SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR ABSTRACT The subject of this conference covers all aspects of mass and force determination under vacuum or controlled atmosphere and related techniques and their applications in thermogravimetry and measurement of adsorption, magnetic properties, surface tension, porosity,... etc. The coupling of these techniques to Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA), Dilatometry, Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG), Spectroscopic Analysis (MS, IR, RX, CPG,.. etc.), permits solving industrial and scientific problems. These techniques become more effective when using new technologies of information and communication. An exhibition of balances, thermobalances and complementary techniques will take place during this conference. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME The scientific programme will include plenary lectures and contributed lectures (20 min) as well as poster presentations. The international steering committee invites authors to submit papers for presentation at 31 IVMTC dealing with the following topics: History and advances in microweighing New techniques to measure mass and weight in vacuum and controlled environments Gravimetric measuement of highly porous materials; catalysts, polymers, advanced materials, nanotechnology Adsorption rates and equilibria Industrial applications of microbalance and microforce sensors including oscillators and load cells The coupling techniques: DSC, TMA, DTA, DTG, MS,IR, etc. Vacuum apparatus, microelectronics and related phenomena. LANGUAGE The official language of the Conference is ENGLISH. REQUIREMENTS FOR ABSTRACT Abstracts should be understandable in detail with no more than two pages and not less than 400 words in English and must be sent as two original prints and two CD copies by September 11, 2006 to the Conference Seceteriat. Abstracts must be typed in an A4 page (2.5 cm margins on all sides), written in a PC compatible computer with MS Word using font Times New Roman size 12 with single spacing. Title of abstract should be centered and written with bold letters. Leaving a space beneath the title, authors' names should be written again followed by a space and their titles, affiliations and addresses. Name of author who would submit the presentation must be underlined and communication address must be written separately. Abstract text should be started after leaving two blank lines from the address line. IMPORTANT DATES Preregistration November 10, 2006 Notifications acceptance December 13, 2006 Deadline for registration June 16, 2007 Deadline for paper submission for publication September 14, 2007 Conference September 12-14, 2007 REGISTRATION FORM Name:......................................... Tıtle: ......................................... Gender :....................................... Affiliation (Name of University/Company etc) ...................................................................................... ..................................................................................... Adress for correspondence: ................................. Name(s) of accompanying person(s): .................. Participant (250 Euro per person, 300 Euro after 16/06/07) Accompanying person 180 Euro per person, 230 Euro after 16/06/07) Total (Euro) : ...................... It covers registration, participation in alll scientific sessions, abstracts of papers to be presented, coffee/tea during break, lunches and reception including conference dinner and soft drink as well as conference tour. Bank Account: Devrim Balköse Türkiye İş Bankası Narlıdere Branch IBAN: TR71000640000023435 0447076. SWIFT:ISBKTRXXX For accomodation information please visit web site of conference.
CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT TECHNIQUES CONFERENCE STEERING COMMITTEE Prof. Zulfiqur Ali, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK Prof. Dr. Devrim Balköse, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey Prof. Dr. Hassan Barkia, École Normale Supérieure, Rabat, Morocco Prof. Dr. Larbi Belkbir, Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco Prof. Dr. M’barek Ben Chanaa, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakesh, Morocco Dr. Grzegorz W.Chądzyński (vice-chairman), University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland Prof. Dr. Th. Gast, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Dr. S. Amarasiri A. Jayaweerea, (co-cahirman) School of Science and Technology, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, TS1 BA, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 1642-710973, Fax: +44 (0) 1642-342401, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Jemal, Université de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia Prof. Dr. Jürgen U. Keller, Universität Siegen, Siegen, Germany Dr. ir. Carel H. Massen, Technische Universiteit, Eindhoven, Netherlands Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Poulis, Technische Universiteit, Eindhoven, Netherlands Ing., hon. Prof. UMCS Erich Robens, (co-chairman) Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany. Address: Schlesierstr. 5 D-61381 Friedrichsdorf, Tel: +49-6172-7785584 Prof. Dr. Piotr Staszczuk (vice-chairman), Uniwersytet Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, PL Prof. Dr. Valentin A. Tertykh, Ukrainian Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine ORGANISING COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Semra Ülkü, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir Prof. Dr. Devrim Balköse, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fehime Özkan, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir CONTACT ADRESS IZMIR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Engineering Faculty Department of Chemical Engineering Gülbahçe Köyü-Urla-Izmir/TURKEY Prof. Devrim BALKÖSE Tel:+90-232-7506642 Fax:+90-232-7506645 Assoc. Prof. Fehime Özkan Tel:+90-232-7506644 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT Burcu Alp XXXI. INTERNATIONAL VACUUM MICROBALANCE TECHNIQUES CONFERENCE September 12-14, 2007 Engineering Faculty Department of Chemical Engineering Gülbahçe Köyü-Urla-Izmir/TURKEY