Cinthia Vanessa Sevilla Ávila Cinthia is an outstanding student, responsible, respectful and a really smart girl. She dedicates a lot of time to her classes and she participated in the Science Fair Experiment. She likes to sing, participate in theatrical plays and she is part of the pastry shop.
Sherry Gabriela Rosales Cruz Sherry is a humble girl, responsible, respectful and obedient. She improved in class participation. Now she asks questions in class and her assessments are much better. Sherry is really creative she likes to decorate things. She is a beautiful girl. We are helping her through a program where she can accept and love herself. It is not easy to survive when she grew up without her mom and she didn’t know the reason why she left her when she was only three years old and disappeared. It is too sad, but know she came here and we love her. She found a family and we show that she is a precious daughter of God. Now we help Her to believe that she is precious and we love her so much.
Anselmo Sevilla Gonzales Anselmo participates in activities at EH. He likes to draw, create and invent new things. Anselmo needs help in Math class to work on basic operations. Sometimes Anselmo is really immature and constantly needs help from the teachers and Elder who is a classmate to help him during class too. He always keeps a smile in his beautiful face.
César Antonio Calderón López Cesar stands out as a leader in Dorm 3. He is outgoing, sociable and easy to get along with. Cesar is really good in Math. He is responsible and respectful. He is always trying to give the best of himself. He is one of most friendly boys at EH.
César Yoel Salinas Banegas Cesar is a really good student; responsible with his homework and class work. For him it is really easy to study and learn new things. He has a lot of potential but sometimes he acts like he doesn’t need to improve so he stops giving all the best of him. He is a very cute and sweet boy.
Denis Joel Coc Girón Denis is smart and participates during class. Denis is a child with a lot artistic potential he stands out in art school groups; he is part of the Marimba Band and is part of the theatrical team. He is a really active boy and everyday he wants to learn new things and participates in any art project. His favorite class is Art. I admire him a lot, because his perseverance, desire, challenge everyday, no matter the situation.
Elder Mauricio Enamorado Ramírez Elder is an excellent student. He is a very curious child has a great desire to investigate and learn about Life. He is very active, creative and analytical. Has potential in many areas such as drawing, theater, dance and guitar. Elder is very good at spelling and is a very good public speaker.
Erick Ariel Rosales Martínez Erick is responsible, respectful and obedient; he helps the teachers and likes to participate in class. He has potential for theater and he is very friendly with his classmates. He is attending a special program to improve in Spanish and Reading. He is a very good boy. He almost always is on the honor roll because his behavior.
Gael Said Espinoza Dely Gael is a good student. What characterizes him is that he is a humble kid and obedient. He likes Math class. He is attending special support in Spanish and Reading because he came with a low level education from another school. He is improving a lot. Gael is a tolerant boy, andhe accepts correction easily. He is a very educated and special boy.
Jaison Jahir Pérez Ordoñez Jaison has potential in many areas such as Theater and Computer. He is attending a special program in order to improve in Reading and Math. He is very sincere, outgoing and a very good public speaker. He is a sweet boy. .
José David Cáceres Aguilera Jose likes to participate in class; he is the leader in his dorm room and he is really friendly. He is attending a special program in Reading in order to improve. He is a very sweet boy and now he is happy because his youngest sister Genesis, who is in the first grade is at EH now. He is not allowed to spend time with his mom during weekends because she is not responsible at all. For his mom to leave her children at EH it is like taking a load off and she is not coming to visit them almost at all. But Jose is happy with his two sisters, Genesis in the first grade, and Katherine in sixth grade. .
Nahúm Andrés Ramos Ramos Nahum likes to collaborate and participate during class. He likes Art, Theater and he is helping with dorm room. He needs some help in Math class as he needs to learn basic operations and multiplication tables. Nahum is a smart boy. Sometimes he gets distracted during class so he needs individual help.
Roberto Rafael Connor Guity Roberto likes to write fairy tales and short stories. He likes to participate in class. He likes sports and likes to participate in spelling bee contests. Roberto is really friendly, caring and sociable; he is trying to give the best of himself to others.
Rubén Emanuel Marquina Ramos Ruben participates in his classes; he is really polite and respectful with others. He is an outstanding boy and he likes public speaking and poetry. He always keeps a watchful eye over his younger brother David. He needs some help with the basic operations in Math. Ruben is an exceedingly smart and sensitive boy and he doesn’t want to fail.
William Alexander Coc Girón William is a good student. He participates in class and he likes to do role plays. He likes theatrical plays and public participations. William is respectful. He is obedient and he puts a lot of effort to learn everyday a little more. He is outstanding boy.
My experience to work and live here at El Hogar has been such a blessing from God for me and my family. Here at El Hogar I have grown up as a person valuing what I have and at the same time being near to God through the children`s lives because here I have laughed and cried sharing lots of experiences with my kids from El Hogar. El Hogar has been such a life school for me because here I learn new things everyday from the school director, the kids and from my colleagues too. El Hogar is an important part of my life. Karen Amador (Teacher of Fourth grade)