Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (Ci3T) Model of Prevention Student Session Data Session 3 January 20, 20XX
What are some problems that occur in the classroom?
Elementary School Expectation Matrix Classroom Hallway Cafeteria Playground Be Respectful Add text Be Responsible Give Best Effort
Elementary School Expectation Matrix Restroom Bus Arrival/ Dismissal Be Respectful Add text Be Responsible Give Best Effort
Middle & High School Expectation Matrix Classroom Hallway Cafeteria Common Area Be Respectful Add text Be Responsible Give Best Effort
Middle & High School Expectation Matrix Restroom Bus Arrival/Dismissal Be Respectful Add text Be Responsible Give Best Effort
How can expectations be taught to students?
What Elementary School Students Would Like For Reinforcers Add text FREE
What Elementary School Students Would Like For Reinforcers Add text CO$T
What Middle & High School Students Would Like For Reinforcers Add text FREE
What Middle & High School Students Would Like For Reinforcers Add text CO$T
Elementary School Reinforcement Menu (Function Matrix) Seeking Positive Reinforcement Avoiding Negative Reinforcement Attention Add text Activity / Tangible Sensory
Middle & High School Reinforcement Menu (Function Matrix) Seeking Positive Reinforcement Avoiding Negative Reinforcement Attention Add text Activity / Tangible Sensory