Red Scarf Girl Introduction Themes: Conformity, Obedience, Revolution, Responsibility, Equality
New Rules Venezuelan students must stand in the back of the classroom. Mexican students will sit in the back rows. Colombian and U.S. students will sit in front of the Mexican students. Japanese and German students will sit in front of the Mexican and U.S. students. Chinese student will sit in the front row right in front of the teacher.
New Rules Venezuelans will have to give all of their coupons to the Chinese students. Mexican students will not be given a break, and the Chinese students may go five minutes early. Colombian and U.S. students will be give 2.5 minute break. Japanese and German students get a break but no bathroom privileges.
New Rules Chinese students will not have any homework but will receive automatic 100s. Venezuelan and Mexican students will be expected to do twice the homework but with only ½ the credit. Colombian and U.S. students can still earn full credit but must copy down the whole worksheet while everyone else will get the worksheet. German and Japanese students will only have to answer the odd numbered questions to receive full credit.
New Rules If you follow these rules without complaining, we may decide to let you have more privileges. Some of you will never earn more privileges because you come from the wrong country. At the end of class, we will issue you a new school uniform. If you do not follow these rules, we can punish you however we want.