the atmosphere more efficient at retaining long wave emissions from the Earth.
What Happens to Incoming Solar Radiation? Absorbed Transmitted Reflected Scattered DEPENDS ON THE WAVELENGTH OF THE ENERGY
Reflection and Scattering Bounces off at the same angle Scattering Produces a larger number of weaker rays And at the same intensity Less is “Backscattered” More is scattered forward
Reflection and the Earth’s Albedo Energy is returned to space via reflection and emission ALBEDO The percentage reflected About 30% is reflected for Earth 5% from land and ocean 25% from clouds and ice
Role of Clouds in Heating the Earth FACT: Clouds are good absorbers of IR radiation emitted from the Earth Thick cloud cover absorbs most outgoing IR radiation, re-radiating it back to the surface Warm cloudy nights The effect of heating really depends on the type of cloud…
Role of Clouds in Heating the Earth High Thin Clouds transmit incoming SW solar radiation Absorb some of the outgoing LW radiation, and re-emit back down Tend to WARM the surface
Role of Clouds in Heating the Earth Low Thick Clouds block incoming SW solar radiation They have a high albedo and reflect most of the energy back to space.. Tend to COOL the surface
Role of Clouds in Heating the Earth Whether a specific cloud will warm or cool the surface depends on: The time of day Cloud’s thickness Cloud’s height above the surface Liquid, ice or both On average clouds Cool the Earth
Summary: Heating the Atmosphere The atmosphere is largely transparent to incoming shortwave (high energy) radiation The atmosphere is more absorptive of the longwave (lower energy) emitted by the Earth The atmosphere is HEATED from the GROUND UP Explains why temperature decreases in the troposphere
Up NEXT……Energy Balance + Seasons Earth’s average temperature remains fairly constant There is a balance of incoming and outgoing radiation Otherwise we’d keep heating up or keep getting colder. Seasons - Regulated by the amount of solar energy received by the surface.
Heat transfer and balance in the atmosphere FIGURE 2.14 The earth-atmosphere energy balance. Numbers represent approximations based on surface observations and satellite data. While the actual value of each process may vary by several percent, it is the relative size of the numbers that is important.
Latitudinal Heat Balance Why don’t the tropics keep getting hotter and the poles keep getting colder? The atmosphere and oceans MOVE and transfer energy from the equator towards the poles! The energy imbalance drives ocean currents and winds!
Net surface solar radiation
Earth-Sun Relationships FACT: Unequal heating is responsible for winds and ocean currents (Weather). WINDS & PRESSURE OCEAN CURRENTS
Earth-Sun Relationships FACT: The Earth intercepts only a tiny percentage of the energy given off by the sun! NOT TO SCALE!
Earth’s Motions Earth’s two principle motions are: Rotation Revolution The spinning of Earth about its axis Why we have day and night Movement around the Sun Travels at nearly 113,000 km/hr (70,000 miles/hr) Elliptical orbit – not perfectly circular (exaggerated!)
*****NOT TO SCALE!!***** Earth’s Motions Elliptical Orbit – Eccentricity is ~0.8 NH Winter January 3rd NH Summer July 4th 152.1 million km 147.3 million km Aphelion Perihelion FARTHEST from the SUN CLOSEST to the SUN *****NOT TO SCALE!!*****
The Seasons Primarily due to: FACT: Variations in the distance between the Sun and Earth DO NOT cause the seasonal temperature change! Primarily due to: Change in the length of day accounts for some. Gradual change in the angle of the sun at noon. Affects the amount of energy received at Earth’s surface When overhead strongest Lower angle less intense
Length of day Angle of incoming sunlight: path length through atmosphere ; intensity per unit surface area FIGURE 2.19 During the Northern Hemisphere summer, sunlight that reaches the earth’s surface in far northern latitudes has passed through a thicker layer of absorbing, scattering, and reflecting atmosphere than sunlight that reaches the earth’s surface farther south. Sunlight is lost through both the thickness of the pure atmosphere and by impurities in the atmosphere. As the sun’s rays become more oblique, these effects become more pronounced.
Angle of incoming sunlight intensity per unit surface area Same flash light FIGURE 2.16 Sunlight that strikes a surface at an angle is spread over a larger area than sunlight that strikes the surface directly. Oblique sun rays deliver less energy (are less intense) to a surface than direct sun rays. Larger lighted area Smaller radiation per unit area
Alaska… Land of the Midnight Sun Latitude (degrees) NH Summer Solstice (Jun 21) NH Winter Solstice (Dec 21) Equinoxes (Mar. 20, Sep. 22) 12 hr 10 12 hr 35 min 11 hr 25 min 20 13 hr 12 min 10 hr 48 min 30 13 hr 56 min 10 hr 04 min 40 14 hr 52 min 9 hr 8 min 50 16 hr 18 min 7 hr 42 min 60 18 hr 27 min 5 hr 33 min 70 2 months 0 hr 00 min 80 4 months 90 6 months Length of Daylight Oahu, Hawaii 21.4667° N, 157.9833° W Based on Table 2-3 from your text! Circle of Illumination Boundary separating the dark and light halves of the Earth Alaska… Land of the Midnight Sun
The Seasons SUMMARY: Most important reasons for variations in the amount of solar energy: Seasonal changes in the angle at which the Sun’s rays strike the surface Changes in the length of daylight
Earth’s Orientation Why does length of day and sun angle change? Earth’s orientation to the sun constantly changes!!!
WITHOUT THE TILT WE WOULD NOT HAVE SEASONS! Earth’s Orientation Earth’s Axis Imaginary lines through the poles! Inclination of the axis: 23.5° from the perpendicular WITHOUT THE TILT WE WOULD NOT HAVE SEASONS! 23.5°
Earth’s Orientation Solstices Summer Solstice Winter Solstice Tropic of Cancer Northern limit of the Sun’s rays 23.5 N Latitude June 21-22 First day of NH summer NH tilted toward Sun Winter Solstice Tropic of Capricorn Southern limit of the Sun’s rays 23.5 S Latitude December 21-22 First day of NH winter NH tilted away from Sun
Earth’s Orientation Equinoxes Autumnal Equinox Spring Equinox Occur mid way between the Solstices Vertical rays strike along the equator (0 deg latitude) Earth not tilted toward or away Autumnal Equinox September 22 or 23 Spring Equinox March 21 or 22 Also called Vernal Equinox
Less Tilt (<23.5) More Tilt (> 23.5) More extreme seasons More mild seasons Milder winters Cooler summers No Seasons if Tilt = 0 More Tilt (> 23.5) More extreme seasons Colder winters Warmer summers For Both Cases: The location of Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn shift For 30 Tilt: Tropic of Cancer = 30N; Tropic of Capricorn = 30S For 20 Tilt: Tropic of Cancer = 20N; Tropic of Capricorn = 20S The Arctic and Antarctic circles would shift too For 30 Tilt: the Arctic = 60N; Antarctic circle = 60S (90 minus tilt) For 20 Tilt: the Arctic = 70N; Antarctic circle = 70S (90 minus tilt)
Key Information 1 Know the difference between ABSORPTION, EMISSION, and REFLECTION (ALBEDO) and what they have to do with the atmosphere and weather (e.g. clouds). Atmospheric Gases are selective absorbers and absorb and emit IR Radiation and play a role in heading the atmosphere. Energy is returned to space via reflection and emission Albedo: is the percentage of radiation reflected back to space. Clouds can both warm and cool the depending on the time of day, the cloud’s thickness, the cloud’s height above the surface, and if it is made of liquid, ice or both You can just read this slide.
Key Information 2 Be able to describe what is meant by EQUILIBRIUM with regard to the Earth and why we care. Earth’s average temperature remains fairly CONSTANT! There is a balance of incoming and outgoing radiation, otherwise we’d keep heating up or keep getting colder. The tropics don’t keep getting too hot because the atmosphere and oceans MOVE and transfer energy from the equator towards the poles! You can just read this slide.
Key Information 3 Have an understanding of why the Earth has SEASONS. The Earth has 4 seasons Summer Solstice (shortest day) ~ June 21-22 Winter Solstice (longest day) ~ Dec 21-22 Autumnal Equinox (12 day/12 night) ~ Sept 21-22 Vernal Equinox (12 day/12 night) ~ Mar 21-22 The Earth has SEASONS primarily because: Gradual change in the angle of the sun at noon. Change in the length of day accounts for some. Both of these affects the amount of energy received at Earth’s surface When overhead strongest Lower angle less intense The Length of Day and Sun Angle change due to the TILT OF THE EARTH You can just read this slide.