Making picture of construction applying. Drawing construction of concrete on Building Construction, water Building, Road, and Bridge. By : SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta
Goal of Learning Student can understand thr picture of concrete construction on building. Student can explain picture of concrete construction on building. Student can draw concrete construction and it`s size rightly. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Bone concrete Concrete is a composite material from styone aggregate and cement as viscosity material. (high mass, pulling force which is medium, and pressing force which is small)kuat tekan yang sedang, dan kuat tarik yang kecil).
Bone concrete Concrete for necessity of construction can be differ with three ways : - Based the ground of additional in the form of concrete. - Based on the ground of character of strength in concrete quality. - Based on the ground of the way of appling in concrete class. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Concrete construction on single floor building. The applying of concrete construction on single floor Building : - Foundation - Sloop - Column - Ring balk Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Concrere construction on Building The applying of concrete construction on multi floorbuilding : - Foundation (foot sole ,pole) - Sloop - column - Log (Main, sub) - floor plat Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Concrete construction on Building The applying of concrete construction on multi floor building : - Foundation (foot sole ) pole ) - Sloop - column - log (main, sub) - floor plat Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Concrete construction on Building. Contoh Bangunan struktur beton Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Bone log Surface A log surface with height h and width b , d is effective height of the surface or distance from outer fiber to the center of pulling bone. The dispute of between total height of the log (h) and effective height (d)especially is determined by the height of covered concrete. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Bone Log Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Bones Distribution Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Bounding on dash Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Bone column Concrete Teknologi dan Rekayasa