Piloting unique identifiers for geospatial data Tuuli Pihlajamaa Nordic Forum for Geography and Statistics / 30.-31. May 2017
Agenda of the presentation 1. Terms 2. Background for the pilot 3. Aims of the pilot 4. Results and notes 5. Future plans Demos 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
1. Terms used in the presentation URI’s: “A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource.” (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986) RDF: Resource Description Framework, “RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web.” (https://www.w3.org/RDF/) “One of the key ingredients of Linked Data, and provides a generic graph-based data model for describing things, including their relationships with other things.“ (http://linkeddata.org/faq) JHS 193: ”JHS 193 Unique identifiers of the geographic information”, a national recommendation for Public Administration in Finland 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
2. Background for the pilot INSPIRE gives recommendations of the unique identifiers of spatial objects INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data National centralized resolution service in Finland URI’s for real-world phenomena /id/, spatial objects /so/, definitions /def/ and documentation /doc/ Data provider determine the local-id for so’s Requests to URI’s -> data provider’s own URI service -> returns the documentation related, in requested format 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
2. Background for the pilot - Statistics Finland’s INSPIRE services and data View services (WMS) and download services (WFS) are available since May 2013 (http://www.stat.fi/tup/rajapintapalvelut/inspire_aineistot_en.html) Annex III Statistical Units: Municipality-based statistical units Grid net for statistics 1 km x 1 km Population Distribution: Population by municipality-based units Population grid data 1 km x 1 km Production and industrial facilities: Production and industrial facilities Utility and governmental services: Educational institutions Data is not yet harmonized to INSPIRE data schemas 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
3. Aims of the pilot Technical Infrastructure aspect: 1. Build URI service in intranet an test how to use it for providing linked data Based in technical description and examples provided in JHS 193 appendix 2. Unique Identifiers aspect: 2. Test how to create pilot URI’s for INSPIRE- spatial objects, so In JHS 193 is given recommendations about URI’s: URI’s for INSPIRE-harmonized data: http://paikkatiedot.fi/so/resourceIdentifier/theme/class/localid/(versionid) RDF/linked data aspect: 3. Test how to create the RDF for spatial objects 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
4. Results and notes Technical infrastructure has been created Geoserver with sample data Apache server for dereferencing xslt-transformation file for creating Turtle upload sentence RDF server Jena Fuseki, data uploaded there Ways to create the unique identifiers was tested Picking the local-id from the GML data to the URI path was tested I also thought of rules for combining stat-id from the classifications to the local-id Creating RDF for spatial objects has been tested Defining some RDF links for the data was tested (hasFormat, seeAlso) Onthology still needs to be created 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
4. Results and notes Technical issues: solvable, tests have been useful Defining the URI’s: is bigger issue, but some useful tests were made here In the pilot came clear the importance of onthology to create the RDF data 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
5. Future plans regarding URI’s Now focus should be in the definitions: Defining the local ID’s of spatial objects Creating the RDF of spatial objects (including different RDF links and onthology) These will be done hopefully in an Eurostat Grant project: URI’s for areal classifications and spatial objects Creating common onthology to combine areal classifications and spatial objects Providing data in RDF format and use it for production and visualization 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
Demo: Querying data in RDF/XML format Querying all the data, returns also seeAlso link:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema>prefix+owl:+<http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl>CONSTRUCT+{?subject+?predicate+?object}+WHERE+{?subject+?predicate+?object+}LIMIT+25&format=xml 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
Demo: Querying data in RDF/XML format 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
Demo: Querying data in RDF/XML format One municipality filtered: 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
Demo: Querying data in gml format 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
Demo: Querying data in json format 30 May 2017 Tuuli Pihlajamaa
Thank you! Tuuli Pihlajamaa tuuli.pihlajamaa@stat.fi Nordic Forum for Geography and Statistics / 30.-31. May 2017