Part I: Bites and Stings Parts II: heart-related emergencies Learning Objectives: System and Chapter Terms/Abbreviations Recognize elements of common injuries Recognize elements of common illnesses Part I: Bites and Stings Parts II: heart-related emergencies Part III: cold-related emergencies Part IV: poison emergencies Part V: possible project
Reading: Please read pages 61-73 in student workbook
SDS PPE CPR AED Ticks Poison (pg 70) Dehydration Heat cramps Chapter Abbreviation: use Student Workbook Chapter Vocab: use Pages 61-73 in Student workbook SDS PPE CPR AED Ticks Poison (pg 70) Dehydration Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke Frostbite hypothermia
Video Segments: Students turn to 61-73 and follow along Bites and Stings Animal and human bites Snakebites Bee stings and insect and Spider bites Poisonous spider bites and scorpion stings Tick bites Marine bites and stings
Workbook facts Flip through pages 61-73 On your piece of paper write down 5 facts that you think you will need to know for the test They can be from the reading or Green action Squares Now, you have 10 min to gather other facts from your peers, if you already have it written down move on to the next person. Questions? READY GO!
Video Segments: Students turn to 61-73 and follow along Heat Related emergencies: Dehydration Heat cramps: Practice with student workbook Heat exhaustion Heat stroke Cold Related emergencies Frostbite Low body temperature (hypothermia) Poison emergencies
Guiding Questions What are some key action to help a person who has a bite or sting from a marine animal? What are some signs of dehydration? What are the signs of hypothermia?
Video Segments: Students turn to 61-73 and follow along Environmental emergencies Summary Exit ticket: review Questions: Using LAB groups answer the review questions for Environmental emergencies
Get Instructor initial before time is up Skill Practice Sheets: Heat related Emergencies Cold related Emergencies Get Instructor initial before time is up
Quizlet review all Environmental Emergencies terms that we have done so far Then