Section 3- Service Companies and Agencies BTEC MUSIC LEVEL 1- UNIT 1- THE MUSIC INDUSTRY
In this section, we are going to look at what other services are needed for shows, gigs and artists to exist. Discussion- Other than performers, what sorts of things can you think of that are essential to the running of a show? (Write down your thoughts in the space provided on your sheet).
Let’s break down some of your suggestions… Hire Companies Sound equipment Lighting equipment Rehearsal space/studio time Technicians to operate sound/lighting equipment Transport companies Set/Costume hire (Anything venue-based, e.g. staff/front of house etc. will be covered in the Venues section of the course)
Royalty Collection Agencies Question- What are royalties? Discuss!
Royalties are payments to songwriters for the use of their musical compositions. What kinds of occasions might artists receive payment for their music? (List as many ideas as you can in the space provided.
CD Sales Downloads Vinyl Radio TV performances Adverts Use on tv programmes eg X Factor
PRS for Music What is it? PRS for Music is home to the world's best music writers, composers and publishers. Formed in 1997, PRS for Music Limited (formerly known as The MCPS-PRS Alliance) adopted the PRS for Music brand in 2009. The organisation brings together two royalty collection societies; MCPS and PRS. They exist to collect and pay royalties to our members when their music is exploited in one of a number of ways – when it is recorded onto any format and distributed to the public, performed or played in public, broadcast or made publicly available online.
PRS for Music used to be two organisations called PRS and MCPS The PRS (Performing Rights Society) dealt with making sure royalties are paid whenever a song or composition that you have written is played or performed in public. The MCPS (Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society) Mechanical rights entitle you to earn money whenever a song or composition that you have written is reproduced.
PRS (Performing Rights) List 5 occasions where a song might be played or listened to in public that would generate a royalty payment 1 2 3 4 5
PRS (Performing Rights) List 5 occasions where a song might be played or listened to in public that would generate a royalty payment 1 TV performance (original artist or a cover, eg X Factor) 2 Radio/MTV play 3 Listened to on internet (EG Spotify) 4 Downloaded (eg Itunes) 5 Played in public (EG in a bar/café)
MCPS (Mechanical Copyright) List 3 occasions where a song might be reproduced that would generate a royalty payment 1 Recorded onto a physical product e.g. CD or record 2 Downloaded (iTunes) 3 Listened to on internet
The PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) If you play recorded music or music videos in public, you will almost certainly be legally required to have a PPL licence. Can you think of some places that might play recorded music or music videos in public?
What is the difference between the PRS for Music and PPL? PPL collects and distributes money on behalf of record companies and performers. PRS for Music collects and distributes money on behalf of songwriters, composers and publishers.
What is a Union? A union is an organisation that looks after the rights of musicians and performers. They ensure that working conditions are appropriate and that performers aren’t being exploited. They currently have approximately 30,000 members. Benefits of being in a Union Advice Support
What do unions do? Provide advice to members on careers eg financial/legal/tax/health and safety/contracts Advice on working freelance Advice on performing and playing live- Touring etc Advice on royalties from performing and recording Education- Advice/support for private music teachers on contracts/pay/Child Protection etc Insurance of instruments and personal liability Legal advice Access to a network of professional contacts within the industry Advice on copyright etc Support when handling disputes They also campaign to help get the best deal for musicians eg stopping illegal downloads and supporting live music.
Other Unions Equity is a union mainly for actors, dancers and other performers. It works in the same way as the Musician’s Union. Their aim is to help create a better, fairer working environment for performers. Members often have something called an ‘Equity Card’ which is a card that proves their membership. The benefit to having the card is that many auditions are open to Equity members only and the companies running the shows work with Equity, meaning conditions and pay are fairer. BECTU (Broadcast Entertainment Cinematograph Theatre Union) A union for those working in production and/or technical roles.
Homework REVISE unions and agencies lesson from today. ENSURE you know the definitions of the following keywords- Royalties Unions LEARN the difference between MCPS and PRS KNOW what PRS for Music, PPL, Equity and BECTU are, what they DO and what the abbreviations stand for!