Related Events Surrounding the Black Hills Dakota Sioux Uprising of 1862 Annuities never came Sand Creek Massacre (1864) “The foulest and most unjustified crime in the annals of America.” Red Cloud’s War (1866-68) Fetterman Fight
Bozeman Trail, 1863-1869 Trails across Powder River Basin … Gold discovered Montana …
Fort Laramie Treaty, 1868 established … [1] Established the Great Sioux Reservation of 1868 [2] Shuts down military forts & travel along Bozeman Trail [3] Rights in Unceded Territory [4] Established a mission, school, annuities, tools for farming, etc. [5] Army will secure Black Hills
Great Sioux Reservation of 1868
Settling the West – Railroads In response to the video – “America the Story of US: HeartLand” – complete the questions on the worksheet. Settling the West – Railroads Time Zones – established to coordinate railroad travel American Railway Association (1883)
Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 Historians disagree!!! Did Custer trespass within the Black Hills? Can the U.S. construct roads / military bases on Black Hills? Did the Lakota understand this? Was this added later? Treaty allowed for construction of roads or “other works” upon reservation lands.
Custer Expedition of 1874 Purpose: To find location of appropriate military base. Scout location of future railroads. Confirm presence of gold (Panic of 1873).
Custer Expedition, 1874
Custer Expedition, 1874: (1) Summarize, what happened? (2) Why was this an atypical military expedition?
Handout – Custer Expedition Answer questions, writing down topic phrase and the answers only: (1) Course concepts: What concepts from our class could we use to describe events contained in the handout? (2) Custer’s 1874 unusual Expedition: Summarize, who was taken along on this military expedition, and what was different about this “military expedition?” (3) Summarize the Expedition: What happened during the expedition: what did Custer do, where was gold discovered, etc? (4) Our Nation’s Leaders Response: What was the response of leaders of our country – President Grant, General Sheridan, to this expedition, and what did they encourage to be done about the “Black Hills issue?”
- How did the Custer Expedition of 1874 change forever the history of the Black Hills? Discovery of Gold Custer Expedition found flakes – in Hill City, Sheridan, and Pactola, but never a “bonanza.” 1874 and 1875, settlers flood the Black Hills General Crook & U.S. Army kicks them out. 1875, maybe 1,500 settlers throughout Black Hills.
Black Hills Gold Rush, 1874-77 Jenney-Newton Expedition … 1875, President Grant does not enforce securing Black Hills. July, 1876, an estimated 15,000 settlers in the Hills. “Custer Minute Men …”
Great Sioux Reservation of 1868 By Jan. 31, 1876: All Lakotas ordered to report to Agency head-quarters … “Custer Minute Men …”
Black Hills Gold Rush, 1874-77 Deadwood and Whitewood Creeks in the northern Black Hills … “… each spade of earth revealed a veritable fortune in gold.” The discovery of the northern deposits … The establishment at Deadwood …
Homestake Mine … Would eventually produce 10% of the world’s gold supply over the next 125 years.
Black Hills Gold Rush, 1874-77 Establishment of Rockerville … Establishment of Rapid City …