Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Vitai Zsuzsanna Mária M.Sc. Thesis in Geology Supervisors: Mádlné Dr. Szőnyi Judit, Ádám László PhD
Scope Increasing utilisation of geothermal resources in Hungary Creating models is necessary and helpful ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 2 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Area studied N ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 3 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Area studied N ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 4 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Objectives Collecting of geophysical and geological data of the area Geostatistical analysis Building the model Study of the effect of different production and injection scenarios ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 5 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Source of data Former hydrogeological study Hydrocarbon exploration in the area Geophysical measurements Gravity anomalies, seismic data Data from bore holes Thickness, permeability, porosity, inflow rate, temperature, hydraulic head ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 6 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Data processing Geostatistics Surfer software: interpolation between bore hole data Modelling AQUA3D software: simulation of production, injection and cooling caused be injection ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 7 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Geology of the area Boundary of the Tisza and Száva units Precenozoic formations poorly known Paleogene strata not provable Thickness of Neogene over 2000 m Mid-Hungarian Line Száva unit Tisza unit Basement map of the studied area marked by black frame ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 8 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Geology of the area Boundary of the Tisza and Száva units Precenozoic formations are poorly known Paleogene strata not provable Thickness of Neogene over 2000 m Depth of the Miocene strata and the Inke-Jákó ridge Mintaszöveg szerkesztése Második szint Harmadik szint Negyedik szint Ötödik szint ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 9 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Badenian reservoir Abrasion conglomerate, coarse sandstone, Lithothamnic limestone, marl and sandstone (Pécsszabolcs and Rákos Formation) Thickness 5–126,5 m Porosity 12–17 % Permeability 0,1–10 mD Hydraulic conductivity 5·10-9–3·10-5 m/s Specific storage ~8·10-6 m-1 Temperature uncertain ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 10 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Model boundaries Non-flow boundaries: tectonic and sedimentologic Model boundary marked with red and the bore holes used for interpolation Szilágy Clayey Marl Thrust zone Szilágy Clayey Marl Mid-Hungarian Line ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 11 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Results Change of pressure level due to the 20-year production of 30 L/s Mintaszöveg szerkesztése Második szint Harmadik szint Negyedik szint Ötödik szint (Contour lines in meters) ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 12 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Results Change of the pressure level due to the 20-year production of 30 L/s (winter) and 5 L/s (summer) Mintaszöveg szerkesztése Második szint Harmadik szint Negyedik szint Ötödik szint (Contour lines in meters) ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 13 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Results Draw-down in the production well due to continuous production Mintaszöveg szerkesztése Második szint Harmadik szint Negyedik szint Ötödik szint ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 14 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Results Draw-down in the production well due to alternating production ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 15 /20
Results Retardation coefficient: Production and injection rate Temperature break-through time [days] 30 L/s 7390 20 L/s 11040 10 L/s 22160 30 – 5 L/s 47965 20 – 4 L/s 59190 10 -3 L/s 76580 Break-through time of the 2-°C temperature decline in the production well ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 16 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Sensibility study Anisotropy angle: significant Anisotropy factor: significant Hydraulics of faults: significant Dispersivity: moderate effect on model results ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 17 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Evaluation Effects of the production and injection near Csurgó: great draw-down in the production well and significant upconing in the injection well because of poor hydogeological properties (low hydraulic conductivity and specific storage) of the reservoir, moderate changes in outer parts of the reservoir, significant pressure oscillation due to alternating production rates, break-through times are longer than 20 years in all of the production scenarios. ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 18 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Summary Significant and uneven pressure decline -> Only moderate production (e.g. 10 L/s in the winter and 3 L/s in the summer) is possible. Several estimated parameters in the model can cause serious errors -> More investigations are needed to improve the estimations. Connection with other reservoirs cannot be excluded -> Remission of disadvantageous effects in the Badenian reservoir is also possible. ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 19 /20
Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge Thank you for your attention! ISZA, 26 March 2011 Modelling of a Badenian Geothermal Reservoir near the Inke-Jákó Ridge 20 /20