Foundation Subjects: Our Science learning will be looking at the body. We will be studying the skeleton and what it does, alongside our personal hygiene, how the eye works and its functions. In Geography we will be looking at the location of castles and castles local to us. We will also be studying the journey of William the Conqueror. For History, we will be learning about life in the castles. We will be finding out about the banquets held, jousting, the different parts of the castles and how castles have developed through the ages. Art and DT will again be taught in a one week block this term to create a fun and vibrant classroom. We will be designing, painting, making and creating a variety of art to inspire us for our topic. P.E will continue to be supported by Active Trowbridge and this term the children will be developing their balance, coordination and physical awareness through Athletics. English: As always, we will be sharing lots of writing in the style of writing glossaries about castles and using dictionaries to develop our language skills and spellings, presenting information about castles and writing explanations about castles. We will be looking to secure understanding of grammar and spelling rules, whilst continuing to embed the skills we focused on last term. We will be looking to start achieving most of the year group expectations independently now and developing our mastery skills. Alongside this we will continue to complete phonics daily in preparation for the YR1 phonics check in June, as well as focus on the comprehension side of reading. RE: This term, we will be celebrating and focusing our learning on; Ascension, Pentecost, St. George’s Day, Father’s Day and Ramadan. To link into our assemblies, the children will be focusing on what they are proud of. The children have been asked to write about something either in or out of school which will be shared and discussed in lessons and around school. Enrichment opportunities/Dates: 2nd May – INSET Day – school closed. 8th May – People’s string Foundation workshop. 15th May – KS1 SATs week. 19th May – School photos. 22nd May – EYFS/KS1 trip to Farleigh Castle. 23rd May – Whole School Active Trowbridge reward morning. More to be added! Turrets and Tiaras (Part 1) Summer Term 1 2016-2017 . This topic will be taught over two terms. More information for the last term will be sent out in Summer term 2. We will be returning to using reading records. We understand that this was a helpful way of communicating and we are still encouraging any comments, questions, or queries to be noted inside the reading records. We will continue to check these on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but if you do have anything of a urgent or sensitive nature that you would like to discuss, please pop into the classroom before 8.55am. Maths: Daily maths will build on the children’s learning and independent problem solving skills. This term we will be focusing on Volume and Capacity, the Four Operations (multiplication, division, subtraction and addition) and Geometry. With KS1 SATs on during week 4, we will be focusing on securing all children’s existing knowledge which will allow the children’s learning to be deeply embedded and create opportunities for mastery level learning. We will continue to practise and apply our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables and number bonds daily, whilst recapping units of work taught last term.