Illinois CEEDAR Partnership Revising Licensure Endorsements and Educator Standards to Enhance Special Education in Illinois
ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION (ISBE)-CEEDAR PARTNERSHIP INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION (IHE) STATE LEADERSHIP Illinois State University Loyola University Chicago National Louis University State Steering Committee State Leadership Team
Institutions of Higher Education
CEEDAR GRANTEES Institutions of Higher Education Program Development $39,850 to use by June 30th 2016 No Cost Extensions Program Development Highlight best practices in special education teacher preparation Partner with P-12 school and faculty Establish timelines and matrices to demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed practices. November 2016 Special Education and Program Licensure Board (SEPLB) Fall Meeting Presentations
GOALS: Illinois State University Develop a new curriculum through reflective practice including working with an advisory committee made up of practicing teachers, supervisors, and other stakeholders; use of surveys from pre- and in- service teachers; and faculty input Add special education math methods course Add two special education literacy and language courses Add ELL/impact on literacy content Add a transition course Increase content on community collaboration Increase content on class-wide behavior supports Infuse assessment and assistive technology in each new course
GOALS: Loyola University-Chicago Focus on PK-12 schools and higher education preparing teachers together Involved all faculty in Teaching and Learning across all programs- Early Childhood/Special Education, Elementary, Secondary, Bilingual/Bicultural, and Special Education. Focus on designing one program for all candidates with areas of specialization (and certification) as a part of a single program Establish a steering committee with representation across current programs to guide the redesign work
GOALS: National Louis University Expand implementation of Adaptive Cycles of Teaching (ACT) model: technology that allows for immediate, ongoing feedback on high leverage teaching behaviors to the special education teacher preparation program Place special education teacher candidates in our Partnership PK-12 Schools Increase the amount of practical teaching experience as part of the special education teacher preparation program Include a variety of evidence-based practices in special education teacher preparation coursework Enhance the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) or RtI content presented in the special education teacher preparation coursework
State Leadership State Steering Committee State Leadership Team
STATE STEERING COMMITTEE Representatives CEEDAR Center Staff ISBE-Center for Educator Effectiveness Division ISBE-Special Education Division Illinois State University Loyola University Chicago National Lewis University Local/District Purpose Vision for partnership Formative guidance Designate State Leadership Team
STATE LEADERSHIP TEAM Representatives CEEDAR Center ISBE-Illinois State Board of Education ISU-Illinois State University LUC-Loyola University Chicago NLU-National Louis University UIUC-University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign EIU-Eastern Illinois University IPA-Illinois Principals Association IASA-Illinois Association of School Administrators IAASE-Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special Education IPTA-Illinois Parent Teacher Association ISAC-Illinois State Advisory Council IEA-Illinois Education Association IFT-Illinois Federation of Teachers IASB-Illinois Association of School Boards IAPSEC-Illinois Association of Private Special Education Centers ISPA-Illinois School Psychologist Association Parent Training and Information Center
STATE LEADERSHIP TEAM: MULTI-PRONGED APPROACH Provide depth and breadth of expertise and leadership to support the work outlined in technical assistance blueprint, including: Preparation Reform Licensure Special Education Teacher and Director Standards Program Approval and Evaluation State briefly that the ‘Preparation Reform’ goal was mentioned previously, and has been showcased at the poster session. The next two areas of work, Licensure and Certification, and Special Education Teacher and Director Standards will be the focus of our conversation during this session.
LICENSURE TA Blueprint Goal: Analyze current structure and generate recommendations for special education endorsements inclusive of initial, LBS II, Director of Special Education, early childhood special education, and subsequent endorsements taking into consideration national standards for educator preparation and student learning, national practices, and relevant research.
ILLINOIS CONTEXTUAL CONSIDERATIONS History and context of educator licensure in Illinois National standards for educator preparation and student learning National practices Relevant research Refer participants to Licensure and Certification Goal 1: Objectives 2 and 3; and, Teacher Educator and Director Standards Goal 1: Objective 1
GUIDING QUESTIONS: How did we define and refine the final licensure recommendations? What does this approach offer as a solution or means to improve the certification process? What are the positive outcomes that result from this approach? What are the potential negative consequences to this approach? What are the considerations the team should contemplate with this approach?
STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK March 2016 SLT membership shared approaches with their stakeholder groups April 2016 Stakeholder feedback compiled and approaches further vetted by SLT
FINAL LICENSURE RECOMMENDATIONS Presented to ISBE November 2016 ISBE is convening external stakeholder groups Summer 2017 ISBE is convening a standards workgroup to act on the component of the recommendations addressing reviewing and revising special educator standards Summer 2017 ISBE will present recommendations to Special Education and Program Licensure Board Fall 2017 ISBE will present recommendations to State Board of Education Call attention to the recommendation document’s Executive Summary handout. Note that the third bullet will be discussed in detail during the next portion of the session.
QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS Q and A Implementation Continuum Table group discussion Making Connections
QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS Q and A Implementation Continuum Table group discussion Making Connections
Center for Teaching and Learning Questions Tina Dimmitt-Salinas Division Supervisor Center for Teaching and Learning