The emergence of the Constitution and its main features TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY Department of Social Sciences and Humanities № 1 Lecture number 13 Topic: The emergence of the Constitution and its main features
The plan: 1. Development of constitutionalism in the country. 2. Development of the 1992 Constitution and its adoption. 3. The characteristic features Constitution of Uzbekistan in 1992 4. Constitutional symptoms of Uzbekistan.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan In the Republic, in connection with its national-state system, there are two types of constitution The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Based on a single economic and political basis, they are at the same time have differences due to different outside the territory covered by their validity, their historical and national development, the specific problems that arise from the sovereign rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Конституции Республики Узбекистан The Constitution of 1937 The Constitution of 1927 two constitutions of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Khorezm and Bukhara People's Socialist Republic 1918-1920. The constitution of 1978
The first Constitution, adopted in 1927 The first Constitution, adopted in 1927., Strengthened the occurrence of the republic of the Soviet Union and its corresponding legal status as a union republic's sovereignty, the structure of state power that occurred during the formation of Uzbek SSR. The second constitution, adopted in 1937., Declared at the time of completion of construction of the foundations of a socialist society. The third constitution was adopted in 1978 contained a number of democratic principles, but many of the provisions of the constitution remained only on paper.
All of these came from the Constitution of the USSR Constitution All of these came from the Constitution of the USSR Constitution. Were some of the features in separate articles that reflect the specifics of a subject of the Federation. So in the Uzbek constitution establishes the legal status of women. For example, Article 121 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan in 1937 was confirmed that the ban, women work, to marry without her consent, to take dowry (bride price) is illegal.
the proclamation of national independence 2 factors of the new Constitution of the independent state of Uzbekistan Transition of market- the proclamation of national independence
On the State Independence of the state and its legislative recognition President Karimov said that: "... no nation can be truly sovereign, not to fix in their core principles of state law and public order, the rights and freedoms of citizens, economic fundamentals and strategic directions of development. "
Need for a new Constitution was due to the following reasons: The Constitution should be a fundamental legal basis for the creation and organization of the national state Need for a new Constitution was due to the following reasons: The constitution should strengthen the people's desire for the declaration of human rights and democratic relations The constitution should legalize the basic rights and duties of man and citizen in the society and state. The constitution should legalize new market relations in the country The constitution was to determine the relationship of the individual and the state, as well as relations between states.
. The idea of the need to draft a new Constitution was voiced at the first session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan XII convocation in March 1990.In June 1990. at the second session of the Supreme Soviet of the same calling, the Constitution Commission was established under the chairmanship of President Islam Karimov. The Constitutional Commission was composed of 64 people, including representatives of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, heads of households, businesses, government and public figures, scientists
The president was the plan - to create a draft of the Constitution, which would be one of the best in the world, reflected the identity and dignity of color, its rich past and a great future that will meet the highest international standards. The working group was assigned a specific task by the President: "To study the global constitutional experience, consider achieving democracy and laws of other countries in the field of human rights and to create millions of decent political and legal document."
The first meeting of the Constitutional Commission on 12 April 1991 The first meeting of the Constitutional Commission on 12 April 1991. It was a working group of 32 people, as well as six sub-sections for the preparation of the draft Constitution, the composition of which included 50 researchers and legal practitioners
Originally was developed three concepts The concept of the legal department of the Office of the President The concept of the Institute of Political Science and Management The concept of the Institute of Philosophy and Law
In the autumn of 1991 he was ready the first draft of the Constitution, which consists of 158 chapters, but it was far from standard. There was a need for a more serious take on this project. In 1992 he was ready to second version of the 149 chapters, and then a third of the 137 chapters. Before you publish a draft for public discussion in the press Constitutional Commission and its chairman, to re-examine the project and brought it to the 127 chapters
Public discussion of the Constitution November 21, 1992 September 26, 1992
In the preparation of the draft Constitution the enormous contribution made President Islam Karimov. Since the dawn of the independent statehood of Islam Karimov said: "The future of our state, the fate of the people depends on what our Constitution"(Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan - a country with a great future. 1992. P. 36).
IA Karimov of the draft constitution amended the and additions IA Karimov of the draft constitution amended the and additions.In the first paragraph of the draft was written: "Uzbekistan - a democratic republic." The President clarified by adding the word "sovereign".In part 2, paragraph 7 states: "The state power in Uzbekistan is carried out by obtaining the constitutional law." The president made an important amendment: "In the Republic of state power is exercised in the interests of the people.
At the sitting of December 7, 1992 the President proposed addendum to the draft Constitution of the following items: Men and women have equal rights, cultural values are protected by the state.
In early December 1992 a nationwide discussion of the draft Constitution of Uzbekistan was completed, and the Constitutional Commission referred it to the XI session of the Supreme Council of the XII convocation.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted on 8 December 1992 at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the twelfth convocation.
Law of Uzbekistan adopted a regional constitution UZBEKISTANVerhovny Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan decided: the draft Constitution of Uzbekistan submitted by the Constitutional Commission, to the tselom.Vvesti Constitution with effect from 8 December 1992 goda.Prezident of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov in Tashkent, December 8, 1992 Mr
Law of the Republic of AD UzbekistanOB the adoption of the Constitution by popular PRAZDNIKOMVerhovny Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides: to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan to announce the date of adoption of the Constitution - December 8 - a national holiday - the Day of the Constitution of December Uzbekistan.8 considered inoperative dnem.Prezident Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov, Tashkent, December 8, 1992
When compared with the Constitution of Uzbekistan constitutions of other countries, you can see that it "meets the democratic norms and standards of the international community." This is confirmed by the way, and the conclusions of authoritative experts of UN, OSCE, U.S., UK and France.
The basis of writing the basic law of the Republic of Uzbekistan took: Constitution of the developed countries (U.S. and Europe); 70 laws adopted by the Assembly on the Main; Convention adopted by the countries of Europe; International Pact "On civil and political rights"
When compared with the Constitution of Uzbekistan constitutions of other countries, you can see that it "meets the democratic norms and standards of the international community." This is confirmed by the way, and the conclusions of authoritative experts of UN, OSCE, U.S., UK and France
The main idea of the Constitution of 1992 - the all-round concern for people, and its main goal - to provide citizens with a decent life, the possibility of involvement in affairs of society and the state, to protect their rights and freedom, peace and national reconciliation
The main task of the Constitution - to ensure the formation of the Republic of civil society and social - democratic law-based state.
The Constitution is full of political, economic, legal, spiritual - moral and ideological content. 1. Its political essence is expressed in the fact that it determines the future of the Republic as a legal, democratic and socially - oriented state, which expresses the will of the people and serving their interests
2. The economic content of the Constitution appears to provide the economic basis of the formation of the civil society and the rule of law, the main element of which is the property of its various manifestations. The Constitution provides for the equality of all forms of property, guarantee the free development of private property, determines the transition of society to market development path.
3. Legal nature of the Constitution expressed in the fact that she is the center of the entire legal system, the legal basis for all other regulatory aktov.4. Spiritual and moral potential of the Constitution reflected in the fact that it expresses the will and spirit of the people, social awareness and cultural level. The Constitution is based on the tradition stretching back centuries of friendship of peoples, the principles of consent and good-affirms the priority of human interests, takes care of ensuring a better life for the people, the elderly, orphans, and encourage charity, establishes the duty of able-bodied adult children to support their parents.
Ideological aspect of the content of the Constitution shows that it is the legal basis of the idea of independence, determine the place and role of social actors in carrying it into effect. With a vast regulatory power, the constitution called for a state bodies, government, public associations, all the people and every citizen in the daily life and activities.
The characteristic features of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan concreteness expression the exact wording
Constitution of Uzbekistan The principle of sovereignty; -the principle of democracy; -the principle of supremacy of the Constitution and laws; -the principle of the foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan; -the principle of social justice; -the principle of equality and freedom of all peoples and nations living in the Republic; -the principle of the primacy of human rights; -the principle of separation of powers; -principles of multi-party system and political pluralism; -the principle of the presumption of innocence; -the principle of judicial independence. principles Constitution of Uzbekistan
Sovereignty - is the independence of the state from other states in its internal life and external relations.Sovereignty - is a complete rule of power within the country and its independence in foreign policy, the completeness of the legislative, executive and judicial powers of the state.
integrity and indivisibility of the state territory and its borders June 20, 1990 adopted the "Declaration of Sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan," in which the main principles of state sovereignty of the Republic: recognition and respect for the fundamental principles of international law independent internal and external policies integrity and indivisibility of the state territory and its borders independent determination of the way of development of the state symbols
• the availability of its constitutional and legal system; • area; Sovereignty of our state can be defined by the following characteristics: • the availability of its constitutional and legal system; • area; • A system of higher authorities; • unified armed forces; • State ownership, unified monetary system; • the official language; • state symbols; • subject of international relations
Sovereignty has two interrelated forms People (national) sovereignty state sovereignty The sovereignty of the Republic and is secured by Article 1 of the Constitution of 1992
Popular sovereignty means that only the people (nation) is the basis and source of state government.The idea of national sovereignty was formulated great representatives of the European Enlightenment XVIII century. This principle of the right was legally enshrined in the French Declaration of the Rights and freedoms of man and citizen in 1789 is currently the principle of popular sovereignty and the right of nations to self-determination of the trend of international and constitutional law.
the supremacy of state authority in the country State sovereignty means that the state, based on the sovereign will of the people, regardless of anyone else in internal affairs and in international relations. the supremacy of state authority in the country State to determine what will be its relations with other states, and the latter has no right to interfere in its internal affairs
In the eleventh convocation, the eleventh session of the Supreme Council adopted a law "On the State Language of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic" December 21, 1995 Oly Majlis of Uzbekistan has made to the Law "On the State Language" 1989. amendments and approved the new wording In Art. 4 of the Constitution states that the official language of Uzbekistan is Uzbek 1989 October 21 Giving the Uzbek state language does not infringe the constitutional rights of nations and nationalities living in the republic, in the use of the native language.
The national flag of Uzbekistan, adopted November 18, 1991, is a rectangular cloth of three horizontal stripes colored in blue, white and rich green color the entire length of the flag. Along the edges of the white band, located in the middle of the flag are red lines. On the blue part of the flag on the front and back sides of the shaft at the white half-moon and around twelve white stars.
The national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan The national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan ************ Ciel on the flag - a symbol of the blue sky and clean water. Azure revered in the East, once elected him for his flag and the great Amir Temur. White - a symbol of peace and purity. Newly independent state must be overcome on the way high passes. The white color in the flag means good wishes, the path was clean and bright. Green - the personification of the fertile nature. Currently in the world there is a growing movement for environmental protection, whose symbol is also green. Red stripes - the life force pulsing in every living being, a symbol of life. Crescent meets centuries-old tradition of the people of Uzbekistan. Crescent and star - the symbol of the cloudless sky of the world. On our flag 12 stars. Chislo12 considered a sign of excellence.
UzbekistanZakon's coat of arms, "the national emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was passed July 2, 1992 at the tenth session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the center of Khumo-bird with wings spread, a symbol of happiness and freedom. Our great ancestor Alisher Navoi called Khumo as the kindest of all living beings. At the top of the emblem is octahedron, symbolizing the sign as the Republic, in-crescent with a star. Image of the sun - a wish that the way our country was illuminated by bright light. At the same time it points to the unique climatic conditions respubliki.Kolosya - a symbol of sustenance, stems from the drop-down cotton bolls - the main wealth of the solar earth, praise her in the world. Ears of corn and cotton bolls intertwined band of the national flag, means the consolidation of the peoples living in the country.
The National Anthem of the Republic of UzbekistanZakon "The National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was passed December 10, 1992 at the eleventh session of the Supreme Council РеспубликиУзбекистан.Слова: Abdullah Aripov Music: Motala Burkhanova
. National anthem glorifying Uzbekistan, a country of sun, blue valleys, freedom-loving people of Uzbekistan, to base their acts on the rich history and experience of ancestors, expresses a deep faith in the great future of the country
Democracy - is one of the most important features of civil society, which means that only the people have all the power. In his hands the management of the entire political, economic and cultural development. His are the main wealth of the country. In other words, the power of the people is not limited and covers all aspects of society.
In accordance with Article 7 Constitution of Uzbekistan the only source of power in the country is the people, the notion of which is disclosed in the following article of the Constitution, which says that the people are the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their nationality.
A form of democracy in Uzbekistan referendum elections meeting mitingia demonstration individual and collective management of complaints and petitions to the authorities draft laws
Article 15 Constitution of Uzbekistan is reflected a fundamental principle of the rule of law - the principle of supremacy of the constitution and the law.
Принцип верховенства конституции и закона подразумевает верховенство конституции и закона в иерархии нормативных актов, обеспечиваемое approval of the constitutional regime in the law-making the establishment of a strict regime of law in the State rulemaking
The basis of its foreign policy of Uzbekistan puts every kind of mutual interests and mutual benefit with the supremacy of national interests, peace and security, openness in foreign policy and the desire to establish extensive external relations with all peace-loving countries, the priority of international law, the establishment and development of both bilateral and multilateral external relations.
However, a constant presence in the world of tension in the political situation, the commitment of individual states a policy of force, the desire to build-up of military forces near the borders of the Republic, political instability in certain countries, the activities aimed at inciting nationalism and religious intolerance, encourages Uzbekistan serious consideration to ensure their own safety.