Welcome to Room 23! October 21, 2016 Important Dates Reminders October 21 (Today!): Fall Festival @ Devon @ 6pm** October 24: Reading Circle Volunteers Begin October 28: Pumpkin Day! We will be doing fun, math and language arts pumpkin activities October 31: Halloween Party & Parade! Reminders Library books will be due next Day 5, Thursday, October 27. Scholastic book orders will be due by Oct. 28! Please make sure your child is reading at least 10-15 minutes every night, either independently or with an adult! Language Arts This week we continued practicing the comprehension strategy, creating images. We also started reading circle rotations. Even though it was our first week practicing transitioning into reading circle, the students did a great job with this! In anticipation of the Halloween parade, each day two students have been giving four clues as to what their costume is and the rest of the class has to guess. I can’t wait to see all of these creative costumes I’m hearing about! In light of Halloween coming up, in writing we wrote “If I were a ghost I would…” We also learned three new vocabulary words, motion, answer, and wave. Our high frequency words (HFW) this week are: I’m, house, it’s, then, good. Please review these with your child at home. Word Study This week we started learning about the short /i/ vowel. Ask your child to sing the “Iggy Iguana” song that we sing in class! We practiced adding and taking away letters to form new words with the short /i/ sound. We learned and practiced the –it word family. We added new words to our word wall. Please practice these at home. They are: is, in, it, to, too*(this was tricky for most of them) Miss Alaina Seygal Email Address: SeygalA@tesd.net 1st Grade Devon Elementary School Phone Number: (610)-240-2455
Alternates for the week: Mystery Reader We had our second mystery reader today! Almost all of the students were able to guess who’s mom was coming in! They looked forward to the mystery reader all day. She read “What Pet Should I Get?” by Dr. Seuss. Weekly Reports Don’t forget to ask your child about his/her weekly report. Please remember that N’s are still expected this time of year. However, if they become consistent N’s week after week, then we will need to further discuss your child’s behavior. Please sign and return this to school on Monday!! Donations If you have any extra colored construction paper or glue sticks laying around the house or would like to donate some to the classroom, please do! These are two things that our class has been quickly using up! I greatly appreciate it! Math This week we finished Chapter 2 and started Chapter 4: Subtraction Facts to 10. In this chapter students will learn basic subtraction facts using strategies, such as the take-away concept, number bonds, and counting back. So far we’ve learned how to subtract using ten frames and counters, cubes and number trains, and by drawing pictures. We played fun math games to reinforce this concept. Ask your child to show you one skill we’ve learned this week! Science This week we continued with our Weather unit. We learned about time zones and read about what other people are doing in the world while we’re at school. We also learned what makes day and night and all about the wind. Lunch Menu Next Week Monday: Cheesy breadsticks Tuesday: Baked bbq chicken Wednesday: Cheeseburger Thursday: Baked Ziti w/ sausage meat Friday: Individual round pizza Alternates for the week: B) Chicken Patty C) PBJ D) Ham & Cheese E) Taco Salad