Early Elementary Art Activities Early Childhood Education Early Elementary Art Activities Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Bellwork Answer the following question: What was your favorite art activity as a kindergartner or first grader? Why? Write down your answer on a piece of paper or slate. Share your answer with your partner. Be prepared to share with the class if called on. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Objectives Define terminology Compare and contrast Early Elementary children’s art skills with preschooler’s art skills. Describe developmentally appropriate Early Elementary art activities. Identify special concerns with Early Elementary children and art. Design developmentally appropriate art activities for preschoolers. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Terminology Early Elementary age– children 5-8 years Baseline – art is organized on a line usually at the base of the paper rather than “floating” all over the page Dexterity - the ability to use hands skillfully Analytical – the ability to visualize and articulate concepts and make decisions that are sensible or logical Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
What can Early Elementary Children do? Increased independent art skills and willingness to try new activities on their own Increased motor dexterity and scissor skills Tell details (analytical) about art work Artwork is more detailed and realistic, including proportion Add special visual effects to drawings Introduction of the baseline – art is organized on a baseline rather than “floating” all over the page. Later development of 3 dimensional space Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Preschool or Early Elementary? Artwork includes proportion Print only some large letters Begins to name artwork Begins drawing on a baseline Begins drawing 3-dimensionally Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Art Experiences for Early Elementary Children Offer specialized materials that may have previously been not developmentally appropriate such as oil paints, oil pastels, etc. Encourage children to display their own work (like an exhibit) , allowing others to look at it and respond Allow children to make scrapbooks of art work Introduce art vocabulary/techniques and allow children to practice Creative class murals Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Early Elementary Children’s Art Concerns As children move from the preschool stage to the school age stage, they tend to lose expressiveness, originality, and even lose interest in drawing… They become so critical of their work that they simply stop drawing all together. What can teachers do? Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Teachers can: Expose children to various artists, both realistic and imaginative art Explain that art drawings are not meant to be photographs and that the act of drawing enables them to show their own special way of seeing the world Value all drawings of children, both descriptive and imaginative Make art activities a priority in the classroom Offer a lot of encouragement Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Your Turn! Design a developmentally appropriate art lesson plan for school age children using the template provided. When complete, you will share your lesson with a partner. Partner will give feedback on lesson (how it is DAP). Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium
Closure 12-Word Summary: In 12 words or less, summarize what steps caregivers or teachers of early elementary children can take to encourage early elementary children to draw. Be prepared to share with class. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium