Meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Administration M.A.M.Fowsar Lecturer in Political Science Dept. of Social Sciences SEUSL.
Meaning of Public Administration ‘administration’ - derived from Latin words; ‘ad’ = to and ‘ministiare’ = serve ‘Public’ =people or citizens administration means to execute the policy of government administration and management are used interchangeably simply means governmental administration operates in a political setting its focus is specifically on public bureaucracy the study and practice of public bureaucracy coordinating and controlling of governmental operations
Why Public Administration Received Impetus as A Subject? Expanding welfare role of the government The emergence of private sector Regulatory role of government The need for increased efficiency Development of Science and Technology Better management of public matters
Definition of Public Administration the action part of government the means - the purposes and goals of government as a field - mainly concerned - political values consists of the actions a cooperative group effort in a public setting covers all the three branches Executive Legislative Judicial
Cont… seen as the activities of groups Such common goals include; defence, safeguarding the frontiers maintenance of law and order fire protection communications public health education, etc.
Cont… Public administration focuses principally on the; Planning Organizing Directing The study of public administration overlaps a number of other disciplines, including; Political Science Sociology Economics Psychology Business Administration
M.E. Dimock. and G.O.Dimock Public administration is the area of study and practice where law and policy recommended and carried out.
Public administration is policy execution and also policy formulation. J.W. Felse Public administration is policy execution and also policy formulation.
F.A. Nigro and L.G. Nigro Public Administration: is cooperative group effort in a public setting covers all three branches and their interrelationships has an important role in the formulation of policy has an important role in a part of the political process is different in significant ways from private administration is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals in providing services to the community
Public Administration is a detailed and systematic application of law. Prof. Woodrow Wilson Public Administration is a detailed and systematic application of law.
L. D. White Public Administration consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfillment of public policy as declared by authority.
Simon Public Administration is meant the activities of the executive branches of the national, state, & local governments.
Willoughby Public Administration in broadest sense denotes the work involved in the actual conduct of governmental affairs, and in narrowest senses denotes the operations of the administrative branch only.
Gullick Public Administration is that part of the science of administration which has to do with government and thus, concerns itself primarily with the executive branch where the work of the government is done.
Waldo Public Administration is the art and science of management as applied to the affairs of the state.
Marshall E. Dimock Administration is concerned with ‘what’ and ‘How’ of the government. The ‘what’ is the subject matter, the technical knowledge of afield which enables the administrator to perform his tasks. The ‘How’ is the technique of management according to which co-operative programmes are carried to success.
Nature of Public Administration The Integral View The Managerial View
The Integral View L.D. White is a supporter of this view is viewed as doing the work of government regarded as the sum total of all the activities; Manual clerical, metal technical and managerial all the activities of government employees all those operations - enforcement of public policy the scope of public administration vast and unwieldy includes a heterogeneous mass of activities may not develop into a distinct academic discipline.
The Managerial View Luther Gulick - important champion of the managerial view viewed as getting the work of government done consisting of the managerial functions of top administrators emphasizes the basic POSDCORB functions of managers denotes the work of the chief executive as a general manager excludes the activities of the non-managerial personnel controls the activities of all others getting things done, not doing things getting things done with the accomplishment of objectives emphasis on managerial techniques
The Integral and The Managerial View the integral view is wider than the managerial view inclusive view of administration, covering both managerial and non-managerial activities the latter restricts administration to the work of managers the difference between the operation and management not mutually exclusive to each other both a process and a vocation
Public Administration As a process: is concerned with all the steps from the first to last taken in the implementation of public policy. As a vocation: it is concerned with the management of the activities of others) in a public agency.
Characteristics of Public Administration part of executive branch of government related with the activities of the state carries out the public policies realize the aspirations of the people non-political public bureaucracy the monopoly of the state concentrated in the executive branch naturally a big and complex organization concerned with policy execution to an end, and not an end in itself merely a tool of government to implement its policies
Scope of Public Administration The views of L.D. White and traditionalist Gullick and the scientific management school Following are the three important perspectives Narrow perspective or POSDCORB perspective Broad perspective or subject matter view Prevailing view
Narrow perspective or POSDCORB perspective Luther Gullick is the main exponent According to him the scope is narrow or limited. It is also regarded as POSDCORB view. Seven types of functions: Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting
Broad perspective or subject oriented perspective Prof. Woodrow Wilson, L D While According to them: Public Adminstration covers all three branches of the government. Scope of Public Adminstration is like a cooperative group. Public Adminstration is a part of the political process.
Prevailing view Administrative theory: It includes the following aspects. Organizational Theory Behaviour Public Personal Administration Applied administration: It includes the following aspects. Political functions Legislative function Financial functions Denfence Educational function Social welfare administration Economic Administration Foreign administration Local administration
Elements of Public Administration Planning Organizing Commanding Coordinating Controlling
Significance of Public Administration Basis of Government An Instrument for Implementing Laws and Policies Participation in Policy Formulation A Great Stabilizing Force in Society Provides Continuity When Government Change Provides a Wide Variety of Services in the Public Interest An Instrument of Social Change and Economic Development Essential for the Development of Civilization Reasons for the Growing Importance of Public Administration New Agenda Items
Public Administration in Developing Countries has to meet the Rising Expectation of the People. Role - Socio-Economic Development Effective Performance of Traditional Functions Developing a Sense of National-hood Helps Democracy Survive The Impact of Developmental Activities
The Benefits of the Study of Public Administration Helps the student to learn Helps explain the purposes, functions, and continuation of bureaucracy Provides knowledge of public organizations and the context Promotes a superior understanding of government Is useful as training for citizenship Makes us learn how to promote the public interest more effectively Promotes among the people an awareness Is useful to make public policies Provides knowledge which is helpful to the policy makers Prepares students for employment in the government services
References: Adebayo, A. (2000). Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria. 2nd Edition. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Ltd. Basu, R. (2004). Public Administration: Concepts and Theories. Fourth Revised and Enlarged Edition. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd. Certo, S.C. (1986). Principles of Modern Management: Functions and Systems. Third Edition. Chicago: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, College Division. Ezeani, E.O. (2006). Fundamentals of Public Administration. Revised Edition. Enugu: Snap Press Ltd. Hermann, Theo et al (1985). Management Fifth Edition. U.S.A.: Houghton Mifflin Company Boston. Polinaidu, S. (2004). Public Administration. New Delhi: Galgotia Publications PVT. Sapru, R.K. (2008). Administrative Theories and Management thought. 2nd Edition. New Delhi: Prentice – Hall of India Private Ltd. Ujo, A.A. (2004). Understanding Public Administration. Kaduna: Joyce Graphic printer & Publishers Company.